Sakai 2.9 - Neoportal Accessibility Walkthrough Script

Sakai 2.9 - Neoportal Accessibility Walkthrough Script

Neoportal Accessibility Walkthrough Script

This walkthrough is for any persona.

NOTE: The portal chat feature is not tested in this walkthrough script.

Start of Walkthrough Script

Browse to Server and Don't Log In

  • If already logged into any Sakai instances, log out of all of them.
  • Close all web browser windows.
  • Reopen the web browser.
  • Browse to the Sakai server being tested.
  • Make sure Sakai doesn't act as if you are logged in (should be a username and password field displayed for logging in).

Determine What Tool or Tools are currently active.

  • Examine the page.
  • If any tools are being displayed in the main content area, list them.

Switch to the Mobile View

  • Read through the page content.
  • What tools are listed?

Exit the Mobile View

  • Return to the normal "Full View" Sakai user interface.
  • There should be links located at the top of the page that allow quick navigation to different parts of the page. They probably start with "Jump to...".
  • Look for the skip navigation links and list any that you find.
  • Are there any keys assigned to the skip navigation links as shortcuts for activating them? If so, please list them.
  • Try using each of the skip navigation links found above and see if they work as expected.

Reading More Page Content

  • Read through the page content and answer the following questions:
  • What tools are listed in the Tools List?
  • Is the currently selected tool indicated in the tools list? If so, what is it and how is it indicated?
  • What are the years claimed in the copyright notice?

Log In

  • Log in using the following credentials:
    • Username: ARSTU4
    • Password: <the usual one>
  • Log in using the following credentials:
    • Username: ARSTU3
    • Password: <the usual one>

Determine What Tool or Tools are currently active.

  • Examine the page.
  • If any tools are being displayed in the main content area, list them.

Using the Worksites List Navigation

  • What worksites are available?
  • Is the currently selected worksite indicated in the tools list? If so, how is it indicated?
  • Each worksite listed in the top navigation bar has a drop down menu associated with it that lists the tools available in that worksite. Using that drop down menu, what tools are available in the "ARP Winter Project" worksite?
  • Using the worksites navigation, find a link or button that says "View All Sites" and activate that feature.
  • On the View All Sites page, what sites are listed?
  • Using the Worksites List Navigation, select the AR Test 101 Sprin... course.

Reading More Page Content

  • Read through the page content and answer the following questions:
  • What tools are listed in the Tools List?
  • Is the currently selected tool indicated in the tools list? If so, what is it and how is it indicated?

Expanding and Contracting the Navigation

  • Find the link which expands and contracts the navigation.
  • Describe what navigation this feature expands and contracts.
  • What state is it currently in (expanded or contracted)?
  • Use that feature to contract the navigation.
  • Use that feature to expand the navigation.


  • Logout of Sakai.

End of Walkthrough Script

That's it!

Pre-Walkthrough Setup Setup

This section documents how to create the necessary content to perform the above walkthrough script. It is not part of the walkthrough itself. It is expected that a person with the ability to log into the QA server with admin rights will create this content before the walkthrough takes place.

  • None required.