2.3 Release Planning-6 (20061025)


Notes and To List

  • Attendees: Dawn Eckert, Huang, Garin, John Leasia, Clay, Kate Dellis, Megan May. Glenn
  • Excellent progress is being made and feedback is positive for a Nov 1 release. There is one outstanding blocker - error on teh qa1-uk instance. This instance retains data from 2.2 and is uprgradeing from mysql 4 to mysql 5. For the next tag, we'll ask the admin to forgo the mysql upgrade to determine if that is a factor.
  • All candidates are listed at http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/QA/Fixes+for+the+next+tag.
    • Dawn requested three OSP fixes be included. Two of the three have been tested on nightly2.
    • John requested some texual changes to assignments to make submission to students clearer. This had been tested in nightly and is low hanging fruit that is extremely adventagous.
    • Podcasts - Megan will test two of the fixes on nightly before they are merged in.
    • Resources - Clay and John will perform preliminary testing prior to merging in the changes for SAK-XXX. Clay will ensure that these features are enabled. John will bring up a local build and ensure that the features can be turned off
    • Clay will test the assingments formatting changes once they are brought up on the QA servers
  • General Testing Updates
    • John: spot checking fixes in .006 tag.
    • Dawn: focus on OSP. With these fixes, things are looking good
    • Garin: Focus on .006 bugs. SPent time looking at SAK-6758 an will touch base with John
    • Kate: Adopted news. Looks very good, excpet for 1 small bug - error message isn't displaying correctly.
    • Megan: Also spot checking. Spent time with the import feature in GB.
  • Docs
    • SHould have the release notes by end of week. they will be in sibversion so everyone can review.
    • The installation guide is undergoing some changes and will be ready by Sunday or Monday
    • We'll plan on building release web on Monday
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