2.4 Release Planning-8 (20070502)

Follow up on Action Items from Last Meeting

  • Most AA items were preliminary testing that was completed by 5pm. All but one of the fixes were included.
  • (Megan) Follow up on inclusion of SAK-9718 - Getting issue details... STATUS in next tag
  • (Hannah) look into getting the test data required for testing SAK-9721 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Action Items from Today's Meeting

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1. Review of Action items from last weeks meeting
2. Status updates from those in attendance
3. Updates on all open Blockers

  • Must be resolved prior to .014 tag
    • SAK-8447 - Getting issue details... STATUS Syllabus/ conversion
    • SAK-9106 - Getting issue details... STATUS MySQL Conversion
    • SAK-9328 - Getting issue details... STATUS Polls / Conversion
    • SAK-9506 - Getting issue details... STATUS Announcements / Automaticall create trigger for ScheduledInvocationRunner on init
    • SAK-9668 - Getting issue details... STATUS Samigo properties changes to kernel
  • Assignments & Site Info:
    • SAK-9427 - Getting issue details... STATUS Assignments linked to GB entres created prior to 2.4 need conversion
    • SAK-9635 - Getting issue details... STATUS Assignment resubmission does not update after instructor Saves without Returning
    • SAK-9767 - Getting issue details... STATUS Site Info / cannot edit roles for provided data
    • SAK-9790 - Getting issue details... STATUS Resubmission count updated in odd manner
    • SAK-9796 - Getting issue details... STATUS Grades entered in Assignments tool not always transfered to GB}
    • SAK-9798 - Getting issue details... STATUS Changes in GB/Assignment association do not always transfer grades to the appropriate GB assignment

4. Updates on resolved Blockers (dynamic list below):

5. Other Updates

  • JIRA ??: worksite setup: The new worksite setup stuff has a place where anyone can put in anyone else's account name and see the list of classes that person is teaching. I guess this was put in for assistants to create classes for their instructors, but we don't want that for a number of reasons, until we can control it better as to who sees it for which set of instructors. So, Zhen is going to be putting in a sakai.property to optionally omit that piece from the UI (similar to how the import from file doesn't show up in the site info toolbar based on a sakai.property).

6. Call for inclusions not listed below

7. Focus for next week - GB, Resources, ensure attachment widget works

8. Documentation Update

  • 14th for having everything ready for review.

9. When to expect next tag

Release Status Dashboard View

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Meeting Notes

Pre-Meeting Camaraderie

Megan: Does anyone want to add anything to the agenda?

It's real quiet on the line.


Action items from last week

9718: WebDAV, calculating quoting. Disagreement as to whether fix from Ian should be included. It's a temporary fix. No consensus from technical leadership. We should create a patch and put it in the release notes.
Jim: Wants to check with Glenn one more time as a temporary fix, still wants to go in the release. I am happy with Ian's answer. Haven't heard from Glenn yet on the issues he raised.
John: We would have to set our quota to zero.
Jim: Need to check with Linda and Glenn. Can we wait a few hours.
Megan: Unsure of Tagging time. Will coord with Lance, Glenn,...
???: Are the issues in the ticket? We want to make sure everything is documented.
Lance: All discussion is in the ticket and list.
Jim: Temp fix using some caching but is not clustered. Clustering is the issue.
Lance: Based on Ian's comments there don't seem to be any 'serious' clustering issues. Can be worked around with the Event Bus.
Jim: The clustering issue is that sometimes we allow uploads that violoate the quota. Some concern from Glenn about this Hash table potentially getting very big, if not cleaned regularly. Ian thinks this may be resolved. Glenn unsure still.
Those are the big concerns.
Megan: Ok. further questions?
Linda: If this bug effecting the clustering component and we are now exploring a presence problem in our compacity. At the end of the term the clustering mechanism is hurting the app server because of presence. If this is a complication of that, there should be some concern.
Lance: Not related to presence.
Linda: We'll be testing.
Megan: We haven't decided for sure if this is going in. Will be working to see this afternoon if folks are comfortable.

Status from Everyone:

Update from John Leasia: Assignments. Several issues and are concerned and because Zhen (lead dev) is out of town. Hopeful that she can fix these. With respect to the issues, the resubmit checkbox. Feature request to allow students to resubmit after it has been returned to them. <<details>>. Students can keep resubmitting as many times as they want until the end date or it's been graded. We are in a situation with a lot of bugs surrounding this. We need to eliminate for 2.4 the ability to multiple re-submit. A number of bugs rurround it still. In 2.5 this can be fixed with multiple controls. Suggesting approaching this by scaling back this functionality from 2.4.
>>Lance: Looking at the calendar we have 1 QA tag today, and one more opportunity to get stuff in after that. Tag today, and one from the week from today. Need to think about a contingency plan.
>>Megan: Spoke earlier with Chuck and John about who can fix these, if Zhen can't get out of the massive firewall.
>>John: If we completely remove that control takes off the functionality. It could be a contingency.
>>Megan: During testing some inconsistency found. Instructor had to check it once before the student could do multiple resubmissions.
>>John: The bug we are worried about with multiple submit. Student submits, instructors saved, student than can keep resubmitting. There is no indication that the instructor does not see the resubmitting context.
>>Seth: <<Talks really fast: Discussing at what points the resubmitting ability starts and stops>> What are we proposing.
>>John: 1. Resubmit 2. Multiple Revisions Suggesting we eliminate number 2.
>>Seth: Is 1 already existing?
>>John: We want 1 to be globally available not just on a per student page. It might be possible to control this with a simple change with a choice of 1. Set it to zero to dismiss everything.
>>Megan: The documentation was not clear that those submission features were different in the way they function.
>>John: Yeah, wasn't clear at first that the pieces of functionality were different. A late breaking function maxed out the Widget Control.
>>Lance: This is the biggest problem with assignments firhg tnow? Related to any Gradebook Jira?
>>John: I don't believe so.
>>Lance: Last week, the top three items were related to grading activities. Grades are very concerning.
>>Megan Summarizing:

