Accessibility Working Group Index

Accessibility Working Group Index

Space Index

0-9 ... 8 A ... 157 B ... 0 C ... 6 D ... 5 E ... 0
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Page: 2.01 and 2.1 Accessibility Testing Protocol
Background. This is a protocol for testing Sakai 2.0.1 RC3 accessibility, code accuracy, and, to a limited degree, functionality. In particular, Sakai will evaluated for compliance with Section 508 requirements plus WCAG 1.0 Priority One and Two guideline
Page: 2.2 Accessibility Testing
This is an archive copy of an accessibility review performed for the Sakai 2.2 release. The results from this review are available on the Sakai 2.2 Accessibility Review Results http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/2.2+Results page. Accessibilit
Page: 2.2 Results
This is where the results of Sakai 2.2 accessibility testing are posted (as attachments). Tools reviewed and posted thus far: Portal, chat, schedule, and drop box.
Page: 2.2 Testing Protocol
Here is the protocol for 2.2 accessibility testing. The complete document with screen shots and a sample form is contained in Attachments. Background. This is a protocol for testing Sakai 2.2 accessibility, code accuracy, and, to a limited degree, functio
Page: 2.2 Tools List
Here is a list of Sakai 2.2 tools, indicating which we hope to test this round and which we have tested previously. In summary, we will attempt to test all tools in the enterprise bundle, common tools outside of the bundle, and several provisional tools (
Page: 2.3 Accessibility Review
This is the parent page for Sakai 2.3 Accessibility Testing, which has been completed. Special thanks are due to Mary Stores and Patrick at Indiana University who conducted 24 JAWS reviews, and to their supervisor Margaret Londergan for making their time
Page: 2010 Closed Sakai 2.x Accessibility Jira Tickets
Contents Resolved / Closed Accessibility Jira Tickets for 2010 Closed - Could Not Reproduce Closed - Non-Issue Closed - Will Not Fix Acceptable workaround - user can enter date manually Acceptable workaround - user can enter date manually I am going to go
Page: 2011 Closed Sakai 2.x Accessibility Jira Tickets
Contents Resolved / Closed Accessibility Jira Tickets for 2010 Closed - Could Not Reproduce None Closed - Non-Issue None Closed - Will Not Fix None Closed - Incorporated Verified and Closed Patch supplied may not fully address the issue - just provides a


