EMAIL-01 Email Archive tool

EMAIL-01 Email Archive tool

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Email Archive Tool


Test Procedure to verify that the Email Archive tool functions as specified.

expected result:

User should be able to create aliases, modify options, successfully send and receive mail

test data:


automation setup dependencies:

SiteSetup has been run, accessible email client, two user accounts a sender and a receiver account

manual setup dependencies:

Create a site (AM HIS 1) that contains the email archive tool and two user accounts (aphillips, your personal account), download of testdata

start at:

AM HIS 1 homepage, Login: aphillips

Step ID


Expected Result


Select the Email Archive link from the left navigation

User directed to the Email Archive page where there are links to Options and Permissions and there's also a text field for Search.

  • It should state that: You are authorized to send email from: (tester email account)
  • Email sent to the following addresses will be archived and sent to participants:
  • No archived email yet...


Select the Options link

User directed to the Customize Email Archive page


Under Mailbox settings, select the radio button for Anyone

  • Under Mail Address, enter: test
  • Select the Update Options button

User directed back to the Email Archive page where a new 'test' email address alias should be listed next to the hexadecimal, original one


Open an email client and enter the following:

  • To: test@tantalum.phx.rsmart.com
  • Subject: Test
  • Body: Email Archive
  • Attachment: (add resources.doc as attachment)
  • Select the Send link

Email sent. The receiver user account's email client should receive this email.


Switch back to the Email Archive tool, select the refresh arrow icon

The page refreshes and the recently sent email should be listed, showing From, Subject, and Date Received


In the index of archived emails, select the Test link, under the subject column

User directed to the view for the Test email where it lists the Date, From, Subject, Body and Attachment.


Select the resources.doc link

Popup window prompts user to download resources.doc to desktop


Select OK button

Popup closes and resources.doc is downloaded to desktop


Select the View Headers link

Page refreshes with the additional Headers information shown


Select the Hide Headers link

Page refreshes and the Headers are no longer visible


Select the Delete link

User directed to Remove email message confirmation page where a message states: Please confirm the removal of this email archive message:
The email summary is listed below


Select the Remove button

User directed to the Email Archive page where the Test email should no longer be listed

finish at: Email Archive page