Sakai's Open 3-Year Roadmap
About the Roadmap
Each fall, the Sakai Community embarks on a collaborative process to define a roadmap for the coming 3 years of Sakai development. This effort clarifies and codifies the Community's priorities for Sakai LMS.
Roadmap 2024-2026 Process Milestones
The Roadmap creation process included the following milestones:
October 2022: Consultation with Roadmap Steering Committee and Marketing Team
November 2022: Roadmap v1 presented for feedback at Sakai Virtual Conference
December 2022 - January 2023: Roadmap v2 presented for feedback at Sakai working groups (Teaching & Learning - User Experience, Marketing, Core Team)
February 2023: Roadmap v3 adopted at Sakai Camp
Roadmap Steering Committee Membership
Thanks to these Sakai Community members who help guide the roadmap process!
Wilma Hodges
Earle Nietzel
Sam Ottenhoff
Martin Ramsay
Alan Regan
Miguel Pellicer
Christina Schwiebert
Jeremy Anderson
Dede Hourican
Julianne Morgan
Chris Knapp
Roadmap 2024 - 2026: Community Version
The community version of the Sakai Roadmap, adopted February 2022, exists as a world-viewable Google Doc.Ā
This version includes the following sections:
Feature RoadmapĀ
New FeaturesĀ (audience: public)
ImprovementsĀ (audience: public)
Ongoing InvestmentsĀ (audience: community only)
Technical RoadmapĀ
Technologies + Services (audience: community only)
UI Technical Foundation (audience: community only)
Roadmap Accomplishments, 2020 - Present
Deprecated: Roadmap 2023 - 2025
Public Version
The public version of the Sakai Roadmap consists only of the New Features and Improvements section of the Feature Roadmap.
Community Version
The community version of the Sakai Roadmap, adopted March 2021, exists as a world-viewable Google Doc.Ā
This version includes the following sections:
Feature RoadmapĀ
New FeaturesĀ (audience: public)
ImprovementsĀ (audience: public)
Ongoing InvestmentsĀ (audience: community only)
Technical RoadmapĀ
Technologies + Services (audience: community only)
UI Technical Foundation (audience: community only)
Deprecated: Roadmap 2022 - 2024
Public Version
The public version of the Sakai Roadmap consists only of the New Features and Improvements section of the Feature Roadmap.
Community Version
The community version of the Sakai Roadmap, adopted March 2021, exists as a world-viewable Google Doc.Ā
This version includes the following sections:
Feature RoadmapĀ
New FeaturesĀ (audience: public)
ImprovementsĀ (audience: public)
Ongoing InvestmentsĀ (audience: community only)
Technical RoadmapĀ
ApplicationĀ (audience: community only)
InfrastructureĀ (audience: community only)
Roadmap & Sakai 22 Contributions
Details about 2022 contributions
Calendar Design Upgrade (
Conversations (
Date Manager (
IMS Standard Support (QTI 2) (
Lesson Creation (
Select UX Improvements (details tbd)
Video Assignments (