SAK-18084 Can cause a DB error with a Glossary import if the short description is greater than 255 characters
SAK-14401 OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when english is not the default locale). David Martinez is trying to raise profile of internationalization issues in QA. Beth doesn't think it is critical.
Sakai 2.8 Development Status
SAK-16557 Indexes are missing on OSP tables with Oracle. On Noah's back burner.
(two JIRAs pending related to roster synchronization problems). Beth will follow up with Brian.
SAK-15547 Skip First Step of Portfolio Creation (if only one choice presented to user)
New idea from Lynn: IU is working on enabling ability to control frequency of email notification. Currently, if you are an Evaluator and all your students start submitting cells at the same time, it is overwhelming. Settings would be either default or site specific settings. Digest v. individual notifications. Separate for Matrix and Wizard tools. Needs to be vetted on Sakai Dev list. Probably doesn't need a feature template, just a Jira.
Second idea from Lynn: part of their grand scheme for assignment linking and making program assessment easy, is to provide the ability to view, grade, and evaluate directly in Assignments tool. This would require item-specific evaluation (for an assignment). Beth suggested it might make sense to rebrand feedback as evaluation in order to get item-level support.