  1. External Assignments and the gradebook hanging around after 2.4 conversion.
  2. Grades not always transfered from assignments to gradebook item. Weird things in logs.
  3. In some strange cases, if you switched the gradebook assoc. for an assignment, not all the grades would be swapped over. May be due, to a gradebook item being released or not.
    Need to try and anticipate the logic of the instructor. Perhaps store the grades in gradebook, no matter and don't pay attention to whether it's released or not. Sometimes when the released setting was open, and you fiddled with the options, problems were cuased with the ability to push them over. Sometimes you had to go through all the students in the assignments list again. <<Super fine grain details from Megan and discussion with John>>

>>Megan: Half of what we'll be doing is waiting till friday to hear from Zhen. If not we'll find someone to implement the continengcy plan. May affect tag schedule.
>>Lance: Sounds fine. Down to wire though, and will have to make some hard decisions. There are other items (outside of assignments as well). We don't want another delay, but the decisions making is going to get very serious soon.

Update from Jim: We have 3 or 4 blockers that have been verified. A few issues Hattie couldn't verify so I am checking them. Will get back to you shortly.
9688, 9813, (9155 may be as good as we can do now)

Update from Karen and Samigo: Almost finshed our regression tests. Now we might have a bug from Diego who's using Spanish. Otherwise things look stable.
>>>Megan: 9628: bug from the fix?
>>>Karen: Yes, another similar error in another page. Will fix that as well.
>>>Megan: Does it introduce new problems?
>>>Karen: Currently exists because the Spanish dtd breaks it. Found later, that another page has a similar issue. Not a blocker yet.
>>>Megan: Will need to validate for the next tag.
>>>Karen: Needs to be tested by Diego who has the environment up and running.
>>>9728: part image is missing during export/import
>>>Karen: Fixed, need to test on nightly.
>>>Megan: Those two will be included in the 14 tag.

Update on open blockers

  • Conversion script problem: MySQL, resolved for 14 tag. Announcemetns and auto trigger, also resolved for the 14 tag.
  • Assignments, one open about site info, editng roles for provided data.
    Megan to John: Can someone work on this?
    John: Gonzalo might be able to look at this.
    Megan will see if Marc or someone at Stanford can fix it.
  • Most of the open blockers are documentation issues. Outside of those 2 areas, no real show stoppers.
  • Megan to Jim: Good job on resources last couple weeks.

Resolved blockers for this tag:

Chat: adding indexes for conv script. Index on Oracle.
Options in Chat2 in comparison to Chat1 problem. Options a bit different <<Discussion of fine grain detail>>
Act: Megan will test this. If there is a problem none of this will be merged in.
Inability to add an attachment. Fixed.
9682: Regression with sound on gradebook. Using page function, updating for wrong set of students.
2 for Samigo from Karen
Resolution for forum to forum navigation from Msgcntr

  • Pending testing 1 for Resources, 1 podcasts, Copyright form page, updated Copyright year.
    In the long term will put the copyright year in a property.
  • Request for Citation fix.
  • Fix from Stephen M about i18n html validation polls. Tested, low risk.
  • One for Rwiki from the Hattie.

12 blockers going in this week.

...And thats whats on the DOCKET!!

Jim: <<Fine grain discussion about some citation issues>>
Megan: Make a new ticket, if we can do this afternoon.

Gaurav: 9415: Just checked in. If we can test it is would be good to include.
Megan: Act! Email me when it's been tested. Need to check with Andrew. Want to start testing ASAP. May or may not make it in.

Seth: We ran some special debug options with Gradebook. If you more output in the QA logs for a particular service, let me know and I will turn those on.

Megan: Do we have the jira for the worksite setup from last week.
John: Hoping Gonzalo can look into it.
Megan: If Gonzalo can't fix it, can we release with it?
John: Not worth holding the release for.
Megan: This was were anyone could look up the courses someone else was teaching. There was a big brua ha ha.
Seth: Absolutely crucial to turn this off.
Megan/Lance/Jinx: We don't have the implementation for this yet.
Seth: This is a significant policy issue that will make it unusable for some institutions.
<<Everyone is thinking about where we can get resources to fix this>>
Megan: Elevating to a blocker for now.
Thomas Amsler: We might be able to look into this and contribute a patch. We will look into it today.

Thomas is awesome.

Megan: Focus on Gradebook, Resources, attachments, etc.


By the 14th all the documentation should be ready for a final review.
Current revision is up on the confluence documenation page.

When are we cutting the next tag?

Megan: Not sure yet, but will let you know as soon as possible.

Post Meeting Camaraderie

We disconnected faster than an xpp3 pull parser.