2009-08-03 Conference Call

Meeting minutes for August 3, 2009

  1. Sakai/OSP 2.6 Issues and Status
    • SAK-12856 Enable sortable columns in OSP tools - Virginia Tech priority, AZ looking at for 2.5.x Noah talked to Aaron Zeckoski about this. Amsterdam submitted a patch for adding multiple sortable columns. There is a lot of interest in this.
    • SAK-15909 Creating Portfolio Template throws stack trace (with invalid schema) Beth submitted a fix last week. Trying to add an invalid form will cause a blank screen to be displayed and an error logged. If there is an invalid form when you are creating a portfolio template, the form will be omitted from the list. Noah: It would be good to have a utility that runs through and checks, do I have an invalid schema anywhere?
    • SAK-16591 Inconsistent evaluator selection options between Wizard main page and subpages  No one has adopted this. It's down the list of priorities for IU. We'll take it off this list.
    • SAK-15958 Slow performance in Wizards. We got a patch from Charles Hedrick that looks like it takes a good approach to fixing this problem. Patch needs to be reviewed and merged.
    • SAK-TBD IE8 reportedly does not display public url on portfolio share screen -- can someone confirm? [After the meeting Will Trillich confirmed that when you click the "Add people to share with" button, the "select by" popup is empty. In addition, in the Portfolio Templates tool, the third page of the wizrad (the one where you select the items to display for selection in the Portfolios tool) is missing.] Is IE8 considered a supported browser. It's not on the list of browsers included for testing in QA. There is supposed to be a "compatibility with IE7" mode in IE8. There is also a way to set IE7 compatability mode in the Sakai source code using a patch. Does compatibility mode make the problem go away?

  2. Sakai 2.7/2.8 Development Status
  3. General Issues & Status Updates
    • osportfolio.org disappeared. Nate found the content and put it up at osportfolio.rsmart.com. Do we want to recreate this on confluence or Sakaiproject.org? If we put it on Confluence, it would be harder for newcomers to find. How hard would it be to get it into the sakaiproject.org site? Pieter Hartsook will look into it and probably take care of it. We should also have links to it from Confluence. He will get back to us. Should be possible this Fall.
    • Reporting Strategies We put up a Confluence page to see if there is common ground in different reporting strategies. Question: is there a shared approach that should go into the product? What is it that we are solving and why? Are we at a place where we can collaborate? We need to have these efforts documented.
    • Related Activity Updates: Content Authoring, Sakai 3 Development, Teaching & Learning. Josh posted his notes to the portfolio list. Jan and Sean attended the T&L call. They let them know about our functional requirements template.
    • OSP Functionality for 2.7/3.0 and beyond
      • Please review the Portfolios vignettes page for accuracy. It would be good to get a targeted group of people from T&L to go over the vignettes page and make comments, be sure everything is covered. Jan will do something to start this up. Wait till September so it doesn't get lost.
      • OSP 2.6 Help Volunteer Sign-up. The most current version of the help is on one set of pages, while the edited version is on another set. Everything except the Portfolios Templates tool has content. Maybe the best thing is to have Word documents with track changes. Alternatively, we could assume it is good enough to go into the build, then view the pages using SVN. What format does Knowledge Base prefer? Jan will take responsibility for proposing an approach, so we can get started.