Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday October 14, 2015

Matt Clare, Brock University
Neal Caidin, Apereo Foundation/ Sakai Community Coordinator
Tiffany Stull, University of Virginia
Rob Egan, New York University
Karen McPhaul, Durham Tech.
Matt Jones, Longsight



rA11y Plan Update

In talks with:
Deque Systems, Inc.: Talked this morning
SSB bart Group: onoing talks, previously shared demo of Sakai
WebAIM: Familiar with Sakai, using previous scope declined
Paciello group : contacted in April, declined

Page count:


Update on CK Editor accessibility checker
Brock University asked Longsight to do the work and here's Matthew Jones' result Currently in pre-production at Brock University, to be deployed Thursday.
Working on installation instructions

CK Editor Accessibility Checker Next Steps
Matt Clare to post the copy he received from CKSource on July 23, 2015. The license file is available in a11ychecker/ Likely on a Brock University web page (Sir. Isaac Brock has a better reputation than I).
We'll refine the installation instructions and post in Confluence.
Once in Confluence either those instructions or a refrence to them will be added to the Sakai README once Apereo licensing give the OK.



Here are a bunch of issues marked as needing testing and relating to accessibility

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Looking forward to:

QA for 10.6 to start soon.

Morpheus testing to start soon. It will be REALLY easy.

In two weeks we'll review the accessibility of one issue together.