2008-01-28 Conference Call

Meeting minutes for Jan 28, 2008

Sakai/OSP 2.4 Status

  • LOI continuing to see performance issues with large users in a matrix.

Sakai/OSP 2.5 Status

  • SAK-7464 and SAK-11752 will be moved to the 2.6 requirements, and backported to 2.5.x if appropriate.
  • SAK-12171 is a continuing problem. Workaround noted in JIRA. Suggest additional attempts to reproduce in 2.4.x or 2.5.
  • SAK-12758 will be linked to SAK-12542 (problems with new FCK Editor)

Active Functional Proposals

  • SAK-12101 was discussed and approved
  • LOI posted proposal for Multiple evaluators workflow;
    Action item: everyone should review by next week's meeting


  • OSP Feature Template does not display well in Confluence Rich Text editor.
    Action Item: Erica will look into stripping table tags
  • SAK-11468 (NullPointerException with back button) is open to the developer community for suggestions on how to resolve
  • Nate discussed opening up (and re-branding) OSP Community Library to the larger Sakai/pedagogy community
  • Chris discussed IU's GMT development may leverage existing OSP Matrix.
  • OSP Procedure for Feature Requests needs to be revised to reflect new Sakai Release Practices Proposal (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/NgBL)
    Action Item: Beth to update OSP procedure for discussion at next week's meeting