2012-04-02 Conference Call

Notes for Weekly OSP Conference Call on 4-2-2012

In Attendance:
Chris Mauer, Indiana University
Dave McPherson, Virginia Tech
Nancy O'Laughlin, University of Delaware
Debbie Runshe, Indiana University
Janice Smith, Three Canoes
Lynn Ward, Indiana University

1. Community Updates
    * Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group.
           o TWSIA Portfolio Award http://openedpractices.org/twsia. - judging should happen soon, Jan will update when there is additional information.
               + 2012 TWSIA Information http://openedpractices.org/twsia.
               + Revised application deadline: March 9, 2012.
           o  Teaching and Learning with Sakai OAE https://oae-community.sakaiproject.org/%7Eteaching-and-learning-with-oae.
           o Portfolio Activities in OAE: https://oae-community.sakaiproject.org/~portfolio-activities-in-oae.
              + the group explored the functionality of this site; others are welcome to explore and add comments.
    * Portfolio Visioning.
          o Meeting with T&L with Sakai OAE every Friday, 11 AM EST.
               + T&L w/OAE continues to met on Friday mornings; working on minispec re: task creation, others welcome to look at this
               +" I want to complete/submit a task" minispec to be developed later
               + Sam and Nicco going to NYU and UB, doing demos/workshops meeting with usability groups
                      - David Goodrum, IU, Bob Squillace, NYU, and Jon Hayes, UB attending workshop

          o Friday 11 AM EST Phone Bridge https://oae-community.sakaiproject.org/%7Eteaching-and-learning-with-oae#l=kjwwqk9wR/id3680199.
          o For previous information see Portfolio Visioning for Sakai OAE https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/OSP/Portfolio+Visioning+for+Sakai+OAE.
    * Ongoing OSP Community Projects.
          o OSP Help https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/OSP/OSP+2.6+Help+Volunteer+Sign-up - in process; Jan will be contacting Sam O.
          o Upgrading portfolio pages on the Sakai Project website http://www.sakaiproject.org/eportfolios.
    * Planning for Sakai 2012 Conference - need technical personnel to assist with technical workshop session.
          o Proposing half-day functional workshop, half-day technical workshop. Tech Fest table, OSP Innovations Panel.
          o Find or make OSP Community banner for Tech Fest.

2. 2.9 QA Status Test Scripts https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AldPCURzarLgdFJUVm40QzlYMnhLZjRPNzluam0xZ1E&hl=en_US#gid=34, OSP QA 2.9 Signups https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AldPCURzarLgdFJUVm40QzlYMnhLZjRPNzluam0xZ1E&hl=en_US#gid=21 with links to test scripts.
          o Andrea Schmidt and Debbie Runshe @ IU continue to do testing, working through scripts/tools.

3. QA Testing Information for OSP https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/OSP/QA+Testing+Information+for+OSP - no additional information at this time.

4.  *Resolved issues (https://jira.sakaiproject.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+SAK+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%222.9.0+\[tentative\]%22+AND+component+in+%28Metaobj%2C+%22OSP%3A+Forms%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Glossary%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Other%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Portal%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Portfolio+Layouts%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Portfolio+Templates%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Portfolios%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Styles%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Wizards+-+General%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Wizards+-+Hierarchy%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Wizards+-+Matrix%22%2C+%22OSP%3A+Wizards+-+Sequential%22%2C+%22Reports+%28Stealthed+in+2.7%29%22%2C+Taggable%29+AND+status+in+%28Resolved%2C+Closed%29+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC) for 2.9. We need to go through this list to determine which issues need further explanation in order to clarify what needs to be tested.
    * High Priority Issues
          o Noah and Chris working on 21530; after 2.9 was updated it broke; still working on fix
          o Noah and Chris working on issues when possible
          o 2.9 Beta 3 is now out

5. Sakai/OSP Maintenance Status (Bug fixes can be verified on the following QA servers Nightly Build (HSQLDB) http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8083/portal or Nightly build (Oracle) http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082/portal). - no additional information at this time.
    * SAK-18766 http://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19184 Stickiness of Group and User, No page update after Manage Status in Matrices tool (UMICH).

6. Sakai Development Status (next major release cycle). - no additional information at this time.
    * SAK-19184 http://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19184 OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when English is not the default locale) - Part 2.
    * SAK-16693 http://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-16693 Roster Synchronization https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/OSP/Roster+Synchronization (pending adding optional flag, branch, test server review and trunk merge).
    * SAK-19469 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19469 Allow coordinators to view unpublished forms added/owned by another coordinator
    * SAK-19466 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-19466 Unpublished forms not available to other coordinators in Portfolio Templates tool

7. OSP Community Prioritization of Open Issues. - no additional information at this time.
    * OSP Jira Filters https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/OSP/Jira+Filters.

8. OSP Reports Update and Continuing Issues. - no additional information at this time.

9. OSP Performance Issues. - no additional information at this time.
    * SAK-20715 https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-20715 Matrices slow to load.

10. On the back burner. - no additional information at this time.
    * Independent OSP release cycle: action items moving forward.