Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes 11-29-2012
- Neil Caidin
- Mary Stores
- Joe Humbert
Gonzalo Silverio
Sakai 2.9.x
2.9 Accessibility Help Documentation
- Gonzalo looked over the Desire2Learn Accessibility Documentation suggested by Brian as a model
- He liked the structure and tone
- The University of Michigan Sakai accessibility documentation Gonzalo has was created by Mike Elledge several years ago.
- He liked the format of this documentation because it was concise
- The documentation will be designed to maximize the user experience of AT users with Sakai.
- Possible structure
- AT settings for Best Sakai experience (multiple AT types)
- Contact info
- Known issues and work arounds
- possibly by AT type or Sakai tool. This will be determined at a later time
- The documentation will show that the Sakai community cares about accessibility and usability.
- Jane and Scott will primarily be working with Gonzalo to update the documentation.
- Mary and Joe have agreed to help update the JAWS specific portion.
- Accessibility help documentation should be targeted for Feb. 1 so it is ready in time for the 2.9.2 release.
Release Team Meeting
- Jira ticket SAM-1692: default human language not being set up in a frame.
- The primary language is set in source code so non-changeable based on language preferences of user or internationalization.
- In future releases, the default language will be specified but will be chosen by the user.
- A new parent ticket will need to be created in the overarching CLE ticket system because this issue touches many tools and the Samigo ticket should become a subtask.
- Joe will work on creating the new ticket and work with tool managers to create tickets for there tool.
- Neil suggested this issue be brought up at the next release meeting to see if this can be targeted for 2.9.2 or if it will have to wait till 2.10.
- Jira ticket SAM-1296: 5 minute warning modal box in test or quizes may or may not get into 2.9.1. fix did not work as expected.
- 2.9.x maintenance release schedule
- 2.9.1-rc01 December 7
- 2.91-rc02 December 16
- 2.9.1 release December 20 or 21.
- 2.9.2 should come out end of Feb., early March.
2.9.1 Release
There are about 10 Jiras that will marked for inclusion into 2.9.1
There are other issues that did not get targeted at all, so perhaps they can be resolved in 2.9.2 release.
Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review
Review in Progress
- Testing should continue as much as possible.
- Joe will work with Brian to make sure the test server gets updated with new test builds.
- Scott Williams and a Michigan student are working on testing as well.
- Because of finals, collaborative testing will be pushed off to after Christmas break
- Before Christmas break, the Accessibility WG will focus on tool review and once the RCs get release, reverify and do regression testing.
Any Other Business
- Collaborative test and quizzes testing is being pushed off until after New Years to focus on maintenance release testing.
- Accessibility Preferences will be pushed off until after New Years.
- Neil brought up the topic of NFB certification for Sakai
- Joe thought it was a good idea because most other major LMS have some form of certification