Page: Accessibility
Sakai 2.5 is accessible to persons using adaptive technology, although it has several issues we are addressing for the next version. 1. Frames. Sakai currently separates tool titles from content, resulting in each tool page being presented in two frames.
Page: Accessibility Fixes from Sakai 2.7 to be Backported to 2.6.x
This page is to capture discussion about accessibility fixes that have been applied to Sakai 2.7, to see if they can be applied to Sakai 2.6.x {float:side=right|width=300px|margin=1em|padding=0.4em 0.4em 0.4em 0} {toc:indent=1em|style=decimal} {float} Fix
Page: Accessibility Resources Listing
Quick Starts Looking for a good place to start? Try these: WCAG2 How to Meet WCAG 2.0 checklists http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/ WebAIM http://webaim.org/ - WebAIM is a great place to learn about web accessibility from the perspective of people wit
Page: Accessibility Reviews and Recommendations
This section contains accessibility reviews for the 2.01 (508 and WCAG 1.0) and 2.1 (JAWS) releases. Please see the attachment for a summary of work to date.
Page: Accessibility Testing Tools
Here are some tools you can use to evaluate web site accessibility. Online Web Accessibility Evaluators These tools allow you to enter a web address (URL) for single-page checking. WAVE http://wave.webaim.org/ Functional Accessibility Evaluator http://fae
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference dd
Attending: Mat Clare, Brock University Neal C, Apereo Chris L., Duke Jeff P., NYU Kyle P, NYU Matt J, Longsight Rob E., NYU Tiffany S. UVa Agenda: FYI: 11.3 shipped. Sakai 11.3 has 176 improvements [2] including: 33 fixes for Samigo (aka Test and Quizzes
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-09-2014
Attending: Matt Clare, Gonzalo Silverio, Joe Humbert, Neal Caidin Agenda: Sakai 10 Planning Proposals are as sub-pages in - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86770615 https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpage.action
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-10-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Mary Stores Scott Williams Sakai 2.9.x 2.9 Accessibility Help Documentation Drafted by Jane and Gonzalo The draft of accessibility help document has been sent to the group by Jane and Gonzalo. Between now and the next teleconference,
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-12-12
Attendees Scott Williams - University of Michigan Joe Humbert - Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Brian Richwine - Indiana University Bloomington Mary Stores - Indiana University Bloomington Donna Goodin - University of Michigan Gonzalo Si
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-13-2011
Sakai Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes January 13, 2011 Attendees Scott Williams, Michigan State University Mike Elledge, Michigan State University Mark Hale, Iowa State University Brian Richwine, Indiana University Bloomington Mary Stores, Indiana
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-14-2010
Sakai Teleconference 01-16-2010 Meeting notes taken by Mary Stores Attendees: Joe Humbert, IUPUI Lucy Greco, UC Berkley Sean Keagan; Scott Williams, UM Brian Richwine, IU Eli Cochran, Berkley Mary Stores Accessibility statement and goals discussion: First
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-23-2014
Attending: Matt Clare Joe Humbert Regrets: Neal Caidin Agenda: Sakai 10 Planning Release notes - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86245732 https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86245732 PMC d
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-24-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Neal Caidin Scott Williams Mary Stores Sakai 2.9.x 2.9 Accessibility Help Documentation Drafted by Jane and Gonzalo Scott and Walt took a look at the draft of the help documentation, although Walt took a look at an older version. Wal
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-26-2012
Attendees Scott Williams - University of Michigan Joe Humbert - IUPUI Mary Stores - Indiana University Bloomington Gonzalo Silverio - University of Michigan Sakai 2.9 Update the test server is updated to 2.9 beta 1. All information is refreshed. Standard
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 01-27-2011
Attendees Mary Stores, Indiana University Bloomington Brian Richwine, Indiana University Bloomington Joe Humbert, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Gonzalo Silverio, Michigan State University Scott Williams, Michigan State University Jira
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 02-07-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Neal Caidin (in absentia) Sakai 2.9.x Release Team Meeting 2.9.1 will be released within the next week 2.9.2 planning will begin a week following the release All of the accessibility issues marked for 2.9.1 have been fixed and merged
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 02-09-2012
Attendees Scott Williams - University of Michigan Joe Humbert - IUPUI Mary Stores - Indiana University Bloomington Gonzalo Silverio - University of Michigan Donna Goodin - University of Michigan IU Student Update on Sakai 2.9 Review Status of 2.9 Release
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 02-11-2010
Sakai Accessibility Working Group Teleconference February 11, 2010 - Notes by Mary Stores Attendees: Brian Richwine, Indiana University Gonzalo Silverio, University of Michigan Mike Elledge, Michigan State University Scott Williams, University of Michigan
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 02-20-2014
Agenda: Follow-Up on Signup introduction session What's New for Sakai 10, my release notes so far: Work welcoming SignUp and Roster2 New Customize Tabs re-order dialogue in Preferences. Sakai sends the correct language property and doesn't confuse screen
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 02-21-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Neal Caidin Gonzalo Silverio Sakai 2.9.x Release Team Meeting 2.9.1 was released on February 12, 2013 2.9.2 planning has started Released date targeted for End of April or early May Neil will determine areas of focus in the next few
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 02-24-2011
Attendees Mike Elledge Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Mary Stores Brian Richwine Sakai 2.8 Review Gonzalo has done work for the list navigator buttons, e.g. the buttons that use the < and > symbols. Scott has been doing accessibility reviews, but he cannot
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-06-2014
Attending: Matt Clare Joe Humbert Neal Caidin Gonzalo Silverio Agenda: Follow-Up on Signup tests being sent Patches might not be possible No form labels!?!?! Yes. Many more issues... Scripts from Yale: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B62T4ILQT9jmX1BWVW1
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-07-2013
Attendees Gonzalo Silverio Mary Stores Neal Caidin Scott Williams Joe Humbert Any Other Business Accessibility Certification (NFB) Neil did some research and found out that there is a European body similar to the NFB that can certify a specific level of a
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-08-12
Attendees Scott Williams Joe Humbert Mary Stores Gonzalo Silverio Sakai 2.9 Updates The current release is still in Beta 2. Joe will try to input Jiras from the past accessibility review. He will try and update the test server this upcoming weekend. Data
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-10-2011
Attendees Gonzalo Silverio - University of Michigan Amy Greenbaum - Miami of Ohio Joe Humbert - IUPUI Brian Richwine - IUB Scott Williams - University of Michigan Mike Elledge - University of Michigan Student Tester - Indiana University Bloomington Mary S
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-11-2010
Sakai Accessibility Working Group Teleconference March 11, 2010 - Notes by Eli Cochran Attendees: Brian Richwine, Indiana University Gonzalo Silverio, University of Michigan Eli Cochran, University of California, Berkeley Lucia Greco, University of Califo
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-15-12
Attendees Donna Goodin Joe Humbert Mary Stores OAE Accessibility Review The OAE review was supposed to take off a few weeks ago, but no one could make it to the meeting. The official kickoff was last week to start testing. The goal is to review the high p
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-20-2014
Attending: Matt Clare Gonzola Neal Caidin Joe Agenda Datepickers Samigo and Time limit groups / Roster Groups updates and privacy implications (ongoing) Question about Samigo / Zoomtext Universitat de Lleida contacted Matt Clare on Feb https://cv.udl
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-21-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Neal Caidin Mary Stores Agenda Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review A11y Jiras that need testing/review Jira issues the AWG needs to review: SAK-22031 - Accessibility: Provide Accessibility page descriptions - https://jira
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-22-12
Attendees Joe Humbert, IUPUI Indiana University student Eli Cochran, UC Berkeley Scott Williams, University of Michigan Agenda Sakai OAE Background on OAE review OAE v1.1 review Testing Updates Issues/ concerns Update on walkthrough scripts Other OAE work
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-24-2011
Attendees Walt Stover Scott Williams Alan Berg Brian Richwine Mary Stores Joe Humbert 3rd party accessibility certification The Sakai Accessibility Working Group (WG) has created a list of companies that could do web accessibility certifications. A couple
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-25-2010
Sakai Accessibility Working Group Teleconference Meeting Minutes from March 25, 2010 Meeting notes taken by Mary Stores Attendees Eli Cochran, UC Berkley Gonzalo Silverio, MSU Joe Humbert IUPUI Brian Richwine, IUB Mary Stores, IUB Jira Ticket Resolution G
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-29-12
Attendees Joe Humbert, IUPUI Brian Richwine, Indiana University Mary Stores, Indiana University Agenda Sakai OAE OAE v1.1 review Testing Updates Issues/ concerns Update on walkthrough scripts Other OAE work Auto complete Headings Non-unique links Skip nav
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 03-29-2012
Attendees Mary Stores Brian Richwine Joe Humbert OAE Review Testing of Functional Areas Joe received an e-mail from Scott, who is still testing functional areas. Because Scott has been on vacation, testing won't get done until next week. He still intends
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-03-2014
Attending: Matt Clare Neal Caidin Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Agenda: Updates on ongoing communications Improving the forums tool Still there https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-25154 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-2
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-04-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Neal Caidin Agenda Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review A11y Jiras that need testing/review Jira issues the AWG needs to review: PRFL-640 - Accessibility label for wall is identical to the kudos label - https://jira.sakai
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-05-2012
Attendees Keli Amann Brian Richwine Gonzalo Silverio Joe Humbert Mary Stores IU Student Eli Cochran OAE Review Scott has partially tested the top navigation. He has used both JAWS and WindowEyes. Draft results have been posted. Joe has been working on the
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-07-2011
Attendees Mike Elledge - Michigan State university Brian Richwine - Indiana University Bloomington Mary Stores - Indiana University Bloomington Gonzalo Silverio - University of Michigan Joe Humbert - Indiana University / Purdue University Indianapolis Tel
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-08-2010
Sakai Accessibility and Usability Working Group Teleconference April 8, 2010 Attendees: Brian Richwine, IUB Mike Elledge, University of Michigan Mary Stores, IUB Margaret Londergan, IUB Apple Suwannawut, IUB Scott Williams UM Eli Cochran, UC Berkeley Joe
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-12-2012
Attendees Brian Richwine Joe Humbert Mary Stores Gonzalo Silverio Sakai OAE 1.2 and 1.3 Releases Both were discussed on the OAE developer's call this week. Final testing of v1.2 is currently being done. The release candidate hopefully will be out by Frida
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-18-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Agenda Any Other Business Sakai A11y Help Documentation Discussion of progress on updating Sakai a11y help documentation Update from Gonzalo https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mL-9tzFGDfx9YVG7YJu_RS9LW8rPRLiLefi0
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-20-2012
Attendees Scott Williams Jane Vincent Gonzalo Silverio Mary Stores Joe Humbert Sakai OAE OAE Review The OAE review is continuing. It has been extended through the first or second week in May. The v1.3 release has been delayed. Bert Perin, who runs the d
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-21-2011
Attendees Mike Elledge - Michigan State University Scott Williams - Michigan State University Brian Richwine - Indiana University Bloomington Mary Stores - Indiana University Bloomington Gonzalo Silverio ARIA markup and Voiceover Concerns In the previous
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-22-2010
Sakai Accessibility and Usability Teleconference April 22, 2010 Attendees: Mary Stores Brian Richwine Scott Williams Apple Suwannawut Gonzalo Silverio Sean Keagan Jira Ticket Activity Due to a busy semester, Scott has only done one Jira ticket. Regarding
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 04-26-2012
Attendees Scott Williams Mary Stores Brian Richwine Sakai CLE For Sakai CLE they skipped b04 and went directly to b05. The server will be upgraded today. There have been a few fall-backs: The skip navigation is broken and a few other things. Brian will do
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-01-2014
Attending: Matt Clare Gonzalo Silverio Neal Caidin Agenda: Stanford to commission an a11y audit - Keli Sato Amann Sakai 10 default skin changes to focus rendering needs a small audit. Focus changes: sites pull down, tools Trunk tomorrow JIRAs
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-02-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Neal Caidin Agenda Any Other Business Sakai A11y Help Documentation Discussion of progress on updating Sakai a11y help documentation Joe added Gonzalo's draft to the AWG wiki. He also made numerous edits and additi
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-03-12
Attendees Brian Richwine Scott Williams Gonzalo Silverio OAE Review Great News! Jane Vincent (umich) starting to do accessibility testing on OAE using Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) and maybe even Read Write Gold (RWG). Gonzalo reports that work continues
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-06-2010
Sakai Accessibility and Usability Teleconference May 6th, 2010 Attendees Joe Humbert ? Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Apple Suwannawut ? Indiana University Bloomington Mike Elledge ? Michigan State University Brian Richwine ? Indiana Un
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-09-2010
Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes - May 9, 2010 Attendees * Joe Humbert - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis * Apple Suwannawut - Indiana University Bloomington * Mike Elledge - Michigan State University * Brian Richwine - Indiana Uni
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-10-2012
Attendees Scott Williams Joe Humbert Brian Richwine Mary Stores Jane Berliss-Vincent Sakai OAE OAE News 1.2 was released on April 25. For future releases, there will be small issues that will be resolved in a point release later on. Content authoring and
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-20-2010
Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes - May 20, 2010 Attendees Joe Humbert - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Apple Suwannawut - Indiana University Bloomington Mike Elledge - Michigan State University Brian Richwine - Indiana University
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-24-2012
Attendees Scott Williams Eli Cochran Mary Stores Joe Humbert Sakai OAE OAE 1.3 News There are bug bashes going on for the 1.3 Release candidate, which will definitely be released before the Sakai conference on June 10. There will be a much longer time aft
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-30-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Neal Caidin Agenda Any Other Business Sakai A11y Help Documentation The Help documentation version 1.0 has been finished The help documentation for Sakai and Oncourse are begin updated https://jira.sakaiproject.org/
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 05-31-2012
Attendees Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Mary Stores Scott Williams Brian Richwine !! Most of this teleconference was used to discuss the draft Sakai OAE v1.1 Accessibility Report!! Sakai 2.9 News Gonzalo is going through all the 2.9 issues of accessibility
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 06-02-2011
Attendees Scott Williams Gonzalo Silverio Joe Humbert Brian Richwine Mary Stores Announcements Brian Richwine received the Sakai fellowship. More information can be found here https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/MGT/Sakai+Fellows The rest of the A
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 06-13-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Matt Clare (Brock University) Neal Caidin Agenda Any Other Business New Member on call Matt Clare from Brock University Ontario, Canada His university is looking into WCAG 2.0 AA compliance because of new laws in Ontario Apereo Conf
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 06-27-2014
Attending: Neal Caidin Matt J Matt Clare Joe Humbert Regrets: Gonzalo Silverio Jim Mezzanotte Agenda: Is there a better time to conduct our call? Some time earilier? 12:00 EDT/16:00 UTC has been suggested Options for Sakai audit - is this for $$
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 06-28-2012
Attendees Joe Humbert Mary Stores Brian Richwine Scott Williams Jane Vincent Sakai OAE News IU and Michigan are pausing their initiative to use OAE, so they can re-evaluate their involvement. No one knows precisely why this is occurring. For IU we were to
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 07-12-2012
Attendees Jane Vincent Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Mary Stores Scott Williams Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review It is now possible to sign up for the renewed Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review (2012), which is underway for at least the next four weeks. Joe did
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 07-15-2010
Attendees Gonzalo Silverio Brian Richwine Mary Stores Outstanding JIRA Ticket Items Brian has grouped all FCK editor tickets together. Anthony White has asked Brian to look at a list of items by July 7. There are other JIRA tickets Brian has found that ne
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 07-25-2013
Attendees Matt Clare (new lead) Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Neal Caidin Regrets Scott Williams Agenda Hello from Matt Clare, your new Accessibility Working Group Lead Any other Business CK Editor content creation guidelines STILL need users, accessibilit
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 07-26-2012
Attendees Jane Vincent – University of Michigan Joe Humbert – Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis Gonzalo Silverio – University of Michigan Mary Stores – Indiana University Bloomington Scott Williams – University of Michigan Eric Mitchell
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 07-29-2010
Sakai Accessibility Usability WG Teleconference Minutes July 29, 2010 Attendees Lucy Greco - UC Berkley Mary Stores - Indiana University Bloomington Brian Richwine - Indiana University Bloomington Jira Tickets Review Tickets closed / resolved We have clos
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 07-30-2009
Minutes from Sakai Accessibility Working Group 7-30-09 Attendees: Joshua Hori, UC Davis, (jhori@ucdavis.edu); Scott Williams, University of Michigan, (swims@umich.edu); Gonzalo Silverio, University of Michigan, (gsilver@umich.edu); Mike Elledge, Michigan
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-09-2012
Attendees Mary Stores Joe Humbert Scott Williams Gonzalo Silverio Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release and Accessibility Testing At this weeks Sakai release meeting, multiple features were discussed for inclusion in the next release. The accessibility of these fea
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-09-2013
Attendees Matt Clare Conzalo Neal Caidin Joe Humbert Agenda CK Editor content creation guidelines STILL need users, accessibility experts, and developers to provide examples and heuristics for these guidelines https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-09-2014
Attending Matt Clare 2. Neal Caidin 3. Gonzalo S. Agenda: - Update on review proposal - More about the Sakai test suite https://github.com/asahinet/sakai-test-suite https://github.com/asahinet/sakai-test-suite - at the 508 level (alt tags and related, cou
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-11-11
Attendees Brian Richwine - Indiana University Bloomington Joe Humbert - IUPUI Scott Williams - University of Michigan Gonzalo Silverio - University of Michigan Status of JIRA Tickets Samigo Several critical accessibility JIRAs have been resolved for the S
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-12-2010
Attendees Brian Richwine - Indiana University Mary Stores - Indiana University Gonzalo Silverio - University of michigan Jira Tickets Permissions Brian submitted a new patch, taking Gonzalo's comments and applying them to the patch. Brian hasn't figured o
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-16-2012
Attendees Brian Richwine Joe Humbert Scott Williams Gonzalo Silverio Jane Berliss-Vincent Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release and Accessibility Testing The 2.9.0-b07 (beta 7) will be released today or tomorrow (8-17-2012) There are 10 blocker type Jiras left for
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-22-2013
Attendees Matt Clare Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Regrets Neal Caidin Agenda Any other Business The Release of Sakai 2.9.3 http://bit.ly/current-a11y-jiras http://bit.ly/current-a11y-jiras Access Keys https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-23614 https
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-23-2012
Attendees Joe Humbert Mary Stores Gonzalo Silverio Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release and Accessibility Testing The release team hopes to release 2.9.0 in mid-October to late October which is about 8 weeks away. There will be 2 more beta releases before they put
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-25-2011
Attendees Mary Stores Brian Richwine Joe Humbert Scott Williams JIRAs Drop-Down Menus SAK-11199 - Drop-down menus don't work with Screen Readers (Global) https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-11199 Brian sent an email requesting advice on how to procee
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 08-26-2010
Attendees Gonzalo Silverio Brian Richwine Margaret Londergan Mary Stores LMS (Learning Management System) Webinar The webinar provides an opportunity to speak about Sakai and the progress we've made on accessibility. We can also learn about the accessibil
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 09-03-2013
Attendees Joe Humbert Matt Clare Agenda Working Through More of Brock University's Audit Report on Sakai 2.9.1 Building a public summary at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HTqshl3VqXgxhWNwyaR07xH-n8fJ6uRk8oocRMCKLBs/pub https://docs.google.com/docume
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 09-06-2012
