CAL-01 Schedule tool


Schedule Tool in My Workspace


Verify that Schedule tool is accessible and functional

expected result:

User should be able to launch Schedule tool and see events listed on their calendar, change the calendar view (days, week, month) and add/delete calendar events.

test data:



DevSiteSetup.htm has been run



start at:

My Workspace, login: student01

Step ID


Expected Result


Select the Schedule tool link

The user should be directed to the Schedule view which contains four links directly under the Schedule header: 'Add', 'Merge', 'Fields', and 'Permissions'

  • Next to the Schedule header is the Reset icon
  • Under a header 'Calendar by Week' there should be a drop down box titled View where the user can select whether they want to view the calendar by Day, Week, Month, Year pr as a List of Events.
  • The next segment will be static text that describes the current view the user has selected. Following it are three buttons: '< Previous Week', 'Today', and 'Next Week >'
  • The next segment is the actual calendar which should display the user's selection of either Day, Week, Month, or Year view. Above the Schedule should be a button that says 'Printable Version'
  • Finally there's a 'Legend' underneath the calendar that contains all of the icons the Calendar uses and the descriptions of what each represents.


In the View drop down box, select Calendar by Day

The calendar should show only the Day view, from 8 AM to 5 PM, in half-hour increments. Before 8 AM will be an 'Earlier' link and after 5 PM will be a 'Later' link.

  • Also, above the actual calendar will be a link called 'Printable Version'
  • And the buttons found under the static view descriptor (it states just the Day for the Day view) should have two buttons: '< Previous Day' and 'Next Day >'


Select the Add link

The user should be redirected to a 'New Event' page


Enter the following information:

  • Title: TestTitle
  • Date: (enter today's date)
  • Start Time: (enter the next hour in the current day)
  • Duration: (leave default 1.0 hour)
  • End Time: (should auto-update according to the Start Time and Duration the user enters)
  • Message: This is a sample message.
  • Display to site: leave radio button filled in
  • Frequency (skip for right now will come back to it shortly)
  • Event Type: Activity (already selected by default)
  • Event Location: TestSite
  • Attachments: (skip for right now will come back to it shortly)
    And then select Save Event

The user should be redirected to the Calendar view and the recently added Event should be displayed in the calendar with the appropriate Icon and duration


Select the < Previous Day button

The Calendar Day view should show Yesterday


Select the Next Day > button

The Calendar Day view should be back to today's date


Under the View drop down box, change the view to Calendar by Week

The 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons should update to reflect weeks, not days with the addition of a third button: 'Today'. And the calendar should now show the current week, with the recently added event still visible.


Select the < Previous Week button

User should be redirected to the Previous week's week calendar view.


Select the Next Week > button

User should be redirected to the next week (which should be the current week)


Under the View drop down box, change the view to Calendar by Month

The 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons should update to reflect months. The calendar should show the current month with the recently added event still visible


Select the < Previous Month button

User should be redirected to the previous month's calendar view


Select the Next Month > button

User should be redirected to the next month's calendar view which should be the current month


Under the View drop down box, change the view to Calendar by Year

The 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons should update to reflect years. The calendar should show the current year with the recently added event visible as bolding the date's number


Select the < Previous Year button

User should be redirected to previous year's calendar view


Select the Next Year > button

User should be redirected to next year's calendar view which should be the current year.


Under the View drop down box, select List of Events

User should be redirected to a form composed of drop down boxes to filter the time periods where events fall into. The drop down boxes are as follows:

  • View:
  • Show:
  • Start:
  • End:
  • At the end of the form will be a button: 'Filter Events'
  • Below the form will be another button: 'Go to Today'


Under the Show drop down box, select All Events

That action should refresh the page to reveal a table that contains entries for every event the user has created. Each entry should have a Date, Time, For, and Description


Select the recently created event, TestTitle

User should be redirected to the single event View where certain descriptors are found:

  • Title
  • Date
  • Time
  • Description
  • Frequency
  • Event Type
  • Owner
  • Event Location
  • And two buttons: 'Edit' and 'Delete'
  • There should also be another set of buttons:
  • 'Last Event', 'Go to Today', 'Next Event', and 'Back to Calendar'


Select the Edit button

User should be redirected to an 'Editing event...' view. It should look the same as the expected result for step #5


Select the Add Attachments button

User should be redirected to an Add Attachment page with a field titled: 'Upload local file' followed by a button titled: 'Browse...'

