2.5 Release Planning-7 (20071024)


  • Updates from Development and QA - Roundtable
    • E-mail Notification testing
    • Attachment Security
      • Folks at CS in Australia testing this - looks good.
    • Conversion script testing
    • QA1-UK is back in the mix!
    • J.Hall @ UDel has indicated they have an instance to do local testing with, but have not reached that point yet
    • Changing C3P0 settings -
  • Change in approach to testing
  • Dissection of Release http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/QA/Pre-Release2.5BranchMgmt
    • Review of open Blockers:
    • One by one review of fixes not in branch
  • Release date - Are we ready?
  • Next tag
    • Property changes


Facilitator: Megan May
Scribe: needed
Other Attendees: Peter Knoop , Michael Korcuska, James Logan, F. Bates, Karen Tsao, John Leasia, Dave Haines, Jeff Ziegler, Kate Ellis, Mike (UCD), Ian Boston, Zhen Quin, Jim Eng


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