Attendees Joe Humbert Jane Berliss-Vincent Gonzalo Silverio Scott Williams Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release and Accessibility Testing Potential new beta or release candidate release the week of September 10. The group has been continuing to address outstanding
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 09-08-11
Attendees Scott Williams Joe Humbert Brian Richwine Gonzalo Silverio Sakai 2.9 Release Brian sat attended the QA meting for the 2.9 release. They hope to have 2.9 alpha QA server build and first alpha tag cut on September 20. Hopefully before the end of S
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 09-18-2014
Attending: Matt Clare Matt Jones Gonzalo Agenda: - Still looking for measures for https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19124 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19124 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Technique
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 09-20-2012
Attendees Gonzalo Silverio Joe Humbert Jane Berliss-Vincent Mary Stores Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release Most of the Blocker issues for 2.9 have been resolved. Release candidate 01 (2.9.0-rc01) is targeted for September 27th. Multiple accessibility issues for
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 09-23-2010
Atendees Brian Richwine Mary Stores Apple Suwaniwat Accessibility Review for Sakai 2.8 Brian attended the 2.8 release teleconference. There is no Sakai 2.8 QA server or nightly server. Brian is Hoping first release of 2.8 will be tomorrow. Servers will be
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 10-04-2012
Attendees Mary Stores Gonzalo Silverio Joe Humbert Scott Williams Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release Most of the Blocker issues for 2.9 have been resolved, but there are still a few left. 2.9.0-rc01 was released last week Brian updated the Accessibility test ser
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 10-18-2012
Attendees Joe Humbert Neil Caidin Any Other Business Increased Participation Neil Caidin, Community manager for Sakai CLE, attended the call this week. He was hoping to sit in on the group meeting to get a feel for how the AWG conducts its bi-weekly meeti
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 10-20-2011
Attendees Gonzalo Silverio Scott Williams Mary Stores Brian Richwine Joe humbert Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review The first alpha tag has been released for Alpha 2.9. the announcement went out today. The server has been upgraded. Some things have been left
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 10-27-2011
Attendees Scott Williams Brian Richwine Mary Stores Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Indiana University Student Creating A testing Protocol A link to the Firefox comprehensive testing protocol https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.9+Compreh
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-04-2010
h1 Sakai Teleconference 11/04/10 Attendees One IU student tester Joe Humbert Brian Richwine Mary Stores Gonzalo Silverio Updates and Jira Activity 2.8 is being released, along with another alpha release. Removing Blur Brian tried to get all the on calls f
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-05-2009
Sakai Accessibility Working Group Conference Minutes 11-05-2009 Attendees Scott Williams (UMich), Mike Elledge (MSU), Eli Cochran(UC Davis), Brian Richwine (IU), Joe Humbert (IU), Margaret Londergan (IU), Mary Stores (IU). Notes Notes taken by Mary Stores
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-08-2012 (moved from Nov 1)
Attendees Joe Humbert Scott Williams Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release 2.9.0 was released on November 9th, 2012 The release team plans on pushing out a 2.9.1 maintenance release that will focus on merging issues that didn't make it into 2.9.0 This release will
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-10-2011
Attendees Scott Williams Joe humbert Mary Stores 2.9 Testing Scott has had his hands full with Google testing. He did additional testing for an ATHEN study. He did travel to a sattellite campus to help a user who has had difficulty using Forums with JAWS.
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-14-2013
Attending: Matt Clare Joe Humbert Agenda: Here's what we have now, I'd be happy to see more added: Indiana's Greasmonkey scripts to help with the accessibility of Forums https://iu.box.com/s/ab03qs8hz316h3spy6wo https://iu.box.com/s/ab03qs8hz316h3
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-15-2012
Attendees Neil Caidin Mary Stores Joe Humbert Jane Vincent Scott Williams Gonzalo Silverio Julie Prianos & coworkers - Illinois State University Sakai 2.9 Sakai 2.9 Release 2.9.0 was released on November 9th, 2012 The release team plans on pushing out a 2
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-19-2009
(Notes taken by Mary Stores) Attendees: Mary Stores - IU Joe Humbert - IUPUI Margaret Londergan - IU Brian Richwine - IU Eli Corcoran - UC Berkley Sean Keegan - Stanford Mike Elledge - MSU Protocol Development Brian added a child page for protocol develop
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-29-2012
Attendees Neil Caidin Mary Stores Joe Humbert Gonzalo Silverio Sakai 2.9.x 2.9 Accessibility Help Documentation Gonzalo looked over the Desire2Learn Accessibility Documentation suggested by Brian as a model He liked the structure and tone The University o
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 12-01-11
Attendees Joe Humbert Brian Richwine Mary Stores IU Student Gonzalo Silverio JAWS Bugs In IE, JAWS reads links with visibility.hidden but they are not read in Firefox In Firefox, if form controls are hidden, JAWS reads the titles Freedom Scientific is loo
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 12-11-2014
Attending: Matt Clare Neal Caidin We'll be using Apereo's Calliflower account for this call Default Dial-in Number:+1-323-375-2185 Conference Code: 8600146 Find a Dial in number in your city:https://apps.calliflower.com/account/call_in_numbers?organiz
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 12-12-2013
Attending: Matt Clare, Neal Caidin, Gonzalo, Joe Humbert Agenda: Sakai 10 Planning trunk = Sakai 10 Proposals are as sub-pages in - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86770615 https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpa
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 12-13-2012
Attendees Neal Caidin Gonzalo Silverio Jane Vincent Brian Richwine Joe Humbert Mary Stores Scott Williams Sakai 2.9.x 2.9 Accessibility Help Documentation The draft of accessibility help document has been sent to the group by Jane and Gonzalo. The group a
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 12-17-2009
Sakai Accessibility Usability Teleconference Minutes from December 17, 2009 These notes were taken by Mary Stores. Attendees: Sean Keegan - Stanford Joe Humbert - Indiana University, Purdue University Indianapolis Mary Stores - Indiana University Blooming
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for December 9, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare Tiffany Stull (University of Virginia) Karen McPhaul (Durham Tech Comm College) Candace Girard (Tufts University) Neal Caidin (Apereo Foundation/ Sakai) Agenda: rA11y Plan Update. - Final update before accepting one of tw
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for February 3, 2016
Attending Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation / Sakai Matt Clare, Brock University Matt Jones, Longsight Tiffany Stull, University of Virginia Eric M., NYU John Kethcne., Johnson Rob Egan , NYU Agenda: - Recap from SakaiCamp 22~23 people attended Sakai Campers
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for for Wednesday July 20, 2016 and August 3, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University (July 20 & August 3) Neal Caidin, Apereo (August 3) Tiffany Stull, U. Va (July 20 & August 3) Shanghyun Jeon, Claremont Colleges (August 3) Agenda: rA11y work Let's review what we can during this call. 453 instances
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday April 12, 2017
Attending: Matt Clare BrockU, Neal Caidin Apereo, Ron and others ISU, NYU crew, Tiffany Stull UVa Sanghyun(Pomona) Agenda: Sakai releases Sakai 12 schedule (from https://groups.google.com/a/apereo.org/forum/#!topic/sakai-pmc/7vJh0EWqxFQ https://
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday April 13, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Candace Girard Tiffany Stull Rob Egan rA11y Update: Are we ready to get a final update to http://qa03-sakai.marist.edu:8080/portal http://qa03-sakai.marist.edu:8080/portal and turn it over to SSB?
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday April 27, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation/ Sakai Tiffany Stull, U.Va. Chris Lorch, Duke Dave E., JohnsonU Matt Jones, Longsight and old person rA11y Update: Turned over http://qa03-sakai.marist.edu:8080/portal http://qa03
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday August 17, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Shawn, Karen , Neal C. , Matt J., Agenda: Review and organization of rA11y JIRAs: Can we made these grouped by task, tool, or scope so that we could begin assigning work? Can we make the work bite-sized and/or approachab
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday August 31, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare (Brock University) Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Tiffany Stull (U.Va.) Karen McPhaul (Durham Tech) Sanghyun Jeon (Pomona college - Claremont colleges) Agenda Blog post: https://www.sakaiproject.org/news/20160822-sa
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday February 17, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Neal Caidin,Dave Eveland, John Ketchen, Tiffany Stull. Laurie UVa, Matt J, Rob E, Karen M., Agenda: Final list of items to be reviewed by SSB Bart for rA11y. Working list [Google Sheet] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eOazGv
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday January 20, 2016
Attending: Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation / Sakai Matt Clare, Brock University +2 at least Agenda: Recap on rA1y, and scope (see previous minutes: https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Accessibility+WG+Teleconference+Minutes+for+Wednesd
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday January 6, 2016
Attending: Neal C., Apereo Foundation/ Sakai Matt Clare, Brock University Tiffany Stull, University of Virginia Varun Khanna, Pepperdine University Candace Girard, Tufts University Yuanhua Qu, Texas State University Agenda: rA11y
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday July 7, 2016
Matt Clare, Brock University Neal Caidin, Apereo Shawn Faster, Western University Karen McPhaul, Durham Tech Agenda: rA11y work SAWG review code/label Google Sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B-BQ3X9QwvEsEZLRcwLGfiTWTUxINloXkrVRVwHylwU/edit?
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday June 22, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Rob Egan Tiffany Stull (U.Va.) Neal Caidin (Apereo/Sakai) Matt Jones, Longsight Agenda: Review rA11y Plan results distribution plan: Current plan: 1. SAWG review code/l
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday June 8, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare Neal Caidin Tiffany Stull Candace Girard Rob Egan rA11y Plan - Review accessibility plan Receive SSB Bart audit results (E-Mail if you don't have access now) Begin verification and triage process Summary Google Seet https://docs.goog
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday March 1, 201
Attending: Mat Clare, Brock University Neal C, Apereo Chris L., Duke Jeff P., NYU Kyle P, NYU Matt J, Longsight Rob E., NYU Tiffany S. UVa Agenda: FYI: 11.3 shipped. Sakai 11.3 has 176 improvements [2] including: 33 fixes for Samigo (aka Test and Qui
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday March 15, 2017
Attending: Matt Clare, Adam H., Jeff P., Kyle B., Amy N., Dave E., SAm O. , Matt J. Regrets: Neal Caidin Agenda: Follow-Up on Offer from NYU for hours from an accessibility/usability firm, TPG. We're working to plan a workshop on developing for pro
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday March 16, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Karen McPhaul (Durham Tech) Tiffany Stull (UVa) Agenda: Brief rA11y Update: Final Scope submitted (still at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eOazGv8Ff_Y1l4wZR2H6
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday March 2, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare Tiffany Stull (UVa) Karen McPhaul (Durham Tech) Dave Eveland (JU) Rob Egan (NYU) Agenda: Final list of items to be reviewed by SSB Bart for rA11y. Working list [Google Sheet] https://docs.google.com
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday March 29, 2017
Attending: Neal C. (Apereo), Matt C., Sanghyun (Pomona) David E. (Johnson U.) Terry Golightly (Johnson U.) Tiffany Stull (UVA) Jeff Pasch (NYU) Kyle Blythe (NYU) (plus others) Agenda: Sakai 12 Schedule, delayed (new sche
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday March 30, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Candace, Tufts Rob Egan, NYU Karen McPhaul, Durham Tech Tiffany Stull, University of Virginia Regrets: Neal Caidin, Apereo Agenda: Sakai 11: Finish going over the accessibility review fro
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday May 11, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Chris Lorch, Duke Tiffany Stull, U.Va. We have a Slack channel for accessibility across Apereo https://apereo.slack.com/messages/accessibility/ https://apereo.slack.com/messages/access
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday October 12, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare Rob Egan Shawn Neal Caidin Apereo/Sakai Matt Jones Neal/Caidin Agenda: rA11y Update: SSB reviewing current JIRA status to provide cost and time estimates for issuing a compliance statement based on them. Need to create a JIRA to id
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday October 26, 2016
Attending: Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Matt Clare, Brock University Ben Rappleyea, Illinois State University Ron McGettrick, Illinois State University Agenda: rA11y Update: https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan https://confluence.sak
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday September 14, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare (Brock University) Neal Caidin (Apereo / Sakai) Tiffany S (U.Va.) Matt J (Longsight) Shawn F (Western) Agenda: rA11y Update: Longsight confirmed their 30~+ dev hours and asked to have work assigned. Thanks! Bit of a dispute wi
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday September 28, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare (Brock University) Neal Caidin , Apereo / Sakai Shawn, Western University Matt J, Longsight Agenda: rA11y Update: Still looking for community contributions. rA11y JIRAs: Updates and plans for work. Matt clare to add some of the meta
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes November 11, 2015
Attending: Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation/ Sakai Matt Clare, Brock University Matt Jones? Karen McPhaul, Durham Tech Agenda: Sakai Skin contest Here's UNC's skin quick analysis http://www.screencast.com/t/hUO93ygrXQ5 http://www.screencast.com
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes November 22 and December 7, 2016
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Terry Golightly, Johnson University Trisha Gordon, University of Virginia Tiffany Stull, University of Virginia Sanghyun Jeon, Pomona College Agenda: UVa enhancements to Tests and Q
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes October 28, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare Tiffany Stull Neal Caidin Candace Girard Agenda: Join us this week via BigBlueButton rA11y Plan Update Groups in the running: Deque Systems, Inc.: Is preparing a scope of work (They're at EDUCAUSE and want to say hi to someone) SSB b
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday April 16, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare Neal Caidin Gonzalo +1 Agenda: When should we meet next? Thursday's at 2:00 Eastern still a good idea? Let us know on Doodle http://doodle.com/ubp9ykat485afpas http://doodle.com/ubp9ykat485afpas RAlly Plan update Descritpi
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday April 2, 2015
Attending: Matt C. Neal C. Matt J Agenda: RAlly Plan update Descritpion and update here https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan Updates are funding success Talking to ve
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday February 19, 2015
Attending: Neal, Gonzalo, Mr. Clare, Mr. Jones Agenda: The ra11y plan (plan to audit Sakai, fix accessibility issues, get VPAT and WCAG 2 cert) Now on Confluence rA11y Plan JIRAs: All from Longisght Audit, which has now been fully reported https://docs
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday February 5, 2015
Attending: Neal, Gonzalo, Mr. Clare Agenda Items for Audit/Review of Sakai - Where we are with prep for audit - We’ve been given permission to publicly share the report from Longsight https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/download/attachments/491
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday January 22, 2015
Attending: Neal C. , Apereo/Sakai Matt Clare, Brock University Agenda Items for Audit/Review of Sakai - Where we are with prep for audit - We’ve been given permission to publicly share the report from Longsight https://confluence.sakaipr
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday January 8, 2015
Attending: Neal C. - Apereo/Sakai Lori Kressin - Lurking from Univ. of Virginia Matt Clare - Brock University Gonzalo We're using Apereo's Calliflower account for this call Default Dial-in Number:+1-323-375-2185 or Skype calliflowerskype Conferenc
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday June 25, 2015
Attending: Janet Hill Matt Clare Wilma Hodges Leila Sharma (sorry if I missed your name) Regrets: Neal Caidin Adam Marshall Matt Jones Agenda: Meeting time Matt C can't make it to the following meeting time of Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 EDT, 2015 ( Thu Jul 9 18:0
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Thursday March 6, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare Matt Jones Kyle Blyth, NYU Jim Mezzanotte, Asahi Neal Caidin, Apereo / Foundation Regrets: Gonzalo Silverio Agenda: New time for our calls? Once we move to Sakai-dev@apereo.... look for a new call time? - Last week in M
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday April 26, 2017
Attending: Matt C., Neal C., Sam O., Jeff P., Kyle B., Ben and others from ISU, Matt J., Shawn F. Agenda: rA11y Update: Very close to being completed. Full list of issues here: https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan#rA11yPlan-Fu
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday August 19, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Neal Caidin, Apereo/Sakai Rob Egan, NYU Karen McPhaul, Durham Tech. Agenda: rA11y Plan Update https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/disp
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday August 4, 2015
Agenda: rA11y Plan Update Invitations to contribute will be going out this week. https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan Recording of June Webinar https://www.yo
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday August 5, 2015
Agenda: rA11y Plan Update Invitations to contribute will be going out this week. https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan Recording of June Webinar https://www.y
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday February 1, 2017
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Tiffany Stull, UVa Karen McPhaul (durham Tech) Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Matt Jones, Longsight Sam Ottenhoff, Longsight Sanghyun Jeon, Pomona College Amy Netzel (Durham Tech) Agenda: Issues: Sakai 11.3, Sakai 12.
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday January 18, 2017
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University (From OCADu today, home of the Fluid Project) Neal Caidin, Apereo / Sakai Ron, Ben and others from ISU Matt Jones Longsight Agenda: Minor technical difficulties moved us from Brock University Etherpads to Google Doc
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday July 22, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare Neal Caidin Matt Jones Kyle Blythe Rob Egan Agenda: New time and maybe some new people Every other Wednesday at 1:00 Eastern How's that sound? rA11y Plan Update Invitations to contribute will be going out next week. https://
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday May 17, 2017
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Neal Caidin, Apereo/Sakai Benjamin Rappleyea, Illinois State University Shawn F, Western U Hans Hillen, TPG Kyle Blythe, NYU Ron McGettrick , llinois State University Jen Berthmann, llinois State University Matt J.,
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday May 31, 2017
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University (you can help by adding your name here, please) Neal Caidin, Apereo/Sakai Tiffany Stull, UVA Jen Bethmann, ISU Dave Eveland, JU Important Upcoming Events Open Apereo: BoF on accessibility, Tuesday June 6th at 11:15
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday October 14, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation/ Sakai Community Coordinator Tiffany Stull, University of Virginia Rob Egan, New York University Karen McPhaul, Durham Tech. Matt Jones, Longsight Agenda: rA11y Plan Update https://c
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday September 2, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare - Brock University Wilma Hodges, Longsight Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation Jennifer Loudiana, Walsh University (listening in) Karen McPhaul (Durham Tech) David E. (NYU) Matt J., Longsight Agenda: rA11y Plan Update https://con
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday September 30, 2015
Attending: Matt Clare, Brock University Norma, NYU Karen McPhaul, Durham Tech Matt Jones, Longsight Agenda: rA11y Plan Update https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/rA11y+Plan We're fun
Page: Accessibility WG Teleconference Wednesday February 15, 2017
Attending Matt Clare, Brock University Jeff Pasch, NYU Terry G., Johnson U. Tiffany S. UVa Kyle b., NYU Hans H. , TPG Matt J., Longsight Agenda Offer from NYU: They have a number of hours from an accessibility/usability firm, TPG. Hoping for a list of JI
Home page: Accessibility Working Group
Skip Navigation Sakai Accessibility Working Group This is an open forum for the purpose of addressing accessibility issues in Sakai. This group is currently focused on developing accessibility goals for Sakai, writing developer guidelines, developing acce
Page: Accessibility Working Group Index
Page: Accessibility Working Group's Accessibility Help Documentation Development
This page was setup to record ideas and for updating Sakai's Accessibility Help Documentation and any resulting tasks to do. Ideas for Sakai 2.7's Help File Update JAWS version information Check if any new JAWS features that aren't mentioned are useful fo
Page: AJAX and Accessibility
This is a section that contains information about AJAX and how to make it accessible.
Page: Aliases
Accessibility Review of the Aliases Tool by John Howard and Mary Stores, Indiana University, Bloomington
Page: Announcements
Accessibility Review of the Announcements Tool by John Howard and Mary Stores, Indiana University, Bloomington
Page: Archive
A place where earlier pages have been placed to reduce main page clutter.
Page: Assignments for 2.0x Accessibility Testing
I have attached a chart showing the assignments for accessibility testing. Confluence does not reformat such documents well.
Page: Assignments, Email Archive, Memory, Presentation, Resources, Sites
Evaluation by Chris Ridpath, ATRC, University of Toronto.
Page: Attachments
Accessibility Review of the Attachments Function by John Howard and Mary Stores, Indiana University, Bloomington



