2012-12-03 Conference Call

In Attendance:

  • Chris Maurer, Indiana University
  • Janice Smith, 3 Canoes
  • Nancy O'Laughlin, University of Delaware
  • Jacques Raynauld, Montréal MATI
  • Lynn Ward, Indiana University
  • Debbie Runshe, Indiana University

Agenda Notes:

Technical Updates:


    • Date bug in Forms discussed? If attachment is added, date deleted.
    • Decoration bug discussed; Shawn's blog refers to this fix. Presentation is not Public, requires user to log in. Issue was … attachment does not show, e.g., banner graphic.

Is 2.9.10 update being discussed? Note: new features not part of incremental updates, however, could be considered.

There have been rumors about portfolios being stealthed in 2.10 after the Educause conference. This is not true, and hopefully, rumor has been squelched. Increased involvement with the OSP community might prevent this type of misinformation. Should we do something to increase participation? For example, change format of meeting(s)? Publicize new activities, e.g., possible pilot for Aperio(Sakai/Jasig) Foundation?

Is USUHS willing to contribute back to trunk recent changes, for example, reports updates such as PDF exports was discussed.

Functional Updates:

T & L Portfolios for the future of Sakai - process is complex; Janice going to Kyoto to continue work on that project; Jacques also working with group; there may be two groups piloting.

Page on Confluence needs to be updated, e.g., schedule for 2013; Perhaps begin meeting once a month? IU is upgrading to 2.9 and will update OSP features, as well as others, that may need to be reviewed for perhaps 2.9.1 and/or 2.9.2; may demo for this group and record for others to review. Janice will keep two meetings a month on the calendar through June.