2010-11-29 Conference Call

Meeting Minutes for Nov. 29, 2010

  1. Community Updates
    • OSP JIRA review status update
    • Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group updates. Design Lenses will meet today and look at Mini-Specs.
    • Status updates on OSP Help UpdatesRobin has been going great guns pounding out help for 2.8, especially focused on IU changes. Are wizards involved in the IU changes? Need to adjust help, if not. Also, the help for the Assignments tool needs to be updated with info about the IU changes. Robin is willing to continue with 2.8 help for the next couple weeks. It's probably time to check in with KB about 2.6 docs.
      • update sakai.properties documentation
    • 2.8 QA Status Test Scripts, 2.8 QA Signup with links to test scripts
    • Sakai 3 General Status Updates
      • Virtual Meeting for Portfolio Visioning in Sakai 3.0. They had a very good meeting. Notes not up yet, but transcript is up on Portfolio Visioning page. There are two meetings this week: Reporting and Personas. Announcements about them will come out. Lynn and Jan met with 3 heads of the Sakai 3 project. Sincere interest from Alan Marks, Edd Acheson, Clay Fenlason. They will be building portfolio functionality into OAE, time permitting. They want mini-specs with the right level of granularity. They want us to focus on Self-Representation. Timeline has been changed for OAE, so there isn't a panic to get stuff done, but portfolio input could be required at any time. They suggested we pull specs together and start building. Next Visioning meeting will be Jan. 11 at 4pm Eastern.
      • Sakai 3 ePortfolio
    • ReportingRegarding reporting, the OAE leaders (Alan Marks, Edd Acheson, and Clay Fenlason) said the best thing we could do is provide examples of the kind if reports we want. Jacques and Lynn will produce something. Nancy, too. Debbie at IU may be able to get something. Anonymity is a big issue, so maybe screen shots with the names blacked out. Or reports based on test users. Reports from different institutions may look superficially the same, but use different fields, etc. Focus on what data we want to get out of the system, then what it should look like.
    • Recruiting OSP resources for QA or other activities
    • OSP Marketing
    • 2.8 Status: Independent release: not relevant to 2.8. We're moving towards beta. Then will come Release Candidate(s), probably January or February. March for a 2.8.0 release. Is there a server where we can test the new email notification functionality? We shouldn't just be testing on qa-3. We should be testing across different servers because they have different configurations. It would be good to have one site that everyone could test in so everyone doesn't have to create from scratch. Erica will create the site with some default users in different roles.
  2. Sakai/OSP Maintenance Status (Bug fixes can be verified on the following QA servers Nightly Build (HSQLDB) or Nightly build (Oracle))
    • SAK-18766 Erratic Stickiness of Group and User, No page update after Manage Status in Matrices tool (UMICH)
    • SAK-19443Unable to add Evaluators/Reviewers to Wizard pages and Matrix cells (IU). Chris working on this.
    • Static Code Review
  3. Sakai Development Status (next major release cycle)
    • SAK-19184 OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when english is not the default locale) - Part 2. There is negotiation to do. The base problem is fixed, in that when you set the locale, the system will load the correct files. But there is a problem when the locale is set in the system and a user sets their preference differently, you get a mix and match patchwork of languages. There is a technical difficulty. We would lose some functionality, like translation of paging links (e.g., page 1 of 6). It's a broad change that will involve lots of testing. We really need a half week of somebody's time to get a real solution. Would need to be done by someone familiar with OSP code.
    • SAK-16693 Roster Synchronization (pending adding optional flag, branch, test server review and trunk merge).
  4. On the back burner
    • Independent OSP release cycle: action items moving forward