Page: Chat Room
Evaluation by Mike Elledge, University of Michigan.
Page: CK Editor Accessibility Guidelines
!!draft!! These Guidelines are currently in draft and are not complete. Introduction Sakai uses a single consistent editor across all areas where text can be added that is more than a few lines. This editor is based on the most recent stable version of th
Page: CKEditor Accessibility Checker
About CKSource has created an Accessibility Checker https://cksource.com/ckeditor/services#accessibility-checker that lets you inspect the accessibility level of content created in CKEditor and immediately solve any accessibility issues that are found. T
Page: Commonly Seen Accessibility Issues in Sakai 2.x Development
Link Texts SAK-15391 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-15391 - Two links with the same link text (not unique / meaningful) SAK-19359 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19359 - Useful text relating to link outside of link text SAK-19361 https:
Page: Contribute to the Accessibility Working Group
Contributing to the Accessibility Working Group The group is working on developing Sakai's Accessibility Goals, Accessibility Guidelines and Checklists for the Developers and Administrators, Accessibility Testing Protocols, and Accessibility Status Docume
Page: CSUN 2006 Conference
Two presentations were particularly relevant to Sakai, one by Victor Tsaran and Nate Koechley on Yahoo!'s work with accessible DHTML and AJAX and another by IBM's Becky Gibson on JavaScript and AJAX Accessibility. Yahoo! has made a number of their JS widg


