Meeting 7-30-09

Minutes from Sakai Accessibility Working Group 7-30-09
Attendees: Joshua Hori, UC Davis, (; Scott Williams, University of Michigan, (; Gonzalo Silverio, University of Michigan, (; Mike Elledge, Michigan State. (; Joe Humbert, Indiana University, (; Apple Suwannawut, graduate student, Indiana University, (; Margaret Londergan, Indiana University, Chair, ( Tried to attend but ports all taken: Kirk Alexander, UC Davis, (
Next Meeting: August 13, 2009. Contact information: 812-856-3600; conference code: 002264#
Great meeting and discussion. A most heartfelt thanks to all who participated. Here are the action items stemming from our conversation today:
1. Accessibility Checklist - The original developers' accessibility checklist will be reviewed by Gonzalo to be updated and expanded as necessary for Sakai 3.0. Focus will be on AJAX and other web 2.0 accessibility issues. He will send out a list of items that need to be altered, added or dropped from the checklist.
2. Mike Elledge's Email. Everyone will review Mike Elledge's helpful email and especially the embedded links to the Fluid user experience testing templates and protocols to:
a. See if these can be used by the SAKAI accessibility working group for accessibility testing.
b. See if additions need to be made to make them more useful for accessibility testing.
(See email attachment.)
3. User Experience Group. Margaret will make contact with the leader of this working group to further cooperation between this group and the AWG.
4. Accessibility testing. Accessibility testing will continue for SAKAI 2.6 and beyond. Gonzalo pointed out that although SAKAI 3.0 is coming, it may be quite a while until it is adopted by institutions. Therefore, it remains important to continue accessibility testing of current and upcoming (2.7) releases.
To get all the testers on the same page, during the next two weeks the following will take place:
a. Confirm the testing template that will be used
b. It is exciting to have accessibility testers from both University of Michigan offered by Scott and UC Davis offered by Joshua. Between now and the next meeting Joshua and Scott will identify testers in addition to themselves who could perform accessibility testing and the specific adaptive technology the user would use to do the testing. Joe Humbert will send Scott and Joshua links to the pages where testers can sign up for testing.
c. Determine whether there are funds to pay testers (MDL) and how they will be administered.
d. Determine what the testing procedure is. Everyone test for all items using same testing template? Each school pick a tool to test and report on the accessibility of that tool indicating what adaptive software was used for testing? Other possibilities? Suggestions please.
5. Accessibility Score Card. Gonzalo suggested that an accessibility score card for the tools which are developed by different institutions be created. This could be an effective way of encouraging schools to pay more attention to issues of accessibility for the tools they are developing.
6. Current Jira Ticket Review. Joe will review current Jira tickets and the previous list of the top ten accessibility issues for SAKAI tools. He will report back on status of and response to Jira tickets that have already been submitted including whether/which top 10 issues have been addressed. This report will help us in identifying the next top issues.
7. Raising awareness. This issue goes two ways. First, the SAKAI community needs to have their awareness of the importance of accessibility heightened. MDL will talk with M. Korkuska to elicit his top down support. Second, developers need encouragement and information that will make it easier for them to include good accessibility development practice. The Accessibility WG will work to further better communication with the developers.
8. Additional staff resource. IU has added a member to the Accessibility WG to assist with administrative and other tasks.
New Topics for Next Meeting. Discuss Sean Keegan's exchange with Gonzalo regarding adding form structure to the checklist.