Sakai Test Protocol--WAVE 3.5 Only

Sakai Test Protocol--WAVE 3.5 Only

This page contains the protocol for testing Sakai accessibility using WAVE 3.5. It is one of three accessibility test protocols for Sakai; another is a test that uses the Firefox browser and Firefox Accessibility Extension, and the third is a test using the JAWS screen reader. A template and a completed form for reference are contained in Attachments.

Background This is a protocol for testing Sakai code accuracy, and, to a limited degree, functionality, using a PC (minor differences when using a Mac are in parenthesis). In particular, we will evaluate Sakai for compliance with Section 508 requirements plus WCAG 1.0 Priority One, and check XHTML 1.0 compliance. It is anticipated that the next version of Sakai will be tested for adherence to WCAG 2.0 criteria, however, at this time evaluation tools are not available that can effectively test password protected, iFrame applications.

Tools Two tools will be used: Firefox 2.0x and the WebAIM Wave 3.5 Evaluator.

Results should be entered into a spreadsheet (see Attachments on the Test Template page), to facilitate developer repair and subsequent QA.

Methodology The following sequence is recommended:

1. Add Firefox 2.0x as a browser (http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/)
2. Bookmark the address for the WebAIM Wave 3.5 Evaluator (http://dev.wave.webaim.org/index.jsp).
4. Open the Sakai Collab site in Firefox: http://collab.sakaiproject.org
5. Login using your Sakai name/password combination.
6. Go to the "WG:Accessibility" worksite in the tabs. Your assigned tool will be listed as one of the tools.
7. Click on your tool and the first page will appear.
8. Place your cursor over the content area (or frame portion) of the page, right click your mouse, and open the frame in a separate window.
9. Save the frame as html code, giving it a meaningful name such as "AssignmentsHomePageFrame." Note: You may find it easier to save all the frames at once, rather than one by one.
10. Go to WebAIM Wave 3.5. Set preferences for "WCAG 1.0 and Section 508 ONLY", choose all elements of the original page to display, choose all WAVE features to include, click "Always remember my preferences box" and press "Set Preferences" button. Choose "Method 2: Upload a Page."
11. Browse to the folder containing the file(s) you have saved for evaluation and press "WAVE this page!"
12. Check for Accessibility Errors and review all Accessibility Alerts. Write down any errors or unresolved alerts in the spreadsheet. Pay particular attention that:
*Tab order is logical
*Headings are used on the page
13. Save the WAVE results with a meaningful name such as "AssignmentsHomePageFrameWave."
14. Go to the W3C HTML Validator webpage: http://validator.w3.org/
15. Find "Validate by File Upload" and browse to find the file you recently checked in WAVE. Press "Check."
16. Save the file with a meaningful name such as "AssignmentsHomePageFrameValidate."
17. Write down the results in the spreadsheet.
18. Go to the next page of your tool.
19. Repeat steps 8 through 19 for each page of your assigned tool
20. Save your review in the 2.4 Accessibility Test attachments section of confluence using a description such as "Wiki_2.4_WAVE_Review".