Post-2.4 Feature Branches

General Information

Several projects are providing early releases of features destined for Sakai 2.5 in a 2.4-compatible format. This enables interested organizations to take advantage of the new functionality without waiting for the next release; however, the branch has generally only been subjected to limited QA by the project team itself. (General information on Features Branches....)

For participating projects, the Feature Release code is located in the post-2.4 branch in a project's SVN repository. The project may also provide tags, such as post-2.4-a, post-2.4-b, ..., to help identify safe starting points from which to adopt the code.

For each Project Team part of the drive for this early delivery of functionality was to meet the needs of a team member's local Sakai implementations, hence, the functionality has typically been subjected to a good deal of testing at their institution and has generally been tested for production deployment. The Project Teams do not necessarily have time remaining to incorporate additional design suggestions for the 2.5 release, however, they certainly will welcome bug reports and attempt to address them before the 2.5 release and consider suggestions for future releases. Some Project Teams may also choose to continue supporting the post-2.4 branches with bug fixes even after 2.5 is released, but it is not guaranteed.


In Use At (star)

Maintained By (green star)


University of Michigan through mid-2008
University of California, Davis through September 2008
Columbia University through 2008
Rice University through August 2008
University of California, Berkeley through May 2008

Former user (Deleted) through mid-2008


Columbia University through 2008
University of California, Berkeley through May 2008

Former user (Deleted) through ?


University of California, Davis through September 2008
Georgia Tech through May 2008

Former user (Deleted) through ?


University of California, Davis through September 2008
University of California, Berkeley through May 2008

Former user (Deleted) through ?

(star) This list is likely very incomplete. If you are using one of these post-2.4 branches, please add yourself to the table and include an indication of how long you plan to use it for.
(green star) If you need help using a post-2.4 branch, you are strongly encouraged to post your questions to the mail list, rather than directly to the folks listed here. That way you'll reach a wider community that can provide you with an answer or suggestions, as well allowing everyone else to benefit from the answer (including those that search through the email archives later on with a similar question.)

The following projects have code in a post-2.4 branch, but it is only experimental or a work-in-progress. You should not be using it unless you hear otherwise from the Project Leads.

  • content (includes Resources, Drop-Box, etc.)
  • db
  • entity

Post-2.4 Feature Branch Issues

The current list of Jira issues addressed in post-2.4.