MESS-01 Messages tool

MESS-01 Messages tool

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Messages Tool


Verify that the Messages Tool is functional

expected result:

User should be able to use Messages to send messages to other users

test data:


automation setup dependencies:

site has been setup with 2 users and the message tool is accessible

manual setup dependencies:

create a site that contains the Messages tool and there are 2 users(aphillips and kadams),download of testdata

start at:

Sakai Gateway

Step ID


Expected Result


Login as:
Username: kadams
Password: password

  • Select the Log In button

User should be redirected to kadams's/user's My Workspace


Select the site tab which has the messages tool

User should be directed to the corresponding site


Select Home link on the left

User should be redirected to the Course Homepage


On the Course Homepage, select the Messages link on the left

User should be redirected to the Messages page, showing:

  • A link to 'Compose Message'
  • A link to New Folder
  • A link to Settings
  • A list of message folders: Received, Sent, Deleted & Draft


Select the Compose Message button

User should be redirected to the Compose a Message page with the following fields:

  • *To
  • Send
  • Label
  • *Subject
  • Message
  • Attachments
  • A row of four buttons: Send, Preview, Save Draft, and Cancel


Fill in the form as follows:

  • To: Phillips, Anna
  • Send: As Message (default)
  • Label: Normal (default)
  • Subject: TestingMessage
  • Message: TestingBody
  • Attachment: none
    Select the Send button

User should be redirected to the Messages page, where user can see messages received,sent and deleted


Select the Sent link on the default messages page

User should be redirected to the Messages page, set to Messages/Sent

  • The TestingMessage message should be displayed in a table


Select the TestingMessage link

User should be redirected to Messages/Sent/TestingMessage
Summary information for the message should be displayed along with some navigation options:

  • Reply
  • Reply to all
  • Forward
  • Move to folder
  • Delete
  • < Previous Message
  • Next Message >


Select the refresh-arrow button

User should be redirected to the Messages folder, which should show four folders: Received, Sent, Deleted & Draft and also links to actions: Compose Message, New Folder, and Settings

  • Each folder should have the number of messages enumerated in parentheses after the folder name (Sent should have 1 message after it)


Select the New Folder link

User should be redirected to the Messages Created Folder view with one required field titled Folder Title


Enter 'TestFolder' in the field and select the Add button

User should be redirected to the Messages index of folders and the newly created folder should be visible in the list with an option: Folder Settings


Select the newly created TestFolder's Folder Settings link

User should be redirected to the Messages Folder Settings view for the TestFolder with buttons to:

  • Rename Folder
  • Add
  • Delete
  • Cancel


Select the Rename Folder button

The Rename Message Folder page should appear with a field prepopulated with the current name of the folder.


Change the name of the folder to TestFolder2

  • Select the Save Settings button

User should be redirected back to the Messages Folder Settings view with the new name for the folder reflected.


Select the Add button

User should be redirected to the Messages Create Folder view with a field: Folder Title


Enter 'TestFolder3' in the field

  • Select Add

User should be redirected to the Messages page with the newly created folder visible in the list


Select the Settings button

User should be redirected to the Messages Settings view with two options:

Allow sending copies to recipients' email address(es) (Yes and No radio buttons with Yes as default)

Auto Forward Messages (Yes and No radio buttons with No as default)
Email address for forwarding: empty text field

  • And two buttons: 'Save Settings' and 'Cancel'


Select the Yes radio button for, Auto Forward Message:

The email address field should become active and editable


Enter a valid and testable email address into the field

  • Select Save Settings

User should be redirected to the Messages view that shows the index of files (! this will be tested later in this procedure just a reminder to remember it)

20.Select the Sent folder  Messages/Sent should display with a link to your test message,  View (All Messages default) Mark Read, Mark Unread, Delete, Move, <Previous Folder, Next Folder>, Search for text: Advanced Search
21.Check the box in the Check All column beside your test messageThe box should be checked and Mark Read, Mark Unread Delete and Move should be available to click
22.Select the Move linkMessages / Sent / Move Messages(s) To page will display with a radio button list of your default folders and newly created folders.
23.Select the radio button beside the TestFolder3  The radio button beside TestFolder3 will be selected
24.Select the Move Messages Button  User should be redirected to the Messages view that shows the index of files and TestFolder3 should read (1 message - 0 unread)


Select Folder Settings for TestFolder3

User should be redirected to the Messages Folder Settings page


Select the Delete button

User should see a Delete Confirmation... screen that displays the following alert: Alert: The folder contains messages that will also be deleted! Are you sure you want to delete the following folder and its contents?'

