2011-01-03 Conference Call

Meeting Minutes for Jan. 3, 2011

Chris will have a meeting on the second Monday of each month. Jan will run the meetings in his place. No meeting MLK Day.

  1. Community Updates
    • Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group updates. Lenses meeting this afternoon. One of the sprint items for the most recent (2nd) sprint: separation of sites from groups. Currently they are coupled in an inflexible way. There is agreement about separating them, but not on how to go about it. That is the topic for this afternoon.
    • Status updates on OSP Help Updates
      • update sakai.properties documentation
      • Jan has a lot of work to do to integrate contributions.
    • 2.8 QA Status Test Scripts, 2.8 QA Signup with links to test scripts. qa3 updated with beta, and open test sites created where anyone can come and test. Andrea has done a great deal of testing, but no one else seems to have resources. Jan will write an appeal for the Sakai newsletter and contact other institutions to try to recruit testers. We need to go over the Jiras that Andrea has created to see what's important. Chris will include the jiras in next weeks agenda.
    • Sakai 3 General Status Updates
      • Virtual Meeting for Portfolio Visioning in Sakai 3.0 Will meet again on the 11th at 4pm Eastern. The mini-spec group will be meeting this Friday. They are looking at potential titles, grouped by verbs. Personas group switches off with mini-specs group for Friday time slot. Nancy produced a draft of a persona for the assessment coordinator, and revised a user scenario for industrial engineer. Now that work is going on in sub-groups, what should the visioning session be focusing on? Just reporting out from the sub-groups? Maybe visioning meetings should only be once a month.
      • Sakai 3 ePortfolio
    • Reporting Jan will put out a Doodle spreadsheet for setting a date for the next meeting.VA Tech has not made any progress on reworking the IU reporting tool. They need it by Fall.
    • Recruiting OSP resources for QA or other activities. Sakaiproject.org website is the main marketing tool for OSP, but it needs content. Also needs a demo site.
    • OSP Marketing. We should all update the OSP Community Directory on Confluence.
  2. Sakai/OSP Maintenance Status (Bug fixes can be verified on the following QA servers Nightly Build (HSQLDB) or Nightly build (Oracle))
    • SAK-18766 Erratic Stickiness of Group and User, No page update after Manage Status in Matrices tool (UMICH)
    • SAK-19690 - Linking posted assignments to published matrix cells throws an error. Chris got this fixed and it should be on the QA server now.
  3. Sakai Development Status (next major release cycle)
    • SAK-19184 OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when english is not the default locale) - Part 2
    • SAK-16693 Roster Synchronization (pending adding optional flag, branch, test server review and trunk merge). On the back burner for IU.
  4. On the back burner
    • Independent OSP release cycle: action items moving forward