2007-12-10 OSP Community Call

Notes from 12-10-07 OSP Community Phone Call

Janice Smith, convener and scribe

Item #1

QA issues for OSP 2.5 were reviewed. http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/OSP/OSP+2.5+Requirements

status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

This issue will need to become an OSP 2.6 requirement. It was suggested that this requirement be modified to specify an OOTB site (available to administrators) with sample forms, matrices, wizards, portfolio templates, portfolio layouts, styles, and reports - labeled as samples with accompanying tutorials. John Ellis indicated that some development work is required to set this sample site up as an OOTB feature. Janice Smith will talk with Beth Kirschner and Noah Botimer to modify this JIRA ticket.

key priority status key summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Noah Botimer indicated that this ticket may or may not be resolved in 2.5.

key priority status summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

This ticket is minor but needs someone to work on it for this release.

key priority status summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Beth Kirschner indicated that this issue is hard to reproduce. John Ellis provided some suggestions for reproducing it.

key priority status summary assignee resolution updated

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

This is an important issue to fix. Beth will talk to Jim Eng about his progress in resolving it.

We have until mid January 2008 to find and resolve any additional QA issues as well as fix the above issues.

Item #2

The proposed procedure and template for documenting and approving future OSP Requirements were discussed. The current draft for this procedure can be found at

Proposed Procedure for Documenting and Approving OSP Requirements

The group on the call suggested that items 3 and 7 need additional work (for example, technical modeling should be optional but data requirements should not be) and that roles need to be further refined. Beth Kirschner will further revise this document with defined roles and tweak it from the developer point of view. She will notify the portfolio list when her revisions are ready for review.

Proposal for OSP Enhancements Template

The group on the call suggested that parts one and two of the template be divided into two links and that the 12 steps of the procedure be referred to in the two parts of the template. Erica Ackerman will further revise this document and notify the portfolio list when her revisions are ready for review.

Janice Smith will write to the portfolio list to let everyone know that we intend to vote on approving this procedure on the December 17, 2007, phone call. Beth Kirschner and Erica Ackerman will write to the list to let everyone know when their revisions are complete.

Item #3

The OSP events at the Sakai Conference in Newport Beach (December 3-7, 2007) were reviewed. There was a good turnout for the Intro to OSP session. Four sets of emerging developments (from IU, UMich, LaGuardia, and rSmart) were reviewed by OSP community members at a Tuesday evening meeting. The all-day Friday OSP planning meeting was well attended and yielded many new ideas. See the OSP notes from the conference at http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/OSP/OSP+Planning+Meetings+at+Sakai+Newport+Beach+December+3-7%2C+2007.

Item #4

The deadline for submissions to the LaGuardia ePortfolio Conference (April 11-12, 2008) is December 10, 2007. Ros Orgel wonders if the OSP community would like to hold a meeting at the conference, possibly on Saturday afternoon. Janice Smith said that rSmart may be willing to contribute a day of OSP technical training at an upcoming conference and wonders if the LaGuardia event would be a good place to do it.