  • There should also be a second option to add 'a URL (link to website) followed by a text field and an 'Add' button.
  • Another option is to 'Select a resource' from any Sites the user has access to.


Select the Browse... button

A popup window should open allowing the user to select a document to upload.


Select resources.xls and click Open

The Add Attachment page should refresh and the recently added document should be visible in a table with an option to Remove visible as a link


Select the Remove button

The Add Attachment page should refresh and the recently added document should be removed.


In the URL field, enter:

and click the Add button

The Add Attachment page should refresh and the URL should be visible as an entry in a table.


Select the Continue button

User should be redirected to the 'Editing event...' view that should look similar to the expected result for Step #21 with the exception that the recently added URL is now included in the view


Select the Frequency button

User redirected to the Frequency selection view where a drop down box (required) allows the user to select the desired frequency. There are also two buttons: 'Save Frequency' and 'Cancel'


Select Daily from the drop down list

A new set of configuration options will reveal itself:

  • Event Frequency (drop down box, required)
  • Every (drop down box, required)
  • 'Ends' header followed by an option from one of three radio buttons:
  • 'After' (followed by a drop down box to select the number of times)
  • 'On' (followed by a drop down box to select the date)
  • 'Never'
  • And finally, two buttons, 'Save Frequency' and 'Cancel'


Enter the following information:

  • Event Frequency (leave as is)
  • Every: 1 day(s)
  • Ends: After 10 times
    Select the Save Frequency button

User is redirected to the 'Editing event...' view that should look similar to the expected result for Step #27 with the exception that the recently updated frequency is now included in the view


Select the Save Event button

User is redirected to the Calendar View which at this point is selected to List all Events as that was the state before the entries were edited. The new frequencies and added links/documents should now be visible.


Select Go to Today button

Calendar View is refreshed to the Day view


Select the Printable Version link

New tab/window should open with pdf version of weekly calendar

  • Close tab/window to exit


Select the Earlier link

The hours for the Calendar by Day should change from starting at 8 AM - 5 PM to instead starting at 12 AM - 9 AM


Select the Schedule refresh arrow

The Schedule page is displayed defaulting to the Calendar by Week view with the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM visible


Select the Later button

The page should refresh to show the hours of 2 PM to 11 PM


Select the Fields link

The Add/Edit Fields page should be displayed There will be a Field Name text field with a 'Create Field' button and also a list of currently created fields with checkboxes next to them providing the option to Remove.

  • There are also two buttons: 'Save Field Changes' and 'Cancel'


Enter the following information into the Field Name field and click the Create Field button:

  • TestField

TestField should be added to the list of fields with checkboxes next to them.


Select the Save Field Changes button

User is redirected to the Calendar by Week view


Select the TestTitle event

The 'Editing event...' page should be displayed that looks similar to the expected result for step #30 with the addition of the added TestField descriptor


Select the Edit button

User directed to the Editing event page


In the TestField text area, type: Testing the new field.
Select the Save Event button

User is redirected to the Calendar by Week view


Select the TestTitle event

The view should be similar to the expected result for Step #20 except the recently added TestField and it's value should be visible.


Select the Fields link

User directed to the Add/Edit Fields page


Under the Remove? column, check the box for the TestField row
Select the Save Field Changes button

An alert message should appear:

  • Alert: Are you sure you want to remove the following field(s):TestField? If yes, click 'Save Field Changes' to continue.


Select the Save Field Changes button

User should be directed back to the single event view with the recently removed field no longer visible


Select the Delete button

User should be directed to the Deleting schedule item... page with the following alert:

  • Are you sure you want to delete this item?


Select the Delete button

User should be directed back to the Calendar by Week view and the deleted event should no longer be visible


Select the Home link

The My Workspace page should be displayed

finish at: My Workspace page