2.5 Release Planning-3 (20070926)

Meeting In A Nutshell

  • We need to advertise code freeze a bit more.
  • We are going to branch this week.

Roughly Paraphrased Ongoings

Got into the call 8 minutes late and learned a very important Skype lesson: The dial pad for entering room codes does not work if you have your Mic muted.

Megan: Some things are going to be merged in.
Megan: I am not about to pick on you guys, however, there are a number of people who did not hit the code freeze. Several people mentioned that the extended schedule meant that they should add lots of new things.
I am going to be contacting you to ask why you went past freeze.
OminousOngoings: Laughing in background
OminousOngoings: The laugher did not identify themselves
Megan: What do you think about the code freeze slippage?
Eng: I kept coding because no one sent out an email indicating the exact time of code freeze or when the tag was being cut. Just kept going on a few things left to do, because of lack an of announcements. These weren't the things we would pull back anyways.
Megan: Next time there will be email.
Me: Concur on emails for code freeze being great.
Jim: When will the next tag be cut.
Megan: Working on getting the schedule more locked down. Planning on having tags every Wednesday afternoon. Eastern time afternoon.
Peter: Can set a time.
Megan: We are supposed to branch this week. How do developers feel about this.
Jim: The standards for what go into the branch change from this week. Just bug fixes from this point.
Megan: Just so there is more control about what goes into the release. Otherwise there is a tendency for folks to sneak things into the trunk. We really need to just be putting in bug fixes. Truly, it must only fix the software.
Also, trunk is free for craZ development. I think it should be fine to branch now. Could you post something to the dev list asking if anyone has any problems with it.
Eng: Asking?
Megan: Yes, I was asking Peter... have we lost Peter?
Peter: I was here on mute. What was the question?
Megan: Can you post to the dev list asking if there are problems with branching this week? We'd like to press ahead with branching.
Peter: Ok.
Megan: Thanks
Megan: Other topics folks would like to talk about? There was a lot of discussion about the blog on the dev list today.
David: And there will be more when I finish my email.
Megan: Any updates? Questions?
Leasia: Assignments page. Not much to say. Putting in the stuff that was intended for 2.4 plus various bug fixes.
Megan: Any other topics? Otherwise I think everyone can go. I'm going to stick around in case anyone calls in with questions. Will have next agenda posted by midday monday.
???: Thanks Megan.

Action Items

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