2.4 Release Planning-10 (20070515)


1. Review of Action items from last weeks meeting
2. Status updates from those in attendance
3. Assignments Update
4. To Do in prep for release
-Contrib jobs
-Jiras for Assignments
5. Other Topics
7. Documentation: http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/bqU

Focus until 21st - Assignments, Resources, OSP, Conversion, & resolved Blockers

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Meeting Notes

Action Items from Today's Meeting

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Pre Meeting Tomfoolery

Megan, Casey, Hannah, and me are around. Jon, Seth, and Sean join in a bit.

Megan: Where are folks?
Casey: I think Lydia is at Umich doing load testing.


Action Items

None from last week.

Hannah: Testing well on Assignments and Gradebook. On QA1-US and then went to Nightly and the gradebook and everything is completley different.
Megan: Nightly is running a version of 2.5 gradebook and all the 2.4 assignmetns stuff.
<<discussion about a bug difference between QA and Nightly>>

Megan: Did some clearup in Jira.
Hannah: Peter is in Phoenix doing geology stuff.

Megan: Assignments. We've rolled back to 2.3x for the release.
Hannah: We really need the 2.4 stuff to work for grade management. What's the plan for putting out a patch for this.
Megan: Still up for debate about how we are going to handle this. Should do a Foundation release with this rolled back in. There will be refinements to Resources as well. We are working on what that would be called and how it would be handled. TBD.
The roll back decision was made because what we had was something that the user should not be exposed to. There is a great bit of detailed analysis that has to be done still.

Things to Prep for Release:

Andrew was working on contrib jobs to be ready. ACT Megan will contact Andrew?
There are a lot of JIRA's for Assignments that don't apply to the release anymore - ACT Peter (Megan will see if someone can do it if Peter can't)

Megan: looks like we are on track for release.
Hannah: What is the status of OSP, scripts still need to be rolled.
Megan: Mostly Marist testing quite a bit. Need to work on automation to make it easier for OSP testing. Sean has written some selenium scripts.
Sean: Those were discussed yesterday, but was mostly focused on forward releases and 2.5
Good discussion, but decided it would not be thorough for this release.
Megan: Did some little OSP testing, just made sure a site and the tools would come up.
Sean: We also talked about making some of the tool simpler and easier for Neophytes to jump in and get started. The learning curve for OSP is steep at the moment, so it's hard to walk in and just start testing.
Megan: Anything else about OSP testing? Any other topics?

Jon: Those topics apply to Sakai in general, if Tool Owners in general created a few selenium scripts to go through their basic series of steps. A minimum set of regression tests.
Megan: We need some help from the development side of things for testing. Hoping to talk about this in Amsterdam at the project planning meeting. It would be good to have that meeting set up via video.
<<fine grain discussion about project planning meeting in Amsterdam>>
Megan: Any topics for disc about 21st release?


Properties Settings, need to check with Andrew bu tis update
8439 Certificate for Audio/Video question in Samigo. Thinks it's done, but might not make it this release. Very intense setup.
A few for contrib jobs that was pledged earlier. If these aren't done for the release will look for a place in Contrib to put them.

Jon: Status of the migration conv scripts?
Megan: As far as I know working properly. Fresh AutoDDL and 2 DB tests worked.
Seth: Hi Megan. (smile) Your favorite Jira time. Seth's PITA Jira: SAK-9222 Sent mail out to dev list. Just putting out the information. I"m not the author but want to make sure that everyone is really really aware of this, especially if your running MsgCntr in production.
Megan: Says that you choose to run either the 1 tool version or the 2 tool version.
Hannah: Future development?
Megan: Surprised if we'd be working on the combined version anymore.
Megan: Most people have wanted them split out for a long time.

Jon: There seems to be a problem with the SQL in SAK9931
Megan: Will have Andrew look at it.

Post Meeting Tomfoolery

None today, everyone went back to work as fast as possible.