2007-03-05 Conference Call
- Looking very good
- GMT-3: posponed for 2.5
- John Ellis working on bugs primarily
- OSP-UI-11 done (minus UI refinement) - requesting feedback, will take a look and see if can be extended to include feedback on individual attachments, as well as delete and revise feedback
- OSP-UI-13 mostly done - in the absence of feedback regarding what metadata is relevant to OSP will opt for hiding all metadata controls when creating a form via resources
- OSP-UI-17 will not get addressed unless someone steps up
- Gonzalo also working on cleanup recommended by IU
- A meeting after this meeting to discuss documentation: let Melissa know who wants to be involved
- Much has been resolved
- Remaining - Preview mode for wizards (much the same as was done for Matrices)
- AUTH-4 - Ability to change forms after they have been used - John Ellis may get to it
- REP-03 - completed, need to understand what this means
- Difficulty in creating reports that are general when all the needs are specific
- If OOTB reports do not work generaly they should go into a library
- Sean documenting (new doc or update) on how to make reports for 2.4
- REP-04 Scaled down version of scheduling reports
- REP-05 Completed this week - last remaining func. is to save to Resources
- Good news is that templates can be done affter code freeze as long as the functionality is done.
 XSD Weaver - checked into contrib, cursory testing seems to work