Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes Wednesday May 31, 2017


Matt Clare, Brock University
(you can help by adding your name here, please)
Neal Caidin, Apereo/Sakai 
Tiffany Stull, UVA
Jen Bethmann, ISU
Dave Eveland, JU

Important Upcoming Events

Open Apereo:

  • BoF on accessibility, Tuesday June 6th at 11:15
  • More of Matt talking about accessibility, Tuesday June 6th at 13:30 (Status of rA11y, and what you can do tips)

Inclusive Design 24

  • June 9th, 2017 The Paciello Group  (TPG) is the primary sponsor, and it only costs you the bandwidth and time to do the GMT math.


Font Awesome plugin for CKEidtor - Brock University has commissioned work to make it possible for users to incorporate Font Awesome icons in a way that allows screen readers etc. to perceive it.  We're insisting that Mr. Michael Janea release it with the open version.

JIRAs  Organize Favorites feature cannot be accessed at all by keyboard users  - "Parent"  resolved?
  • I think these need to be broken up? Add keyboard controls to favorites drag-and-drop - Going to "promote" to it's own issue Add keyboard controls Automatically add new sites to your favorites bar - Going to "promote" to it's own issue
CKEditor pref for Normal, accessibility designed editor.
Work approved at IilSU - But which tools to include?  IlState U will work out their preferences for the accessibility toolbar vs main and report - Accessibility block for visually impaired users - iPhone Voice Screen Reader - Accessibility block for visually impaired users - Syllabus