  • And two buttons: Delete and Cancel


Select the Delete button

User should be redirected to the Messages page with the index of folder, minus the folder that was just deleted


Select the help icon

A popup window should open the Help files, with the Messages section open by default


Close the popup window

User should see the Messages page and index of folders


Select Logout

User should be redirected to the Portal page


Login as
Username: aphillips
Password: password

  • Select the Log In button

User should be logged in as aphillips and be redirected to the My Workspace page


Select the Site tab which has the messages tool

User should be redirected to the Homepage of the site


Scroll below to find the Messages & Forums Notifications

Under the Messages & Forums Notifications, in the Messages row, there should be a bolded number 1 that indicates a new message awaiting the user


Select the number 1 in the Messages row

User should be redirected to the Messages/Received page and the relevant message sent by the other user should appear in a table


Select the TestingMessage email

User should be redirected to the Messages / Received / TestingMessage page where the TestingMessage details are displayed along with buttons to Reply, Forward,Move to folder, Delete, and Back to list


Select the Home link in the menu

User should be redirected to the Site homepage and under the Messages & Forums Notifications section in the Messages row the bolded number 1 should be gone and the word None should now be present.


Select the Messages link from the left navigation links

User should be redirected to the Messages / Received / TestingMessage page with


Select the refresh arrow icon

User should be redirected to the Messages page with the index of folders


Select the Compose Message link

User should be redirected to the Messages/Compose page with the form for the message


Enter the following information:
To: Adams, Kathleen
Send: As Message
Label: High
Subject: TestMessage2
Message: hello

  • Select the Add Attachment button

User should be redirected to the Add Attachment page for Messages. There should be a field titled: Upload local file.

  • There should also be the option to 'Select a resource'
  • The user should be able to see the Resources folder for the current course


Select the Browse... button

A popup window will allow the user to browse the local system for a file to upload


Select the 'resources.doc' file and click OK

User should see the Add Attachment page with the selected file listed under a header of 'Items to attach' and there should also be a link to Remove the item


Select the Continue button

User should be redirected back to the Messages/Compose page with the previously entered from data intact, also with the attached file displayed


Select the Send button

User should be redirected to the Messages page index of folders with the Sent folder increased by 1 message

  • Also, the first user who changed their Message Options to have the Sakai forward Messages to their email should have received an email with the attachment


Select the Sent folder

User should be redirected to the Messages/Sent page where a list of sent messages should be displayed


In the Search for text box, search for: test

Results should display for any message that contains 'test' in the subject

  • The sub-breadcrumb trail (not the main breadcrumb trail, but the breadcrumb trail for the messages tool) should update to display: 'Messages & Forums / Messages / Received / Search'


Select the Advanced Search

Without a page refresh, a form should appear allowing the user to refine their search criteria such as searching for text in the body of a message and searching between various date/times or by the creator of the message


Select the checkbox for Body and then search for 'hello'

The relevant messages should be displayed in a list


Select the Advanced Search

Same expected result as step 38


Select the Date Range checkbox and change the End Date to before the message was written

  • Then search for 'test'

An alert should appear: Alert: No matching result found


Change the Date Range dates to allow the recent message to fall within that time span

  • Then search for 'test'

The TestingMessage2 message should be visible in the search results


Select the TestingMessage2 message

User should be redirected to the Message view for TestingMessage2


Select the Reply button

User should be redirected to the Messages / Reply to Message page, which is a Message creation form, with the original Message sender automatically populated into the To: field


Enter the following information:
To: (leave prepopulated name as default)
Send: (leave As Message selected as default)
Label: (leave Normal selected as default)
Subject: (leave Re: test selected as default)
Message: ReplyTestMessage

  • Select the Send button

User should be redirected to the Messages/Sent page where they will se the email they just sent in the index titled: Re: TestMessage2


Select the Compose Message button

User should be redirected to the Messages / Compose page with the message editor


Enter the following information:
To: Adams, Kathleen
Send: (leave as default)
Label: (leave as default)
Subject: A different conversation
Message: A different conversation body.