Page: Discussion
Accessibility Review of the Discussion Tool by John Howard and Mary Stores, Indiana University, Bloomington
Page: Discussion on Sakai's Use of JavaScript
Page: Discussion page for the 2.9 alternate portal
For examining the Neo Portal (sans chat): http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8085/portal http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8085/portal NOTE: this server is erased and rebuilt every 4 hours. It is rebuilt 12 AM, 4 AM, 8 AM, 12 PM, 4 PM, 8 PM (EDT, or GMT + 5)
Page: Draft Accessibility Statement for Sakai 2
Here is the draft Sakai Accessibility Statement for Sakai 2. Please see the Accessibility Working Group's email list archives http://collab.sakaiproject.org/pipermail/accessibility/ for a history of it's development from November 2009. Thanks to all of th
Page: Drop Box
Evaluation performed by Stephanie Norton, MIT.



Page: Fix for Select Elements with Inaccessible Onchange Events
BACKGROUND Onchange Event Handler Accessibility Issues Many tools in Sakai 2 make use of onchange event handlers on select elements (drop-down lists/menus) to automatically process the change of a setting from a drop down menu without requiring the user t
Page: Forums Sakai 2.9 Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02 / Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14 Sakai Tool: Forums Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Forums Date: 11/13/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment:


Page: Gateway
Gateway contains eight tools: five text-only pages (welcome, about, features, training, and acknowledgements), sites (including search), new account and help. "Welcome" stands as a surrogate for all the text-only tools; changes recommended for it should b
Page: General Background Information
Information about Sakai accessibility: including research, mandate, SEPP member requirements, and guidelines.
Page: General Sakai Accessibility Issues
General Accessibility Issues for Sakai 2.5 and 2.6 Issue Description Page layout The width of the tools menu column increases greatly when the text size is increased, to the detriment of the main content section. It is assumed that this is because the wid


Page: Home (Feb 2009)
This is an open forum for discussing and referencing Sakai accessibility. For a list of current Sakai accessibility issues or to add your own, see the "Accessibility Issues" list in Jira http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/SgE_. If you have a


Page: Index
Page: Information about Assistive Technology
Definition of Assistive Technology Assistive technology includes any piece of equipment, product or system that is used to improve the functional capacities of people with disabilities. Keyboards, screen readers, and screen magnifiers are commonly used f


Page: JAWS Reviews
This section contains results of JAWS testing on Sakai 2.1. The following tools have been tested as of December 1, 2005: Home, Announcements, Chat Room, Gradebook, News, Resources, Roster, Syllabus, Test and Quizzes, Web Content and Wiki. Please note that



Page: Laws/Guidelines
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0 and 2.1) are becoming increasingly adopted into accessibility legislation. Below are links to these guidelines and to government websites describing their accessibility laws. Web Content Accessibility Gu


Page: Meeting 7-30-09
Minutes from Sakai Accessibility Working Group 7-30-09 Attendees: Joshua Hori, UC Davis, (jhori@ucdavis.edu); Scott Williams, University of Michigan, (swims@umich.edu); Gonzalo Silverio, University of Michigan, (gsilver@umich.edu); Mike Elledge, Michigan
Page: Message of the Day--MOTD
Note: Message of the Day has been converted from 4.01 html transitional to xhtml 1.0 transitional code. It also contains a WYSIWYG editor that has had significant code changes. The WYSIWYG editor should be evaluated with adaptive technology (such as a scr
Page: My Profile
Evaluation by Mike Elledge, University of Michigan.


Page: News
Evaluation by Mike Elledge, University of Michigan.


Page: Omnibus Fall 2014 Minutes
Agenda: - https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-22813 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-22813 (new jira - all gradebook headers should be h3 ) h1 reserved for navigation, h2 for portlet titles - Matt open seperate JIRA re heading hierarchy - Ape
Page: Outstanding Sakai 2.x Accessibility Jira Tickets Discussion
This page is to capture discussion about open Sakai 2.x Accessibility Jira Tickets {float:side=right|width=300px|margin=1em|padding=0.4em 0.4em 0.4em 0} {toc:indent=1em|style=decimal} {float} Existing Accessibility Jira Tickets Sakai uses Atlassian's Jira


Page: Past Accessibility Reviews
Below are links to results of accessibility reviews performed on previous versions of Sakai. Sakai 2.2 Accessibility Review http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/2.2+Accessibility+Testing Sakai 2.3 Accessibility Review http://confluence.sakaipro
Page: PC-Sakai 2.5 Plans
06-Jun-2007 The Accessibility Working Group is readying Confluence for the next cycle of accessibility evaluation and testing. The tentative dates for reviewing Sakai 2.4 are from June 23 to July 20, with a kick-off meeting June 23 at 10:30. During the la
Page: Potential Accessibility JIRA Backports to 2.6.x
Page: Potential Accessibility JIRA Backports to 2.7.x



Page: rA11y Plan
RA11y Plan (Review Accessibility Plan) MS Word alternative version - rA11yPlan.docx The RA11Y Plan (Review Accessibility Plan) is an initiative by the Sakai Accessibility Working Group to commission a substantive review of Sakai’s accessibility by an NFB
Page: Request Assistance or Participate in the Accessibility Working Group
The Sakai Accessibility Working Group is always happy to take your questions, perform accessibility evaluations, and to provide design guidance. We also work on developing Sakai's accessibility goals,accessibility guidelines and checklists, accessibility
Page: Resources
Evaluation performed by Stephanie Norton of MIT. Note: this evaluation considered only the "Copy" and "Download Multiple Resources" elements of the Resource tool, since the Dropbox evaluation addresses all other Resource tool functionality.
Page: Resources for Designers/Users
It is important to keep in mind that creating accessible content is not only a legal requirement and the right thing to do; it will also improve the experience of all students or members in your Sakai sites! Sakai Help Documentation Sakai Accessibility/Cr
Page: Resources for Developers
Blogs with Tips Marco's accessibility blog http://www.marcozehe.de/ 456 BEREA St. - Blog with Developer Tips and Resources http://www.456bereastreet.com/ How-To Guides and Tools https://app.asqatasun.org/ https://app.asqatasun.org/ (WIP) A11y Project http


