2007-09-17 OSP Conference Call
Review Outstanding 2.5 Issues.
Code freeze was 9/16 at 00:01
Promoting to OSP to Core Status
UI Conformance with Sakai Style Guide
Gonzalo making progress ensuring we conform to the Sakai style guide. His work involves minor JSP modifications and CSS, without any changes to logic. Megan ruled that this work can be considered a bug fix and go into 2.5 as long as it is in before we branch (the date for which is in the new published release schedule.)
Online Help
Peter Knoop ruled that Help is required. The rSmart docs were 75% reformatted by Beth over weekend. Please take a look at the online help. Check grammar, be sure references to screen shots have been removed.
There's a little leeway with the date for documentation.
Create out of box data structures/commmunity library
Defer to later
UI Improvements
Aggregated view
SAK-7464 Embedded images in resources not passing through security adviser
Noah will assign it to himself. John Ellis said to let him know if he has questions about the security adviser.
John Ellis will look at the problem with downloading a portfolio this week.
Continuing to make progress.
Institutional Priorities
Group filter
Done in the matrix, but not in wizards. There is probably not enough code overlap for this to be considered a bug rather than a feature request.
Autopoulate matrix with assignments
Done except that the matrix doesn't take the assignment info with it when you export
Lynn had entire OSP site archived, including 2.4 scripts. Copied 2.4 scripts to 2.5 area.
The scripts are available at: http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/OSP/2.5+QA+Testing (linked from "Top Resources" in the Concluence OSP home page.) People should start working through the scripts. While testing, update the test scripts with, e.g., new text of labels that changed in 2.5. Lynn suggested that while you're testing, if no changes were necessary, add a row saying "Updated for 2.5" to the script's description table.
Megan: one of the challenges will be getting 2.5 scripts ready. Tony has written some, but anyone else?
Lynn has written a few. Takes maybe an hour to write a script. Lynn doesn't know what should be written for some things, like OSP permissions. Noah's template a good starting point (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/OSP/OSP+Specifications. It is linked from the Confluence OSP home page "Top Resources").
Lynn: Marist is again volunteering for both QA and writing scripts. They contributed a lot last round.
OSP Community Library
Has everyone looked at it? Jan: there are a few things that don't work on it. Please send email back to list or Noah and Nate with any problems or feedback. Noah will send out email with instructions for contributing (use your Amsterdam login to view).
Sakai Conference
People have been submitting proposals, but without names attached.
LaGuardia probably won't be able to send faculty to present on Teaching and Learning, but Melissa asked if they themselves could come and present. They could do a rerun of what they did in Amsterdam. There will be many more people from the States in Newport Beach. One conference isn't enough to get new info across.
Melissa will be presenting on UM pilots – talking about what we want to do is part of how conversation gets shaped.
Preconference OSP session should not overlap with Preconference Teaching and Learning session.
2.6 Planning Meeting
11 people for 10/22 and 10/23 (Educause starts 10/23 in Seattle. Is that a conflict for anyone?) Not a conflict for anyone.
John Gosney working on agenda.