2011-04-04 Conference Call

Meeting Minutes for April 4, 2011

  1. Community Updates
    • Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group updates. There is a lenses meeting today where Berkeley will be presenting on their pilot plans. Won't have any direct relevance to portfolios except as the interface itself is relevant. There was a similar presentation last week by Charles Sturt.There is a recording of their presentation linked from the meetings of that session.
    • Sakai OAE.
      • General Status Update.
      • Portfolio Visioning for Sakai OAE. Next meeting 4/26. They will be pounding out mini-specs. Question arose on list, why is Portfolio separate from Teaching and Learning? Some portfolio functionality would not be created by the rest of the community, so Portfolio has to be a separate effort.
      • Portfolio Reports. Meeting tomorrow at 11 Eastern. They plan to create a mini-spec that could be used as a model for other mini-specs.
      • Portfolio Minispecs . 4/8 is next meeting.
    • OSP Help Updates.
      • Elizabeth of KB has a lot of questions about the Portfolios tool. Jan and Lynn will sort them out.
    • OSP Marketing.
    • Planning for the Sakai LA Conference in June 2011.Functional portfolio session in the morning, Functional T&L in the afternoon, and technical Portfolio in the afternoon. Dave McPherson will handle the technical session with Will Trillich as a roving tutor. It would be good to have more roving tutors, or even more presenters.
      • Jan has submitted 4 proposals for Portfolios. They each assume community participation, even though they are submitted in her name. She will be circulating email for recruiting presenters.
      • OSP Community Activities: How to Encourage Collaboration in an Open Source Community.
      • Half-Day Pre-Conference OSP Workshop.
      • OSP Innovations.Panel
      • Portfolio Visioning Discussion Session.
      • The post-conference sessions are also important: they discuss things like planning release dates, what will be in 2.9, etc.
  2. QA Test Fests that Marist has set up to promote people taking a 1/2 hour a day or a week to test. The emphasis right now is on testing IE9. To get to a Test Fest, just google Sakai test fest. You'll be able to get oriented, sign up, and start testing. That page has links to the appropriate servers for testing any particular part of the code. If you have questions, contact rob.egan@marist.edu. Our procedure is a little different, since we test across tools at the same time (since the tools interact with each other.) Rob will report each week on how much OSP testing is getting done.
  3. 2.8 QA Status Test Scripts, 2.8 QA Signup with links to test scripts.
    • No real changes. Noah was focused on the IE9 bug. No OSP blockers as of now. No progress on internationalization issue.