Page: Sakai (12.5) Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a self-disclosing document that explains how accessible a particular product is according to the Revised 508 Standards https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/communications-and-it/about
Page: Sakai 10 Accessibility Review (2014)
<Work in progress!! ready="false"> The Sakai CLE maintains a high level of accessibility and is hopefully one of the reasons why institutions choose Sakai. This has been achieved by keen developers and other contributors as well as time contributed by i
Page: Sakai 2.0+ Accessibility Discussion
Discussion about accessibility in the 2.0 release. See the "General" page for background information about Sakai accessibility.
Page: Sakai 2.3 Accessibility Review Details and Sign-up
This is an archive copy of an accessibility review performed for the Sakai 2.3 release. The results from this review are available on the Sakai 2.3 Accessibility Review Results http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=491
Page: Sakai 2.3 Accessibility Review Meetings and Notes
Scheduled Meetings Date Time Phone Topic(s) Tuesday, Feb 6 10:30 AM 734-647-7898, x2717 Kick-off Meeting Notes
Page: Sakai 2.3 Accessibility Test Protocols
There are three accessibility protocols for Sakai, which in combination help identify accessibility issues and solutions for their resolution. They are: Test Protocol for Firefox Browser and the Firefox Accessibility Extension Test Protocol for the WAVE 3
Page: Sakai 2.3 Accessibility Test Templates
There are two templates for Sakai accessibility testing: one for JAWS reviews and the other for WAVE 3.5/Firefox Accessibility Extension testing. Templates and examples of completed spreadsheets are attached. The JAWS template asks the following questions
Page: Sakai 2.3 Comments and Test Results
This page is for general comments about Sakai 2.3 testing, as well as accessibility test results. Reviews for individual tools are included in the attachments section, as is a summary document for JAWS results. Special thanks to Mary Stores and her collea
Page: Sakai 2.3 Recommendations
Page: Sakai 2.3 Test Protocol--Firefox Accessibility Extension only
Here is the protocol for testing Sakai accessibility using Firefox and the Firefox Accessibility Extension. It is one of three accessibility test protocols for Sakai; another is a test that uses WAVE 3.5 and the third is a test using the JAWS screen reade
Page: Sakai 2.3 Test Protocol--JAWS Screen Reader
Evaluate with JAWS This is a manual review of the usability and accessibility of the page using the JAWS screen reader. Specific keystroke combinations using JAWS commands are shown in parentheses. There are five essential questions that we want to answer
Page: Sakai 2.4 Accessibility Review
This is an archive copy of an accessibility review performed for the Sakai 2.4 release. The results from this review are available on the Sakai 2.4 Accessibility Review Results http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.4+Accessibility+Review
Page: Sakai 2.4 Accessibility Review Meetings and Notes
Scheduled Meetings Date Time Phone Topic(s) Monday, July 2, 2007 10:30 AM 812-856-7060 Kick-off Meetings Dates and Times July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, August 6, 13 @ 10:30 AM EST (Mondays) August 30, September 6, 20, October 4, 18, November 1, 15 @ 2:00 PM EST (
Page: Sakai 2.4 Accessibility Review Results
This page is for summarizing accessibility 2.4 test results and posting evaluations as attachments. Go to the 2.3 test results page for an example http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/Xok of how we've done this in the past. Thanks!
Page: Sakai 2.5 Accessibility Review
This is an archive copy of an accessibility review performed for the Sakai 2.5 release. Accessibility Results for the current version of Sakai can be found on the Sakai Current Accessibility Page http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai%27s+C
Page: Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Information Help Page
This is the Accessibility Information page as included with Sakai 2.6's Help Documentation Accessibility information This page is provided for persons using assistive technology. On this page: Known accessibility issues Tips and tricks for navigation How
Page: Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Review
This is an archive copy of an accessibility review performed for the Sakai 2.6 release. The results from this review are available on the Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Review Results http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.6+Accessibility+Review
Page: Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Review (Feb 2009)
This is an archive copy of an accessibility review performed for the Sakai 2.6 release. The results from this review are available on the Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Review Results http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.6+Accessibility+Review
Page: Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Review Results
This page is for attaching the Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Review evaluations as attachments. Results Please see page attachments (attachments can be found under "Tools").
Page: Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Test Protocols
There are two accessibility protocols for Sakai, which in combination help identify accessibility issues and solutions for their resolution. They are: Sakai 2.6 Test Protocol--Firefox Accessibility Extension Test Protocol for the JAWS Screen Reader.
Page: Sakai 2.6 Accessibility Test Templates
There are two templates for Sakai accessibility testing: one for JAWS reviews and the other for Firefox Accessibility Extension testing. Templates and examples of completed spreadsheets are attached. The JAWS template asks the following questions: Tool *D
Page: Sakai 2.6 Test Protocol--Firefox Accessibility Extension
Here is the protocol for testing Sakai accessibility using Firefox and the Firefox Accessibility Extension. It is one of two accessibility test protocols for Sakai; the other is a test using the JAWS screen reader. A template and a completed form for refe
Page: Sakai 2.6 Test Protocol--JAWS Screen Reader
Evaluate with JAWS This is a manual review of the usability and accessibility of the page using the JAWS screen reader. Specific keystroke combinations using JAWS commands are shown in parentheses. There are five essential questions that we want to answer
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility
Under construction
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Evaluation and Testing Protocols
Testing Protocols Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Evaluation Protocol -- Firefox Toolbars Version Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Testing Protocol Using JAWS Screen Reader
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Evaluation Protocol -- Firefox Toolbars Version
Here is the protocol for testing Sakai 2.7 accessibility using Firefox and the Firefox Accessibility Extension. It is one of two accessibility test protocols for Sakai 2.7; the other is a test using the JAWS screen reader. A template and a completed form
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Review
This is an archive copy of an accessibility review performed for the Sakai 2.7 release. The results from this review are available on the Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Review Results http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.7+Accessibility+Review
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Review Reporting Templates
Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Review Reporting Templates Sakai 2.7 Firefox Toolbars Reporting Template.doc Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Test using AT Reporting Template.doc Each testing protocol has it's own reporting template. The Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Evaluation
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Review Results
This page is for gathering completed Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Review evaluations as attachments.
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Testing Protocol Using JAWS Screen Reader
Background This is a manual review of the usability and accessibility of the page using the JAWS screen reader. Specific keystroke combinations using JAWS commands are shown in parentheses. There are five essential questions that we want to answer when re
Page: Sakai 2.7 Accessibility Walkthrough Scripts
Please attach any scripts you use in testing a tool here. Thanks!
Page: Sakai 2.7 VPAT
Explanation of Response Options Supports Use this language when you determine the product fully meets the letter and intent of the Criteria. Supports with Exceptions Use this language when you determine the product does not fully meet the letter and inten
Page: Sakai 2.7-Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spring
Page: Sakai 2.7-Assignments Instructor Persona Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Instructor persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spr
Page: Sakai 2.7-Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "archatstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Chat 101" course site
Page: Sakai 2.7-Forums Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Forums Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arfstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Forum 101" course site
Page: Sakai 2.7-Gradebook Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Gradebook Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spring 2
Page: Sakai 2.7-Membership Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Membership Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Access Tool Login with as user "armemstudent" and the standard password. In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the "Me
Page: Sakai 2.7-Preferences Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Preferences Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough works for both the Instructor and Student personae. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arpref001" user account. In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the
Page: Sakai 2.7-Profile 2 Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Profile2 Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough works for the Instructor and Student personae. Start of Walkthrough Script Log in as a New User Login to the QA Server using the account "arpstu". Using the standard accessibility review password.
Page: Sakai 2.7-Wiki Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arwstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Wiki 101" course site lin
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spring
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Assignments Instructor Persona Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Instructor persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spr
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "archatstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Chat 101" course site
Page: Sakai 2.8 - CKEditor Walkthrough Script
CKEditor Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Editor Login with the "arckedit1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "ARCKEdit 101" course
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Forums Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Forums Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arfstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Forum 101" course site
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Glossary Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Glossary Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is in two parts: The first part is for the student persona. The second part is for the instructor persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Part One - Student Persona Login and Find Tool Login wit
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Gradebook Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Gradebook Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spring 2
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Membership Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Membership Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Access Tool Login with as user "armemstudent" and the standard password. In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the "Me
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Preferences Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Preferences Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough works for both the Instructor and Student personae. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arpref001" user account. In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Profile 2 Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Profile2 Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough works for the Instructor and Student personae. Start of Walkthrough Script Log in as a New User Login to the QA Server using the account "arpstu". Using the standard accessibility review password.
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Resources Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Resources Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Instructor persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arress" student user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Res 101 12
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Syllabus Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Syllabus Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Test 101 123 Sprin...
Page: Sakai 2.8 - Wiki Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arwstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Wiki 101" course site lin
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Evaluation and Testing Protocols
Testing Protocols Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Evaluation Protocol -- Firefox Toolbars Version Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Testing Protocol Using JAWS Screen Reader
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Evaluation Protocol -- Firefox Toolbars Version
Here is the protocol for testing Sakai 2.8 accessibility using Firefox and the Firefox Accessibility Extension. It is one of two accessibility test protocols for Sakai 2.8; the other is a test using the JAWS screen reader. A template and a completed form
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Information Help Page
Accessibility information This page is provided for persons using adaptive technology. On this page: Note: The - (hyphen) used in the instructions below signifies that keys should be pressed simultaneously. Known accessibility issues Sakai contains some
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Review
Welcome! Please contact Brian Richwine (brichwin@indiana.edu, 812-856-4112) with any questions. Thank you in advance for your help! Table of Contents Conference Call info Testing Schedule 2.8 Accessibility Review Contacts Tool Signup Test Server Accessibi
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Review Reporting Templates
Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Review Reporting Templates Please use this Confluence Wiki to report your accessibility review results. We have created a template wiki page which you can copy and use. The template page is located at: Sakai 2.8 Firefox Accessibili
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Review Results
This page is for gathering completed Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Review evaluations as attachments. Please login and use to Tool Menu to add or view attachments. Thanks!
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Testing Protocol Using JAWS Screen Reader
Background This is a manual review of the usability and accessibility of the page using the JAWS screen reader. Specific keystroke combinations using JAWS commands are shown in parentheses. There are five essential questions that we want to answer when re
Page: Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Walkthrough Scripts
Please attach any scripts you use in testing a tool here. Thanks!
Page: Sakai 2.8 Assignments Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Instructor View Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.11, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Assignments Page(s) Tested: Add New Assignment, Add Attachments to Assignment, Assignment List, Grade assignment (clicking a grade link under an assignment), Grade
Page: Sakai 2.8 Chat Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Chat Page(s) Tested: Date: 22.November.2010 QA Server: Qa1-nl Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Priority JIRAs Links When on the "Manage R
Page: Sakai 2.8 CKEditor Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Instructor View Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, IE 8, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: CKEditor Page(s) Tested: Assignments - Add new assignment, Date: 1/5/2010 QA Server: qa1-nl (sakai_2-8-0 Beta 2 using MySQL 5/InnoDB, Java 1.6.0_17 amd64 ) Accessibi
Page: Sakai 2.8 Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results Template
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Priority JIRAs Links Images Page Structure / Markup Tables Forms
Page: Sakai 2.8 Firefox Drop Box Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Priority JIRAs Links Many non-active links with "#" descriptor in the table containing drop box f
Page: Sakai 2.8 Glossary Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Sakai Tool: Glossary Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011-April-20 QA Server: http://qa1-nl.sakaiproject.org/portal/ http://qa1-nl.sakaiproject.org/portal/ Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendati
Page: Sakai 2.8 Home Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Chat Page(s) Tested: We did not drill down into the individual tools. Date: 13.December.2010 QA Server: Qa1-nl Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendat
Page: Sakai 2.8 Messages Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Messages Page(s) Tested: Messages, compose a message, add attachments, Messages / Received, Messages - create folder, Messages - Settings Date: 11/9/2010 QA Server: qa1-nl (svn tags/sakai
Page: Sakai 2.8 Podcast Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Instructor View Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.11, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Podcast Page(s) Tested: Podcast Home page, Add Podcast, Options, Permissions, Edit Podcast Feed Date: 10/22/2010 QA Server: qa1-nl (svn tags/sakai_2-8-0 alpha2 _Branch QA
Page: Sakai 2.8 Portal Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Portal Page(s) Tested: Date: 22.November.2010 QA Server: Qa1-nl Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Priority JIRAs Links The portal includes
Page: Sakai 2.8 Profile2 Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.11, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Profile2 Page(s) Tested: My Profile, Connections, Search, Privacy, Preferences Date: 26.Oct.2010 QA Server: Qa1-nl Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recomme
Page: Sakai 2.8 Samigo Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Samigo Page(s) Tested: Date: 22.November.2010 QA Server: Qa1-nl Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Priority JIRAs Links Links should not be
Page: Sakai 2.8 Syllabus FAT Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Syllabus Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: Qa1-nl Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Priority JIRAs Links Images Page Structure / Markup
Page: Sakai 2.8 Syllabus Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Instructor View Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.3, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Syllabus Page(s) Tested: Syllabus Date: 11/23/2010 QA Server: qa1-nl (svn tags/sakai_2-8-0 alpha2 _Branch QA using MySQL 5/InnoDB, Java 1.6.0_17 amd64 - DEMO - Sakai
Page: Sakai 2.8 Wiki Firefox Accessibility Toolbars Protocol Results
Instructor View Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 3.6.12, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Wiki Page(s) Tested: Home, Info, edit site permissions, Watch, History, New Wiki page (Test page), Date: 11/9/2010 QA Server: qa1-nl (svn tags/sakai_2-8-0 alpha3 _Branch