  • Select the Send button

User should be redirected to the Messages / Sent page where they will see the email they just sent in the index titled: A different conversation


Select the TestMessage2 message

User should be redirected to the Message / Sent / TestMessage2 page


Select the Move to folder button

User should be redirected to the 'Messages Move Message To' page where a list of folders should be displayed with radio buttons next to each


Select the Deleted radio button

  • Select the Move Message button

User should be redirected to the Messages page with the index of folders. The new count for the Sent folder should be 1 and the new count for the Deleted folder should be 1


Select the Deleted folder

User should be redirected to the Messages / Deleted page where the recently moved message should be displayed in a list


Check the checkbox for the TestingMessage2 message

  • Select the Delete Selected Items button

User should be redirected to the 'Messages & Forums / Messages / Deleted / Delete Confirmation ...' page

  • An alert should appear: Alert: Are you sure you want to permanently delete the following message(s)?
  • And the TestingMessage2 should be displayed in a list


Select the Delete Message(s) button

User should be redirected to the Messages / Deleted page and the recently deleted message should no longer exist


Select the < Previous Folder button

User should be redirected to the Messages / Sent page


Select the Next Folder > button

User should be redirected back to the Messages / Deleted page


Select Logout

User should be redirected to the portal page


Login as:
Username: kadams
Password: password

  • Select the Log In button

User should be redirected to the My Workspace page


Select the Site tab which has the messages tool

User should be redirected to the site homepage


On the home page scroll down for Messages & Forum Notifications

Under the Messages & Forums Notifications, in the Messages row, there should be the number 2 with an envelope & pencil icon next to it


Select the envelope & pencil icon

Under the Messages & Forums Notifications, the numbers and icon should disappear and the word None should appear


Select the Messages link from the left navigation links

User should be redirected to the Messages page where the index of folders is listed behind the Received folder should read: (2 messages 0 unread)


Select the Received folder

User should be redirected to the Messages/Received view


Select the message: A different conversation

User should be redirected to the Messages/Received/A different conversation page


Select the Reply button

User should be taken to the Messages/Reply to Message page where an editable form is waiting with the To recipient prepopulated


Fill in the following:

  • To: (leave as default)
  • Send: (leave as default)
  • Label: (leave as default)
  • Subject: (leave as default)
  • Message: asdf
    Select the Send button

User should be redirected to the Messages/Received view


Select the Messages link in the sub-breadcrumb trail

User should be redirected to the Messages page index of folders


Select the Sent folder

User should be redirected to the Messages/Sent page


Select the Re: A different conversation link

User should be redirected to the Messages/Sent/Re: A different conversation page view


Select the Move to folder button

User should be redirected to the Messages Mov e Message To view with a list of radio button options


Select the Received radio button and click the move Message button

User should be redirected to the Messages view index of folders and the Received messages count should have increased


Select the Received folder

User should be redirected to the Messages/Received page with the messages in a list


Under the View drop down box, select: By Conversation

The page should refresh with the messages now arranged in groups with a triangle button it should look like this:
^ A different conversation
Re: A different conversation


Select the arrow in front of A different conversation

The arrow should change from pointing down to pointing to the side and all of the messages in the conversation thread should collapse so only the first message can be seen


Select the arrow in front of A different conversation again

The conversation's messages should expand to be visible again


Under the View drop down box, select: All Messages

Page should refresh to show all of the messages in the Messages / Received folder and they should now be sortable by clicking on column headers


Select the Authored By column header

The messages should sort to be alphabetical by Author name and the sortable-icon-indicator should now be next to the Authored By column header


Select the Date column header

The messages should sort from the oldest dated message to the newest and the sortable-icon-indicator should now be next to the Date column header


Select the Attachment Icon column header

The messages should sort so all the messages with attachments are next to each other and the sortable-icon-indicator should now be next to the Attachment icon column header


Select the Subject column header

The messages should sort according to alphabetical order by the Subject's title and the sortable-icon-indicator should now be next to the Subject in the column header


Select the Compose Message button

The Messages/Compose page should open with an editable form


Enter the following information:

  • To: Adams, Kathleen (this is the current user)
  • Send: (leave as default)
  • Label: (leave as default)
  • Subject: MessageToSelf
  • Message: testing testing
    Select the Send button

User should be redirected to the Messages/Received page and the MessageToSelf should be listed in the message index


Select the Home link above the menu

User should be redirected to the Course's homepage and under Messages & Forums Notifications in the Messages row should be the number 1

finish at: My Course Home Page