Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 02-20-2014

  • Follow-Up on Signup introduction session
  • What's New for Sakai 10, my release notes so far: 
Work welcoming SignUp and Roster2
New Customize Tabs re-order dialogue in Preferences.
Sakai sends the correct language property and doesn't confuse screen readers in almost all tools.
Removed a keyboard trap in the welcome tutorial.
The rest are removing accidental invocations of the FCKEditor over the
CKEditor and cleaning up some form items and and other simple omissions.
  • Reporting: Confluce vs. Docs Vs. E-Mail
  • Samigo and Time limit groups / Roster Groups - complaints from students that groups set up in Sakai course site for the purpose of providing extended time on quizzes and tests are visible to all participants in a course site when using the “Group Membership” view of the roster tool. Not new, but we are now receiving disability discrimination complaints about the issue. (An alternative with Sakai as-is would be to set a username and password for the test).
Roster2's features might have a configuration to not display a student's Group Membership via Profile2 and keep themselves hidden from Roster2's listing  
  • aria-flow and accesskey 
  • Status of "creating accessible content with CK Editor" document
    • In the 6 months-ago tool.  Waiting to go into the new documentation tool.
  • - The All Grades table is two tables and a list coded to visually display as one table. Users of screen reading software will have a hard time navigating and understanding these tables. -- Test for 10 review