2010-02-01 Conference Call

Meeting minutes for February 1, 2010

  1. Sakai/OSP 2.6 Issues and Status (Bug fixes can be verified on the following QA servers Nightly Build (HSQLDB) or Nightly build (Oracle))
    • SAK-16433 FCK editor freeform portfolio item plugin does not create hyperlink. Noah will look at Brian's fix. Suspicious because code used to work. Having trouble reproducing this. IU could reproduce it before, but not now. Beth tried on 2.7 without success. Sean can't reproduce it on 2.6, IU on trunk. Maybe it was related to something else that got fixed.
  2. Sakai 2.7 Development Status
    • Status update: 2.7 QA Testing (The OSP Test Scripts can be found at OSP Test Scriptsand Scripts for Testing IU Enhancements). Beth added a column to the testing matrix for IU changes. Lynn spent Friday testing, but feels like she can't really do any more till the next build is ready since wizards are broken. Next QA build will be this Friday.
    • Known issues remaining for merged SAK-15710 (IU enhancements)
      • SAK-16237 Not allowed to evaluate in Evaluations tool in My Workspace fixed.
      • SAK-17350 Broken link back to associated assignment when editing a cell. Possibly fixed. Chris will retest. Lynn looked at qa3 and it worked.
    • SAK-16557 Indexes are missing on OSP tables with Oracle. Need scripts.
    • SAK-17508 Can't change name of portfolio in Portfolios tool. Hard to track down because was only showing up consistently on one server, which is no longer a 2.7 server. IU has had a problem with it, though.
    • SAK-17323 In Portfolios tool, prompt user to give portfolio a name at the time of creation. IU is running this in their local build. Chris will try to do it this week.
    • SAK-17324 Edit Portfolio Name & Description at top of Summary Screen (move read-only fields to bottom of summary screen)
    • SAK-17662 Downloading a Portfolio causes a stacktrace. Only happens with a particular portfolio template. Any insight would be appreciated.
    • SAK-17735 Test form zip file fails to import while following instructions - ST.Script.04.Set-up+project+site Mime type issue? Loosen up the mime type restrictions?
    • SAK-17736 Lines disappear in the Actions column in the Add Attachment form. Worth looking at. Firefox issue? Noah should add comment.
    • SAK-17753 Error when importing a form. Chris has looked at it briefly. Seems to be specific to this form.
    • SAK-17754 NPE upon clicking Manage Site Associations on qa8 (Websphere issue?). May be Websphere issue. Beth can ask Anthony whether there are Web
    • reported and
    • 17852 Reported, but not
    • 17853  If you try to delete the assignment, it says you can't because there are supposedly submissions for each member of the site. Chris will look at it.
    • Desynchronization. Problem at Michigan, Noah will be looking at it this week..
    • 17782 Free Form issue. Copy and Paste from MS Word not working in Firefox. Students have been using the Paste from Word button. Are there workarounds? Suggestion that using both checkboxes in the Paste from Word dialog might help.
  3. Sakai 2.8 Development Status
    • SAK-17564 Support display of Public Portfolios within a site Released to trunk. Please take a look.
    • SAK-17351 Copy Portfolio (Feature Template proposal pending) Looks like Aaron has been doing work on this, and there is a Feature template linked from the ticket. Aaron not sure what needs to go into the template. Would like feedback. Wants to have a proof of concept done in a branch that works for Free Form. What is copied by reference, duplicated, etc. should go into template. Hoping to have it done by next week. Aaron could do a breeze demo next week. In free form portfolio, he has duplicated pages. Should form data be referenced or copies. For first pass, did references. Should there be something in the portfolio edit view indicating whether something is a copy and being used in other places.Out of scope for this feature. More important is the ability to duplicate the form or copy by reference. Where would the UI for duplicating the form go? Multiple places? In the Add/Edit content tab of the Portfolios tool. In the Matrix tool? Putting it in the Matrices tool would be a separate request. Beth will write up Jira about duplicating forms in the Portfolios tool. 3 separate jiras, one for duplication in Portfolios tool, Matrices tools, and Wizards. Aaron could add screenshots to feature template. We should change the word Copy to Duplicate in the UI. Pages have to be duplicated for Free Form Portfolios, but forms are by reference. Matrix not duplicated. Comments are not copied. One thing he wanted to do but couldn't was give feedback to user about what duplicating means. Aaron could modify the Help pages. Jan will provide a place on the Confluence Help page for 2.8, where the Help text can go. In the meantime, Aaron will add the Help text to the Feature Template and send an email to the portfolio list.
    • SAK-16693 Roster Synchronization (see Roster Synchronization for details) (Lynn will demo on February 15th) Please read the feature template.
    • SAK-15547 Skip First Step of Portfolio Creation (if only one choice presented to user). We will be tracking this.
    • SAK-17653 OSP Column/Row names are not updated at the cell title level. This is really a feature request, since it works as intended now (the original row and column names are preserved behind the scenes.) What level of complexity do we want to include for when it gets changed and how. Many levels of complexity are possible.
    • SAK-17579 OSP fails if compiled on Java 1.6. We need to deal with this in the next release cycle.
  4. Standing Agenda
    • Sakai 3 Development & Content Authoring
      • Teaching and Learning virtual seminar coming up. Josh is already dividing people up into teams, so sign up now.
      • Sakai 3 ePortfolio University of Michigan has been brainstorming what we would like to see in 3.0. Not really ready for review. Jacques also starting this process.
    • Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group & requirements gathering. Virtual Meeting coming up Feb 4th and 5th. Josh is already dividing people up into teams, so sign up now. 
    • A lot of groups are working on Sakai 3 separately. Product Council is planning to do things to pull efforts together and make things more transparent.