2.3 Release Planning-4 (20061011)


  • Update on noteworthy items in tag
    • Resources The fix for SAK-6770 required a significant reworking of availability checks during permission checks for any resource or folder. This requires pretty thorough retesting to verify the fix hasn't broken anything
    • Schedule SAK-6627: New and delete permissions are not working as expected when user does not have a revise permission
    • New settings for stealth/unstealth process. We'll want the visible tools set for the .005 tag.
      a. visibleTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager=osp.synoptic.design.publish osp.exposedwizard osp.presLayout osp.reports osp.wizard osp.presTemplate sakai.metaobj osp.guidance.sample osp.style osp.presentation osp.evaluation osp.glossary osp.exposedmatrix osp.synoptic osp.matrix sakai.postem sakai.site.roster sakai.messagecenter sakai.search blogger sakai.rutgers.linktool
    • Conversion Script
      a. The event table session_id field had a char limit of 36; will now be 163. Please see http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SAK-6635 for more details.
      b. Resoved problems on oracle with calendar/content permissions section failing. Please see http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SAK-6682 for more details.
      c. Resolved exception in exisiting GB. Please see http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SAK-6780 for more details
  • QA WG Member Test Updates
  • Developer Project Lead Updates
  • Review of any open items of concern


  • Update on noteworthy items in tag
    • Reviewed the timeline. Please note that Samigo will have one more week to check in any bugs.
    • Group discussed a potential bug with attachment widget. Glenn will open a JIRA for this. However, it likely won't be fixed for 2.3 as it existed in system before and wasn't something end users have been reporting.
  • QA WG Member Test Updates
    • Megan: Tested Schedule; mostly solid but waiting for .005 tag to completely sign off. Working on testing samigo- have focused on some of the new features (paging and search). There are test plans that I will post to the QA WG. Opened a couple bugs, but nothing major. Have also been closing a few bugs as I've hit them while testing. Next focus in Samigo withh be the bulk download of file uploads.
    • Garin: The QC Team at UMich has looked at announcements, resources, discussion, chat. Resources looked pretty solid as of the last tag.
    • John: He's been checking various fixes. Zhen checkedin some performance fixes for the next tag. Also mention SAK-5853; dangling GB entry. Zhen has been communicating with Josh about this.
      • Megan will test Zhen's performance fixes on qa2-us. Seth is leaving data there for a short lived experiment (data will be dropped after test). Mentioned that IU is implementing these fixes tomorrow.
    • Others: Vivie will be assisting in Samigo testing next week as well as Focusing on the Assignment/GB intgration.
  • Developer Project Lead Updates
  • Review of any open items of concern
    • SAK-5853 Raise this to a Blocker.
    • SAK-http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SAK-6758 Announcements blocker. a few of us weren't able to replicate. Garin will work with John to reproduce. All in agreement that if we can repro. it needs to be fixed for 2.3
  • Other
    • Import/Archive: There is the ability to specify services for import/archive or to turn it all on (components file). Currently it's all on, but some services throw errors. How should this be approached?
      • Functionality is new; similar to provisional tools. If it's not working, lets only list services by default OOTB. However, they should all be on for testing over the next week
      • Steve white box testing, but doubts he'll be able to get them all done before next week.
      • Suggested contact the migration WG (may go by another name). While they are working on future functionality, there may be participants that can assist with testing.

Action Items

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