Sakai 2.9 - Resources Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Sakai 2.9 - Resources Accessibility Walkthrough Script
Resources Accessibility Walkthrough Script
This walkthrough is for the Instructor persona.
Start of Walkthrough Script
Login and Find Tool
- Login with the "arress" student user account.
- In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Res 101 123..." course site link.
- In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the "Resources" link.
Determine How Many Files are Currently in the Resources Tool
- Search for files in the resources, and say how many there are and what the names of the ones you find are.
View File Details
- Find the file "exportAssessment.zip" and view the file's details.
- What is the description for this file?
- Who was it created by?
Login as the Instructor and Find Tool
- Logout of the "arress" account
- Login with the "arresi" user account.
- In the worksites list (accesskey "Alt+w"), activate the "AR Res 101 123..." course site link.
- In the tools list (accesskey "Alt+l"), activate the "Resources" link.
Create a New Folder under "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources"
- Folder Name: Test1
- Enter additional details:
- Enter a Text Description for the folder
- Under "Availability and Access": Make the folder publicly viewable
- Add a date until when the folder should be visible: May 1, 2010
- Under the "Optional Properties", set the "Creator" property to: Instructor
- Create the folder, and then verify it appears in the resources as expected.
Download Resource from "AR Test 101 123 ... Resources"
- Open the folder for "AR Test 101 123 Spring 2010 Resources"
- Activate the Link to download the zip file "exportAssessment.zip" and save the file on the desktop.
Copy Resource from "AR Test 101 123 ... Resources"
- Open the folder for "AR Test 101 123 Spring 2010 Resources"
- Activate the Link to copy the zip file "exportAssessment.zip".
Paste Resource to "Test1"
- Open the folder for "Test1" that you created earlier.
- Activate the Link to paste the zip file.
- Verify the zip file appears in under folder "Test1" as expected.
Upload Resource to "Test1"
- Save the file "Syllabus Test - 2.pdf" from the wiki attachments on this page.
- Open the folder for "Test1"
- Activate the Link to upload a file.
- Use the "File to Upload" control to browse to the "Syllabus Test.pdf" file given to you earlier and select it.
- Enter the display name as Test file 123
- Enter additional details:
- Enter a text Description for the file.
- Under "Copyright Status": material is in public domain
- Add a date until when the folder should be visible: May 1, 2010
- Under the "Optional Properties", set the "Creator" property to: Instructor
- Verify the file "Test file 123" now appears under folder "Test1".
Move Resource to "AR Test 101 123 ... Resources" Folder
- Open the folder for Test1
- Activate the Link to move the "Test file 123" file.
- Activate the Link to paste the file under the "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" folder.
- Verify the "Test file 123" appears under the "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" folder.
Add "Web Link" Resource to "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources"
- Open the "AR Res101 123 ... Resources" folder.
- Activate the Link to Add Web Links (URLs).
- Enter the web address: www.indiana.edu
- Enter website name as Indiana Home
- Enter additional details:
- Enter a text Description for the web link.
- Under "Copyright Status": material is in public domain
- Under "Availability and Access": Make the file publicly viewable
- Under the "Optional Properties", set the "Creator" property to: Instructor
- Verify the web link "Indiana Home" appears under the "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" folder.
Create a "Web Page" Resource in the "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" Folder
- Open the folder for "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources".
- Activate the Link to Create HTML page.
- Enter Text:
- I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
- I wandered lonely as a cloud
- Enter Web page Name: Poem Excerpt
- Enter additional details:
- Enter a text Description for the web page.
- Under "Copyright Status": material is subject to fair use exception.
- Under the "Optional Properties", set the "Creator" property to: Instructor
- Verify the web page "Poem Excerpt" appears under folder "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" in resources.
Create a "Text Document" Resource in the "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" Folder
- Open the "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" folder.
- Activate the Link to Create Text Document.
- Enter Text:
- I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
- I think that I shall never see
- Enter Text Document Name: Kilmer - Trees Excerpt
- Enter additional details:
- Enter a text Description for the Text Document.
- Under "Copyright Status": material is subject to fair use exception.
- Under "Availability and Access": Make the file publicly viewable
- Under the "Optional Properties", set the "Creator" property to: Instructor
- Verify the Text Document "Kilmer - Trees Excerpt" now appears under folder "AR Res 101 123 ... Resources" folder.
Logout and End of Script
- Logout of Sakai.
Pre-Walkthrough Setup
This section documents how to create the necessary content to perform the above walkthrough script. It is not part of the walkthrough itself. It is expected that a person with the ability to log into the QA server with admin rights will create this content before the walkthrough takes place.
Create the Following User Accounts
- Instructor: arresi
- Student: arress
Create the Following Course
- AR Res 101 123
Login as "arresi"
In the "AR Res 101 123..." course select the Resources tool
Upload Resource to "AR Res 101 123..." Folder
- Save the zip file "exportAssessment.zip" from the wiki attachments on this page.
- Open the folder for "AR Res 101 123..."
- Activate the Link to upload a file.
- Browse and select the zip file
- Enter additional details:
- Enter the following for the Description for the File:
- This file is very very important!
- Under "Copyright Status": material is in public domain
- Under "Availability and Access": Make the folder Private
- Under the "Optional Properties", set the "Creator" property to: Instructor
- Enter the following for the Description for the File:
- Verify the Zip File "exportAssessment.zip" appears under the "AR Res 101 123..." folder in resources.
, multiple selections available,