Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group updates. Meeting this evening will be on what to do between now and the conference. New concept designs have been added.
Jan will be meeting May 18-21 with 3 people in Duluth to discuss portability issues with portfolios. The people involve OSeF Paul Treuer from UM Duluth, Janice Smith representing Sakai, and Shoji Kajita from Nagoya University representing JASakai, which has great interest in portfolio portability. How do students take their data with them? Ryuichi Matsuba from Kumamoto University may be there. He is coming right before the LA meeting. Toru Iiyoshi from MIT will also take part virtually.
Sakai OAE.
General Status Update. There is info on the sprint planning page on re-envisioning major portions of the UI and a link to deliverables for the the June release. Nico has been doing a lot of translating designs to other people. Taking input from user reference group and bringing it back the the UI designers, then taking that input to the developers. What do we need to do to stay in the conversation about design? Answer: we don't know.
Portfolio Reports. May 3 at 12 noon eastern meeting to work on the Reporting minispec.
Portfolio Minispecs . Met last Friday for a short time. Looked at Jan's template. Hopefully people will have time to work on those in the next month or so.
Recruiting OSP resources for QA or other activities.
Planning for the Sakai LA Conference in June 2011.
OSP Community Activities: How to Encourage Collaboration in an Open Source Community.
Half-Day Pre-Conference OSP Workshop. Apparently this has been accepted.
OSP Innovations.Panel
Portfolio Visioning Discussion Session.
2.8 QA Status Test Scripts, 2.8 QA Signup with links to test scripts. 2.8 was released last week. Chris' time will be very limited between now and mid-May, when they do their upgrade to 2.7.
High Priority Issues. (Not discussed at meeting)
SAK-20422can't edit content in portfolio in Safari 5.1OSP Jira TeamCharles HedrickOpenUnresolved07/Apr/1107/Apr/11Â SAK-20416Illegal state warnings on viewing public PortfoliosOSP Jira TeamAlan BergOpenUnresolved07/Apr/1113/Apr/11Â SAK-20272Throwable thrown due to poor input validationOSP Jira TeamAlan BergOpenUnresolved14/Mar/1121/Mar/11Â SAK-20271On editing a Glossary term an ERROR is writen to the logsOSP Jira TeamAlan BergOpenUnresolved14/Mar/1122/Mar/11Â SAK-19184OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when english is not the default locale) - Part 2Noah BotimerBeth KirschnerIn ProgressUnresolved21/Sep/1014/Mar/11Â SAK-18344Add properties to allow Matrices roster synching to be turned off at server level and site level.Chris MaurerLynn E. WardOpenUnresolved08/Apr/1007/Feb/11Â
Chris may have found a bug related to how you define default options for forms. If you try to export the matrix before publishing it, the options wouldn't be set. Chris has a fix.
Only published matrices are duplicated when you duplicate a site -- is that the way it is supposed to work?
Manage site associations settings also get lost when you duplicate a site. So if faculty duplicate their site, they have to set that all up again. IU doesn't have duplicate site, so they haven't paid attention to this. Most likely would not be too terribly complicated to implement. IU would be willing in principle to work on this, but not clear how much time they have. Chris is going to talk with management about
Linkage of assignment to a matrix cell -- is there a way to unlink the cell? The way it works is that once an assignment has been submitted, you can't unlink the cell any more. If you delete the assignment, the association goes away. rSmart has asked about the ability to add in the unlink facility. There is a need to make sure that data doesn't disappear, but on the other hand it is very easy to make a mistake when you are setting associations up.