2007-06-18 Conference Call

Today's meeting was spent reviewing the action items from last Friday's OSP meeting in Amsterdam:

  • Given the "blue sky" idea of transition into a pedagogy-focused group we need representation on the pedagogy track for the Newport conference. It was suggested that we radically reduce the number of OSP sessions to just tool oriented sessions and make all other used-to-be OSP presentations into pedagogy sessions. Dale will be that rep.
    • in progress
  • Chris C., Susan K., Bret E. and Hannah R. will create a strawman proposal regarding the blue sky items and send it to the group within a few weeks. Chris C. will initiate meetings with this group. Strawman proposal will address strategic plan for getting pedagogy sessions proposed for next conference.
    • in progress
  • One of the requirements discussed in the requirements sub-group on Friday was needing the ability to dump the portfolio presentation template into My Workspace and still be able to share presentation. Amsterdam, Indiana, and Lagaurdia will work on a design for Chris Maurer, then Chris Maurer will fix.
    • entered into JIRA
  • Sean Demonner will find and propose a use case template.
    • in progress
  • Jim Doherty will write up in jira the requirement for creating a way for a student to request feedback on items and actions they take in the matrix.
    • in progress
  • Tony will be in charge of the requirement that OSP tools are not logging any events into Sakai events system, which should be changed.
    • Tony will link any existing JIRA ticket to the OSP Dashboard ticket (SAK-10149)
  • Tony will also be in charge of improving the editor on the free form template.
    • Tony will put this into JIRA
  • Jim D. will be in charge of making it so that, if desired by the institution, students can be given the option of being able to select who evaluate their cells.
    • in progress – deliverable will be a JIRA issue
  • Mark will be in charge of progress integration on building a large matrix.
    • tbd
  • Bas and Mark will be in charge of the requirement that a matrix cell should show more information in one screen.
    • tbd
  • Sean K. will be in charge of fixing confusing terminology in the matrix
    • Sean will enter this into JIRA
  • Tony and Chris M. will be in charge of the requirement about advanced navigation
    • JIRA issue created
  • Chris M. will be in charge of providing a single rich text page template.
    • JIRA issue created
  • Chris M. will be in charge of the requirement about apply layouts.
    • JIRA issue created
  • Because the 2.5 requirements group from Friday must continue to to define 2.5 requirements on a separate conf call each week, Wende will find someone to do this (perhaps Beth.)
    • Beth is happy to coordinate technical requirements, but would like to include the requirements discussion as part of the existing Monday conference call (as the first agenda item). We discussed moving the call to 11:00am EDT, which would allow Portland/Arizona to call in at 8:00am PDT and also UvA to call in at 17:00 in Amsterdam. Chris M will change the Conference Call time accordingly.
  • Mark will be in charge of the requirement regarding a more structured review process within matrix cells.
    • tbd
  • There was a desire expressed at the Friday meeting to know about or come to some agreement on how we are going to coordinate 2.5 release. As this concerns leadership roles in the community, several people will have to be involved in figuring this out and communicating it to the community. Wende will contact Melissa and Beth who will coordinate leadership roles and then email the lists with a process for the 2.5 release and get feedback from the community.
    • Melissa & Beth to continue for now... future leadership tbd
  • Wende will contact Melissa about user experience personnel for the 2.5 release (can Gonzalo help?)
    • Gonzalo can commit 20% of his time. Erica Ackerman (@umich.edu) can also help out.
  • Susan K will check and see if Indiana has UI personnel available to contribute.
    • Chris M mentioned that 4 offers at IU were made, including one for a UI designer. It is unclear how much of these new hires can work on OSP. Chris M will follow up with Susan on this.
  • Sean K will engage with UX (user experience) about engaging their work on 2.5 OSP UI requirements.
    • in progress
  • Wende will contact Melissa about possible help from Robert on both user experience and fundraising.
    • Robert (at CRIM in Montreal) may be able to offer some development resources.
  • Cerritos College has produced Sakai documentation in the form of a weekly cartoon. Wende will explore getting permission to share that documentation with Mick and ML.
    • in progress
  • Charles Stuart has produced great artifacts. Chris C. will take the initiative to get them to upload them the into community library once it is completed.
    • in progress
  • Nate will complete the community library. Wende work with Susan to link to it off the Sakai site and work with Nate to make a Sakai url for library.
    • in progress, with a target date of June 30th at the latest
  • Nate will do more research on typical/possible governance structures and will talk to Melissa,
    • see also comment above on leadership