CHAT-01 Chat tool

CHAT-01 Chat tool


Chat Tool


Test Procedure to verify that two or more users can carry on a chat

expected result:

User should be able to see what users are in room, create, edit, delete rooms, create, delete, read messages

test dasmoney:



SiteSetup has been run, users (1 Instructor, 2 Students) are enrolled in course


Three separate browsers, one a student session, one an instrucor session, one a TA session

start at:

Course Site home page, Login: As each different user

Step ID


Expected Result


Logged in as the Instructor, select the Chat Room link

User directed to the Chat Room page
Under the section, Users in Chat, should be the users name


Select the Permissions link

User directed to the Permissions page where Participant roles should have read, new, and delete.own permissions


Select Save button

User directed to the Chat Room page


Select the Options link

User directed to the Manage Rooms page
Under the Chat Room section, a room called Main Chat Room should exist


Select the Add Room link

User directed to the Add Room page


Enter the following:
Title: Test Chat Room
Description: Test chat description
the Recent Chat Display set to defaults

  • Select the Update Options button

User directed to the Manage Rooms page and the recently created Chat Test Room should now be listed


Under Test Chat Room, select the Set as Default link

Page should refresh and the Set as Default link should no longer be available for Test Chat Room, but it should have been enabled for Main Chat Room


Under Main Chat Room, select the Delete link

User directed to a Deleting chat room page asking: Are you sure you want to permanently delete this chat room?


Select the Delete button

User directed to the Manage Rooms page and the Main Chat Room should no longer be listed


Under Test Chat Room, select the Edit link

User directed to the Edit Room page


Modify the following:
Title: Test Chat Room mod
Description: Test chat description mod
Leave the rest of the defaults as they are

  • Select the Update Options button

User directed to the Manage Rooms page where the Test Chat Room Mod object reflects the revisions


Select the link for Test Chat Room Mod

User directed to the Test Chat Room Mod page, where under Users in Chat, should be the users name


In the text area, type: Test message

  • Select the Add message button

Without a page refresh, the message appears in red font above the text area form. The text area form should now be empty again.


Next to the recently added message, select the garbage can icon

User directed to the Deleting chat message page with a notification asking: Are you sure you want to permanently delete this message?


Select the Delete button

User directed to the Test Chat Room Mod page and the recently delete message should no longer be visible


In the text area form, type: Another test message

  • Select the Add message button

Without a page refresh, the message appears above the text area form. The text area form should now be empty again.


Switch browser to a Student session

  • At the CLE Gateway page, login with proper credentials

User directed to the My Workspace page


Select Course Site link from the Quicklinks menu

User directed to the course home page where, under the Recent Chat Messages section on the home page of the course, should be: Another test message


Select the Chat Room link

User directed to the Test Chat Room Mod page where the mpaquette's 'Another test message' should be visible
Also, under the Users in Chat section, should be both the Students user name and the Instructors name


In the text area form, type: Response to test another test message

  • Select the Add message button

Without a page refresh, the message should appear in blue font under the first message. The Student's message should have a trash icon next to it


Switch browser to the Instructor session

User should still be at the Test Chat Room Mod page and the recently posted Student's Response to another test message should be visible


In the text area, type: Ad infinitum

  • Select the Add message button

Without page refresh, Ad infinitum should appear below the other messages


Next to the Student's Response to another test message, select the trash icon

User directed to the Deleting chat message page where a notification states: Are you sure you want to permanently delete this message?


Select the Delete button

User directed to the Test Chat Room Mod page where the Student's message should no longer be listed


Switch browser to the Student session

User should still be at the Test Chat Room Mod page and the Ad infinitum message should be visible.


Switch browser to a third session, as a Student

  • Login with the following with proper credentials

User directed to the My Workspace page


Select Course Site from the Quicklinks menu

User directed to the course home page where two messages should appear under the Recent Chat Messages section: Ad infinitum and Another test message


Under the Communication category, select the Chat Room link

User directed to the Test Chat Room Mod page where two messages should be listed: Another test message and Ad infinitum
Also, under Users in Chat, should be the Instructor, the first Student and now the current user—three total.


In the text area form, type: Third wheel

  • Select the Add message button

Without a page refresh the Third wheel message should be added to the conversation and the text area form should be emptied


Switch browser to the first Student's session

The third user's message should be displayed in green font


Switch browser to the Instructor session

The third user's message should be displayed in green font


In the text area, type: Three colors now

  • Select the add message button

Without page refresh, the Three colors now message should be added


Switch browser to the smoney session

The Three colors now message should be visible

finish at: Test Chat Room Mod page