2009-10-12 Conference Call
Former user (Deleted)
Meeting minutes for October 12, 2009
- Oszkar Nagy from CARET/Cambridge demoed Sakai 3. We covered the standing agenda very quickly
- Sakai/OSP 2.6 Issues and Status: Some of these are critical and need someone to take ownership.
- SAK-12914 Database error when importing osp matrix
- SAK-15958 Slow performance in Wizards
- SAK-16785 Sortable columns in OSP Portfolio tool - patch on ticket
- SAK-16863 Error when saving page in Freeform Portfolio
- SAK-16869 backtrace in share when a user has been deleted
- SAK-16871 osp share sends wrong passwordÂ
- SAK-17012 matrix breaks when default cell title exceeds 255 characters
- SAK-17055 Matrix group filtering does not differentiate Sections from Groups
- Sakai 2.7/2.8 Development Status
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