2.6 Release Planning-6 (20081120)

Time / Date Nov. 20, 2008

Attendees: Pete Peterson, David Haines, Anthony Whyte, Earl

Kernel1 update - Anthony
  • Anthony now has commit access
  • Committed changes (Re: ability to override the sakai.properties file and the config project that now exist in trunk)
  • Just created a 2.6.x branch and all that needs to be done is update the 2.6.x.externals file, so it references config, so it will pull that into the build in alpha03.
  • need to cut a kernel release
    • needs to talk to Ian as to the timing, but perhaps this week or early next week
QA Q&A - All
  • 2.6.alpha-02 email from Pete
  • Wiki testing with Selenium -
  • 2.5.4 Release
  • Reviewed - These are the areas that will be rev'd in 2.5.4 (please comment)
    Content (Resources & Drop box?)
    Site -Manage (site Info, WS Setup)