Page: Sakai 2.8.0 Accessibility Documentation
This page is under construction and does not yet represent a cohesive or official piece of documentation. Draft Sakai 2.8 Accessibility Statement Consistent with the goal to make Sakai the most innovative and powerful Collaboration and Learning Environmen
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spring
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Assignments Instructor Persona Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Assignments Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Instructor persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spr
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "archatstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Chat 101" course site
Page: Sakai 2.9 - CKEditor Walkthrough Script
CKEditor Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Editor Login with the "arckedit1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "ARCKEdit 101" course
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Forums Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Forums Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arfstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Forum 101" course site
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Glossary Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Glossary Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is in two parts: The first part is for the student persona. The second part is for the instructor persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Part One - Student Persona Login and Find Tool Login wit
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Gradebook Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Gradebook Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Eval 101 123 Spring 2
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Lessons (Lesson Builder) Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Lessons (Lesson Builder) Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Test 1
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Login Screen About Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Login Screen About Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona (user has not logged in yet). Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all of them. Cl
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Login Screen Acknowledgements Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Login Screen Acknowledgements Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona (user has not logged in yet). Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Login Screen Features Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Login Screen Features Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona (user has not logged in yet). Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all of them.
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Login Screen New Account Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Login Screen New Account Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona (user has not logged in yet). Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all of th
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Login Screen Site Browser Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Login Screen Site Browser Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona (user has not logged in yet). Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all of t
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Login Screen Training Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Login Screen Training Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona (user has not logged in yet). Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all of them.
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Login Screen Welcome Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Login Screen Welcome Tool Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona (user has not logged in yet). Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all of them.
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Membership Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Membership Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Access Tool Login with as user "armemstudent" and the standard password. In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the "Me
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Neoportal Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Neoportal Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for any persona. NOTE: The portal chat feature is not tested in this walkthrough script. Start of Walkthrough Script Browse to Server and Don't Log In If already logged into any Sakai instance
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Neoportal Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Neoportal Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Student persona. Start of walkthrough script Login and find neoportal chat link Login with the "neochatstu1" user account. Activate the neoportal chat window. Open a connection w
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Preferences Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Preferences Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough works for both the Instructor and Student personae. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arpref001" user account. In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Profile 2 Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Profile2 Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough works for the Instructor and Student personae. Start of Walkthrough Script Log in as a New User Login to the QA Server using the account "arpstu". Using the standard accessibility review password.
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Resources Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Resources Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the Instructor persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arress" student user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Res 101 12
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Syllabus Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Syllabus Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Test 101 123 Sprin...
Page: Sakai 2.9 - Wiki Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Chat Accessibility Walkthrough Script This walkthrough is for the student persona. Start of Walkthrough Script Login and Find Tool Login with the "arwstu1" user account. In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Wiki 101" course site lin
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Documentation English
Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Documentation Translations Note: Visual styling is used to emphasize certain content. Italics are used for names of specific content or specific keystrokes. Summary Sakai is a Learning Management System created to assist faculty an
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Documentation Translations
This page will host links to language translations of the Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Documentation. Note: The translations are listed in alphabetical order English Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Documentation English
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Evaluation and Testing Protocols
Testing Protocols Sakai 2.9 Comprehensive Firefox WCAG 2 Accessibility Evaluation Protocol Sakai 2.9 Functional Accessibility Evaluation Protocol (Accessibility Walkthroughs)
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review (2011)
Welcome! Please contact Brian Richwine (brichwin@indiana.edu, 812-856-4112) with any questions. Thank you in advance for your help! Table of Contents Conference Call info Testing Schedule 2.9 Accessibility Review Contacts Tool Signup Test Server Accessibi
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review (2012)
Welcome! Please contact with any questions. Thank you in advance for your help! Table of Contents Conference Call info Testing Schedule 2.9 Accessibility Review Contacts Tool Signup Test Server Accessibility Review Kick-Off Conference Call The regularly s
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review Reporting Templates
Please use this Confluence Wiki to report your accessibility review results as children of the Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review Results (2011) page. We have created a template wiki page which you can copy and use. The two templates are: Sakai 2.9 Firefox Co
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review Reporting Templates (2012)
Please use this Confluence Wiki to report your accessibility review results as children of the Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review Results (2012) page. We have created a template wiki page which you can copy and use. The two templates are: Sakai 2.9 Firefox Co
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review Results (2011)
This page is for gathering completed Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review evaluations. How to Post Results Please use the wiki to post results as child pages to this page and add a link below to the result page. If you can't use the wiki, then please use the ap
Page: Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review Results (2012)
This page is for gathering completed Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review evaluations. How to Post Results Please use the wiki to post results as child pages to this page and add a link below to the result page. If you can't use the wiki, then please use the ap
Page: Sakai 2.9 Admin Become a User Tool Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: FF 8.0 / Windows 7 32 bit Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested: Date: 11/15/2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal QA Server Environment: (Copy from f
Page: Sakai 2.9 Admin Become User Tool Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: IE 9 / Windows 7 32 bit Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12 Sakai Tool: Admin Become User Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/08/2011 QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluation Partici
Page: Sakai 2.9 Admin Sites Tool Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: IE 9, Windows 7 32 bit Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12 Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/07/2011 QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluation Participants: Evaluati
Page: Sakai 2.9 Admin Users Tool Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: FF 8.0 / Windows 7 32 bit Sakai Tool: Users Page(s) Tested: Date: 11/15/2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal QA Server Environment: (Copy fr
Page: Sakai 2.9 Admin Users Tool Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: IE 9 / Windows 7 32 bit Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12 Sakai Tool: Admin Users Tool Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/8/2011 QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluation Participa
Page: Sakai 2.9 Admin Worksite Setup Tool Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: IE 9 / Windows 7 32 Bit Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12 Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/09/2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.
Page: Sakai 2.9 Announcements Tool Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 8, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Announcements Page(s) Tested: Announcements list, Assignment: Open Date for 'test assignment' Date: 12-8-2011, 1-5-2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http
Page: Sakai 2.9 Announcements Tool Instructor Persona Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 9, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Announcements Page(s) Tested: Announcements main page, Post Announcement, Edit Announcement, Merge, Option, Permissions Date: 1-5-2012, 1-6-2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.ind
Page: Sakai 2.9 Announcements Tool Instructor Persona JAWS Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12.0.1170 Sakai Tool: Announcements Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Announcements, Post Announcement, Show Announcements from Another Site, Options, Per
Page: Sakai 2.9 Announcements Tool JAWS Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12.0.1170 Sakai Tool: Announcements Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Announcements Date: November 29th, 2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.india
Page: Sakai 2.9 Assignment Walkthrough Scripts Results (Student)
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: FF 15 / Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: Assignments Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 10/22/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (C
Page: Sakai 2.9 Assignments (Instructor persona) Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: FF / Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: Assignments (Instructor persona) Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/3/2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:
Page: Sakai 2.9 Assignments Tool Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 8, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Assignments Page(s) Tested: Assignment List, test assignment submission, test assignment submission confirmation Date: 11-29-2011, 12-6-2011, 12-7-2011, 12-8-2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-t
Page: Sakai 2.9 Assignments Tool Instructor Persona Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 9, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Assignments Page(s) Tested: Assignments main page, add new assignment, edit assignment, Grade report, Redorder, Permissions, Options Date: 1-6-2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.
Page: Sakai 2.9 Assignments Tool Instructor Persona JAWS Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 7 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12.0.1170 Sakai Tool: Assignments Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Assignments list, Add new assignment, Test Assignment - submissions (Grade
Page: Sakai 2.9 Assignments Tool JAWS Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12.0.1170 Sakai Tool: Assignments Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Assignments list, Assignment - in progress/submission page, add attachments to assignm
Page: Sakai 2.9 Calendar Summary Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results (2012)
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 14 / Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Calendar Summary Page(s) Tested: Home, Options Date: 7-31-2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal QA Serv
Page: Sakai 2.9 CKE Editor Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 15 Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: CKE Editor Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/3/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Cop
Page: Sakai 2.9 Comprehensive Firefox WCAG 2 Accessibility Evaluation Protocol
This is the protocol for evaluating Sakai 2.9 accessibility using a PC or Mac OS X with Mozilla Firefox and a suit of free accessibility plug-ins in Firefox. Please follow the instructions listed in the "Workflow / Process" section below. Background This
Page: Sakai 2.9 Dropbox Tool Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: FF 8 on Windows 7, IE 9 on Windows 7, Safari 5.1.2 on Lion Sakai Tool: Dropbox content listing, Dropbox options Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.12.07 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sak
Page: Sakai 2.9 Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Preferences Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 6.0.2 Sakai Tool: Preferences Page(s) Tested: Date: 10/25/11 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNA
Page: Sakai 2.9 Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Assigments Tool Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluator(s): Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Prio
Page: Sakai 2.9 Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results Template
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluator(s): Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations
Page: Sakai 2.9 Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results Template (2012)
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluator(s): Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recom
Page: Sakai 2.9 Functional Accessibility Evaluation Protocol (Accessibility Walkthroughs)
Walkthrough scripts were created to assist in evaluating the functional accessibility of a given tool. The goal of a using a walkthrough script is not to test the user, but rather to guide the evaluator through the tool, exercising as much of the tool as
Page: Sakai 2.9 Gradebook Tool Instructor Persona Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 9, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Gradebook Page(s) Tested: Gradebook Items, All Grades, Course Grades, Gradebook Setup, Course Grade Options, Import Grades, Gradebook Item Summary, Student Summary Date: 1-19-2012, 1-20-2
Page: Sakai 2.9 Gradebook Tool Instructor Persona JAWS Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12.0.1170 Sakai Tool: Gradebook Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Gradebook items, Add Gradebook item(s), All Grades, Grade Item Summary, Course Grades,
Page: Sakai 2.9 Gradebook Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02 / Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14 Sakai Tool: Gradebook Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/14/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment:
Page: Sakai 2.9 Lessons Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14 Sakai Tool: Lessons Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 12/18/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Cop
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page About Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: IE 8 / JAWS 12 on XP Sakai Tool: Login Page About Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.13 QA Server: sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNAPSHOT (Kernel 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT)
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page Acknowledgements Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: IE 8 / JAWS 12 on XP Sakai Tool: Login Page Acknowledgements Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.13 QA Server: sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNAPSHOT (Kernel 1.3.
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page Features Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: IE 8 / JAWS 12 on XP Sakai Tool: Login Page Features Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.13 QA Server: sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNAPSHOT (Kernel 1.3.0-SNAPSH
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page New Account Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: IE 8 / JAWS 12 on XP Sakai Tool: Login Page New Account Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.13 QA Server: sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNAPSHOT (Kernel 1.3.0-SNA
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page Site Browser Tool Comprehensive Firefox Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 6.0.2 / OS X 10.7.1 Sakai Tool: Login Page Site Browser Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.10 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal/ http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal/ QA S
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page Site Browser Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: IE 8 / JAWS 12 on XP Sakai Tool: Login Page Features Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.13 QA Server: sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNAPSHOT (Kernel 1.3.0-SNAPSH
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page Training Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: IE 8 / JAWS 12 on XP Sakai Tool: Login Page Training Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.13 QA Server: sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNAPSHOT (Kernel 1.3.0-SNAPSH
