SAK-15929 Maintain able to use wizards without permission to do so
SAK-18515 Crash when canceling Manage status in Hierarchical wizard.
VA did their upgrade, but any pages that have embed code (e.g., utube video) causes and error. Beth fixed this in 2.7 and the fix is back-portable. Beth will dig up Jira tickets and send them to the email list.
SAK-17940 Auto-select of Portfolio Forms causing intermittent problems. Michigan still trying to arrange for cluster to test.
SAK-14401 OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when english is not the default locale). We might be able to get patches from some Spanish universities.
Sakai 2.8 Development Status
SAK-16557 Indexes are missing on OSP tables with Oracle. On Noah's list.
SAK-16693Roster Synchronization(pending adding optional flag; test server review and trunk merge). Indiana has it on their list for this summer.
SAK-15547 Skip First Step of Portfolio Creation (if only one choice presented to user)
Sakai 3
Sakai 3 ePortfolio General Status Updates. Michigan is putting on a presentation at the conference on OSP and Sakai 3. Includes Sakai 3 form entry widgets.
Standing Agenda
Institutional applications of OSP (discussion/updates)
Sakai Conference updates
Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group & requirements gathering. Josh and David Goodrum presented the facets and lenses to the Product Council. People are hoping to move into more practical work on Sakai 3.