Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 10-04-2012
- Mary Stores
- Gonzalo Silverio
- Joe Humbert
- Scott Williams
Sakai 2.9
Sakai 2.9 Release
- Most of the Blocker issues for 2.9 have been resolved, but there are still a few left.
- 2.9.0-rc01 was released last week
- Brian updated the Accessibility test server with the new build.
- 2.9.0-rc02 will be released around October 16th, 2012
- The release team is still pushing for final release of 2.9 in the first or second week of November.
2.9 Accessibility Review
Accessibility Issue Jira work
Joe and Gonzalo did a lot of work on accessibility issues.
Until the release management team are finished with 2.9 release, the Jira system will not have a tag for the 2.9.1 release, so the accessibility issues are going to be targeted for Sakai 2.10.
Major and critical issues seem to be getting resolved very quickly by both Gonzalo and other developers.
Joe put in a lot of Jiras and suggestions on how to be fixed.
Gonzalo has fixed many of the Jira issues that have been posted in the last few weeks, as well as some of the other issues that were filed months ago but never resolved.
So far, there are 25+ issues solved and patched that will be included in Sakai 2.9:
Collaborative Testing
- The collaborative Testing of the "Tests & Quizzes" Tool is still postponed to a future date at the request of multiple participants.
- New dates will be discussed at the October 18th, 2012 meeting.
Any Other Business
Increased Participation
- Brian and Joe are still waiting to hear back from Neil Caidin about increasing participation from partner universities.
- He told Brian and Joe that he would send a list of universities that are participating in Sakai.