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page Welcome Tool Comprehensive Firefox Protocol Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 6.0.2 / OS X 10.7.1 Sakai Tool: Login Page Welcome Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.09 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal/ http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal/ QA
Page: Sakai 2.9 Login Page Welcome Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: IE 8 / JAWS 12 on XP Sakai Tool: Login Page Welcome Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.13 QA Server: sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) TRUNK - Sakai 2.9-SNAPSHOT (Kernel 1.3.0-SNAPSHO
Page: Sakai 2.9 Mailsender Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 8 / Windows 7 64 bit Sakai Tool: Mailsender / Mailsender Page on Confluence https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/MAILTOOL/Mail+Sender Page(s) Tested: Compose Page, Options Page Date: 2012.03.22 QA Server:
Page: Sakai 2.9 Mailsender Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results (2012)
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 13.01 / Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Mailsender (Email) Page(s) Tested: compose Date: 7-24-2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal QA Serve
Page: Sakai 2.9 Mailsender Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14.0137 Sakai Tool: Mailsender Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 12/20/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environm
Page: Sakai 2.9 Membership Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 15, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: New Account Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Membership Date: 10-9-21012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server En
Page: Sakai 2.9 Messages Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14.0137 Sakai Tool: Messages Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 12/202012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment
Page: Sakai 2.9 Neoportal Chat Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Windows 7 IE9, MacOS 10.7/Chrome Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12, Mac VoiceOver Sakai Tool: Neoportal Chat Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Sakai home page Date: 12/22/11 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.ind
Page: Sakai 2.9 Neoportal Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 8.0.1 on Windows 7, IE 9, Safari 5.1 on OS/X Sakai Tool: Default Neoportal Page(s) Tested: Gateway, course site Date: November 30, 2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-t
Page: Sakai 2.9 Neoportal Users Present Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 12 / Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Neoportal - Users Present feature Page(s) Tested: Portal Date: 03-May-2012 QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) 2.9.0-b05 Evaluator(s): Brian Richwine Evaluation Compl
Page: Sakai 2.9 Neoportal Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12 Sakai Tool: Neoportal Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Gateway, logged in to my worksite, course site Date: November 30, 2011, December 5, 2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.u
Page: Sakai 2.9 New Account Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 14.0.1 Sakai Tool: New Account Page(s) Tested: Date: July 31, 2012 QA Server: sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Sakai 2.9.0-b05 (Kernel 1.3.0-b04) Evaluator(s): Scott Wi
Page: Sakai 2.9 New Account Tool Comprehensive Firefox Protocol Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 6.0.2 / OS X 10.7.1 Sakai Tool: New Account Tool Page(s) Tested: Date: 2011.10.09 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal/ http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal/ QA Server
Page: Sakai 2.9 New Account Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 15, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: New Account Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Welcome, New Account Date: 9-12-2012/10-8-2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.india
Page: Sakai 2.9 PDA Portal Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Sakai Tool: PDA Portal Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluator(s): Brian Richwine Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): No Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solution
Page: Sakai 2.9 Preferences Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: *Sakai Tool:https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.9+Comprehensive+Firefox+WCAG+2+Accessibility+Evaluation+Protocol\* (https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/2ACC/Sakai+2.9+Comprehensive+Firefox+WCAG+
Page: Sakai 2.9 Preferences Tool JAWS Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: JAWS 12, IE 9, Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Preferences Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 10/211/11 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environment: (
Page: Sakai 2.9 Preferences Walkthrough Script Results (JAWS)
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 15/ Windows 7 Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: Preferences Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Preferences Date: 10-9-2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server
Page: Sakai 2.9 Profile 2 Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results (2012)
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 13 / Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Profile2 Page(s) Tested: My Workspace: Profile, Date: 7-4-2012, 7-5-2012, 7-6-2012 QA Server: http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082 http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082 QA Server Envi
Page: Sakai 2.9 Profile2 Comprehensive Firefox Protocol Results
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 6.0.2 / OS X 10.7.1 Sakai Tool: Profile2 Page(s) Tested: My Profile Page Date: 2011.10.11 QA Server: http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082/portal http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082/portal QA Server Environment: (Co
Page: Sakai 2.9 Profile2 Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 15, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: Profile2 Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Profile2/Profile walkthrough script Date: 10-9-2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.ind
Page: Sakai 2.9 Profile2 Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Internet Explorer 9/ Windows 7x64 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 12 Sakai Tool: Profile2 Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/18/11 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaic
Page: Sakai 2.9 Quick Firefox Accessibility Evaluation Protocol
This is a work in progress and doesn't yet represent the intent of this page. Please check it again in a couple of days. This is an easy to use (hopefully!) protocol for performing a quick evaluation of a Sakai 2.9 tool's accessibility. The protocol works
Page: Sakai 2.9 Quick Firefox Accessibility Protocol Results Template
Test Details Browser/OS Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluator(s): Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): Accessibility Problems and Recommended Solutions Subject Results Recommendations Prio
Page: Sakai 2.9 Resources Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results (2012)
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 14.0.1 / Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Resources Page(s) Tested: Site Resources Date: 8-7-2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal QA Server
Page: Sakai 2.9 Roster Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14.0137 Sakai Tool: Roster Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Roster walkthrough script Date: 12/23/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu
Page: Sakai 2.9 Schedule Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results (2012)
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 14.0.1 / Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Schedule Page(s) Tested: Main, random events Date: 8-6-2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu:8181/portal QA Ser
Page: Sakai 2.9 Schedule Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14.0137 Sakai Tool: Schedule Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Schedule Date: 12/23/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Envi
Page: Sakai 2.9 Site Browser Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Firefox 15, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 13 Sakai Tool: Site Browser Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Login screen/site browser tool accessibility walkthrough script Date: 9/12/2012/10
Page: Sakai 2.9 Site Browser Walkthrough Script Results (VoiceOver)
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Mac OS 10.8.2 Adaptive Technology Used: VoiceOver Sakai Tool: Site Browser Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Login screen/site browser tool accessibility walkthrough script Date: 10-8-2012 QA Server: http://sakaicle1
Page: Sakai 2.9 Syllabus Walkthrough Script Results (Instructor)
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14.0137 Sakai Tool: Syllabus (Instructor persona) Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Syllabus Date: 12/14/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indi
Page: Sakai 2.9 Syllabus Walkthrough Script Results (Student)
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02, Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14.0137 Sakai Tool: Syllabus (Student persona) Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Syllabus Date: 12/14/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana
Page: Sakai 2.9 Top Navigation Walkthrough Scripts Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Adaptive Technology Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluation Participants: Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): Accessibility Issues
Page: Sakai 2.9 Walkthrough Script Results Template (2012)
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Adaptive Technology Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluation Participants: Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): Accessibi
Page: Sakai 2.9 Walkthrough Script VO New Account Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: MacOS 10.7.4 / Safari 6.0 Adaptive Technology Used: VoiceOver Sakai Tool: New Account Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Welcome, New Account Date: 8/13/12 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu http://sak
Page: Sakai 2.9 Walkthrough Scripts Results Template
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Adaptive Technology Used: Sakai Tool: Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: QA Server: QA Server Environment: (Copy from footer) Evaluation Participants: Evaluation Complete: (Yes / No): Accessibility Issues
Page: Sakai 2.9 Worksite Setup Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol Results
Test Details Browser(s) / OS Used: Firefox 8.0.1 on Windows 7, IE 9.0.8112 on Windows 7 Sakai Tool: Worksite Setup as Course Instructor Page(s) Tested: Worksite list, new course site setup Date: November 30, 2011 QA Server: http://sakaicle1-trunk.uits.ind
Page: Sakai 2.9 Worksite Setup Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Ff 16.02 / Windows Live Essentials 2011 Adaptive Technology Used: JAWS 14 Sakai Tool: Worksite Setup Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 11/15/2012 QA Server: Sakacle1-trunk.uits.indiana.edu QA Server Environme
Page: Sakai Accessibility
Sakai Accessibility Statement The Sakai Accessibility Working Group (WG) and others are working on developing an accessibility statement. Sakai Accessibility Goals The Sakai Accessibility WG is working on formalizing Sakai's Accessibility Goals. The curre
Page: Sakai Accessibility Comments and Ideas
A variety of comments and ideas have been made by Sakai Accessibility Team members for current future Sakai design. These include navigation elements (including accesskey designation and skip links), accessibility page content, courier workarounds, etc.
Page: Sakai Accessibility Guidelines
The attached document was developed early in the Sakai planning process to guide accessible design. It is based on the W3C's WCAG 1.0 Guidelines, with the intention of fulfilling Priority One and Two levels, with the addition of several Priority Three ite
Page: Sakai Accessibility Improvements by Version
Introduction Here's information about the changes made to improve Sakai's accessibility from version to version. Please add your comments and let us know if you have or can offer resources or suggestions for the next version (2.6). Sometime in the Future-
Page: Sakai Accessibility Mandate
This was adopted by the Board in March 2004 to define accessibility for Sakai.
Page: Sakai Accessibility Research
There has been some limited, formal accessibility testing on Sakai 1.0 and Sakai 1.5. A plan for conducting formal testing on the refactored 2.0 tools is being developed. Files containing this research are attached.
Page: Sakai Accessibility Testing Protocol Development
This page is a workspace for the Accessibility Working Group's accessibility testing protocol development efforts. Reference Resources for the Protocol Development Effort We are looking for reference Accessibility Testing Protocols for evaluating Web Appl
Page: Sakai Accessibility Walkthrough Scripts
Please attach any scripts you use in testing a tool here. Thanks! Existing scripts are listed in the navigation (by default, on the left) as children of this page.
Page: Sakai Accessibility WG's Developer's Guidelines Development
This page is a workspace for the Accessibility Working Group's Developer's Guidelines development efforts. Accessibility Guidelines Areas for consideration when Developing Guidelines: Semantic Mark-up Guidelines WCAG 2.0 / Section 508 / ARIA Standards/Reg
Page: Sakai Accessibility Working Group Accessibility Goals Development
This page is a workspace for the Accessibility Working Group's Accessibility Goals Development efforts. Draft Sakai Accessibility Goals Prompted by Eli Cochran, the Accessibility Working Group has been working on accessibility goals for Sakai. Since Sakai
Page: Sakai Accessibility Working Group Accessibility Statement
Here is the link to the draft Sakai Accessibility Statements the WG has created for Sakai. Please see the Accessibility Working Group's email list archives for a history of the development starting November 2009. Thanks to all of those who have contribute
Page: Sakai Accessibility Working Group Conference Calls
Accessibility Working Group Conference Calls The Sakai Accessibility Working Group now meets every other Monday at 3:00 PM Eastern (NYC/Toronto time). Call-in Information: To participate, go to the Sakai Accessibility Zoom meeting room https://virginia.zo
Page: Sakai Accessibility Working Group Disability Awareness Page
This page is provided as a Disability Awareness Resource Page for the Sakai Community. Disability Awareness Resources Many wish that a simple checklist or automated accessibility evaluator is all they need to use to develop accessible products. It is impo
Page: Sakai Accessibility Working Group JAWS ARIA Support Page
What about versions of JAWS before version 10? JAWS 10 Need information on aria-required, aria-labeled, aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, aria-role, etc. ARIA Live Region Support JAWS 10 can announce updates to live regions of Web pages when using Firefo
Page: Sakai Accessibility Working Group's Accessibility References and Resources Page
Reference Resources for the Accessibility Goals Development Effort National Center on Disability and Access to Education Best Practice Indicators for Institutional Web Accessibility http://www.ncdae.org/goals/indicators.cfm
Page: Sakai Accessibility Working Group's Projects Page
This page lists the current projects for the Accessibility WG and links to other pages in the Accessibility Working Group's space that relate to action items the group is currently working on. Accessibility Working Group's Current and Proposed Projects Li
Page: Sakai LMS Current Accessibility
Web Accessibility Compliance Compliance to Section 508 (and the stated goal of meeting WCAG 2.0 A & AA Success Criteria) varies from tool to tool, and to a certain extent depends on how tools are configured. It's also true that much of a user's experience
Page: Sakai Partner Requirements
This was a March 2004 review of then Core and SEPP member school requirements for accessibility.
Page: Sakai Test Protocol--Firefox Accessibility Extension and WAVE 3.5 Combined
Here is the protocol for accessibility testing. It combines two of three accessibility test protocols for Sakai: the Firefox browser, Firefox Accessibility Extension, and the WAVE 3.5 evaluation tool; the other is a protocol using the JAWS screen reader.
Page: Sakai Test Protocol--WAVE 3.5 Only
This page contains the protocol for testing Sakai accessibility using WAVE 3.5. It is one of three accessibility test protocols for Sakai; another is a test that uses the Firefox browser and Firefox Accessibility Extension, and the third is a test using t
Page: Sakai Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a self-disclosing document that explains how accessible a particular product is according to the Revised 508 Standards https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/communications-and-it/about
Page: Sakai's Current Accessibility (Feb 2009)
Sakai Accessibility Please feel free to add comments to this page noting where you have encountered accessibility issues with Sakai. It will be helpful if you fill out a form (see Attachments) that describes the problem in detail, how you expected the too
Page: Sakai's Section 508 Compliance
§1194.22 Section 508 standards Yes/OK No/Fix N/A Comments (a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element content). Yes Sakai provides text equivalents for images. (b) Equivalent alternati
Page: Sakai's WCAG 1.0 Compliance
TOC Priority 1 Checkpoints Priority 2 Checkpoints Priority 3 Checkpoints Priority 1 Checkpoints WCAG 1.0 Priority 1 Checkpoints Yes/OK No/Fix N/A Comments 1.1 Provide text equivalent for every non-text item (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element cont
Page: Section 508, WCAG 1.0 Compliance Review
This section contains reviews of 2.01 tools for Section 508 and WCAG Priority One and Two compliance. The following tools have been fully or partially (P) reviewed: Home, Assignments (P), Attachments, Chat Room, Drop Box, Email Archive (P), Message of the
Page: Summary of Brock University’s Audit of Sakai CLE 2.9.1
In the summer of 2013 Brock University http://www.brocku.ca/ commissioned a partial Accessibility audit on Isaak, Brock University's Sakai-Based LMS https://lms.brocku.ca/ . What follows are some of the results of this audit conducted by AccessIbility


Page: Test and Quizzes--00 Assessment
Page: Test and Quizzes--Samigo
Test and quizzes evaluation by Audrey Weinland, Stanford University.
Page: Tests and Quizzes--01 Default Page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--02 Info Page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--03 TOC Page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--04 Question page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--05 Fill in the Blank Question Page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--06 Matching Question Page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--07 Multiple Choice Question Page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--08 True or False Question page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--09 Essay Question Page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--10 Survey Question page
Page: Tests and Quizzes--11 File Upload Question page
Page: Top Accessibility Improvement Goals for Sakai 2.8
Transition to the CKEditor for the WYSIWYG editor used to edit/create rich text in Sakai 2.8 Find solution for the problems created by the onChange event handlers on <select> elements Improve Accessibility Help information Improve consistency across tools
Page: Top Navigation Sakai 2.9 Walkthrough Script Results
Evaluation Details Browser/OS Used: Mac OS 10.7.3, Windows 7x64 Adaptive Technology Used: Mac VoicOver, JAWS Sakai Tool: Top Navigation Page(s) Tested / Walkthrough Script: Date: 3/14/2012 QA Server: http://oae-demo.sakaiproject.org/ http://oae-demo.sak






