2.4 Release Planning-9 (20070510)


1. Review of Action items from last weeks meeting
2. Status updates from those in attendance
3. Updates on all open Blockers
4. Updates on resolved Blockers (dynamic list below)

  • Assignments changes

5. Other Updates
6. Call for inclusions not listed below
7. Focus for next week - Assignments, Resources, Conversion
8. Documentation Update - 14th for having everything ready for review.
9. When to expect next tag
10 Countdown Meetings begin next week

Follow up on Action Items from Last Meeting

  • Assignments - Glenn working on
  • SAK-9767

Release Status Dashboard View

FIXES included in the tag

type priority key summary updated reporter assignee status resolution cache=off

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Meeting Notes

Action Items from Today's Meeting

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Pre Meeting Tomfoolery

Seth, John, Jim, Linda from Umich
Indiana folks are here

Linda and Megan are talking about hanging out with Alan and folks at Amsterdam to talk about testing stuff.

Jim: Has anyone scouted out a place for an aeronautics bof?


Megan: Action items from last, most were for Megan. Got a list of fixes for Andrew to merge into the last tag. 9767 open blocker for release. No one to work on this problem right now. Stanford and Berkeley don't have the expertise to fix, was assigned to Zhen, still out of country.
We are at a loss of what to do. Stanford has been looking through the code, and has uncovered more problems.
John: They have backed out some of the changes.
Megan: Backed out some of Daisy's and some other changes, but didn't fix it.
Karen: Concurs with Megan.
Megan: In relation to this problem, going to try putting a call out to the community who is familiar with SiteAction that can work on this problem. Otherwise this will not be fixed for release.
John: This is the case you can make the change via the admin realm editor? At least there would be a work around.
Marc: The problem is that in Site Info you could change it, but you change it in the provider.
Megan: Anybody provided who is not flagged as non-editable can change their role. Unless you use Add Participants, updating roles in sites doesn't work.
Marc: There is a role that is provider only. You can't assign them that role unless they are provided. The bug is that whether you are provided without this flag, even without the flag, you still can't change the role.
Megan: It doesn't give the user any indication that there is a problem when they update it.
John: On our 2.4 build it seems you can change a provided role in the Admin Realm editor. Work around, but this a huge support issue.
Hannah: Big user problem.
Megan: Regardless of the label (blocker, critical), this is a big big problem. I will put one last call out to the community to see if someone can fix this.
<<discussion>> OSP Josh joined call.
Marc: We tried to back out the velocity changes to site info and whatnot. Went down the commit thread change, there was something that fixed another bug but then broke this. Fixes are breaking other fixes, due to folks not knowing SiteAction so well, and it being such a huge source part. The nature of the class is that it is hard to change anything without breaking something else.
Megan: I'm totally not flaming anyone, it's just the nature of the situation.
Marc: Cool, just wanted to give some context.
Megan: We shouldn't poke through it randomly, but maybe in their free time someone has spent a lot of time with this code.
Marc: Anyone else besides Zhen who is in the know?
John: Only one here who has worked on it other than maybe Glenn. Maybe she will get it, but she can't get online, but perhaps she could throw a pointer to where the problem was.
Megan: Glenn is looking into the assignments problem, which is why he isn't working on this.
John: She will be back on the 21st and we will be able to put out a patch very soon.
Megan: Any comments /questions on this?
Marc: The main pressure then is that the community is expecting a release.
Megan: We are not pushing back the release back because of this. This will be the first release ever with a blocker. We can't hold a release for something that is not being worked on. It sounds insane, but it's a position I need to take.
Karen: We can revert the changes to 9001, and that is why it's being called by 9767.
Seth: We shouldn't be touching Site Info at this point.
Lance: Concurs.
Megan: How much testing can be done with backing out 9001 with regard to not triggering 9767. If we back out the fix for 9001 we won't have the problem for 9767.
Karen: That's a quick overview, we haven't done a detailed test yet. We did a rollback, but it is not fully tested.
Lance: Why is it this is considered a blocker?
Everyone: It's a big problem.
Megan: Regression
Marc: This will generate a fair sized percentage of your support tickets.
Lance: So if rolling back will fix it?
Megan: Not comfortable with putting this in the tag today. If we do this it has to be tested really really really well.
Marc: We could commit to really really well. <<laughter>> The only hard thing is that the test data will need to be manipulated. I can hammer on it functionly.
John: This leaves us with checkboxes with provided users that don't get removed?
Karen: It seems bad for 9001 to get removed. SiteAction is huge and complicated.
Lance: Looking at the history on SiteAction since 9001 was checked in. significant amount of activity. Rolling out 9001 presents as much risk as potential for good. This is a 50/50 chance.
Megan: It's not going in the tag today. If Stanford wants to try this that's fine. I anticipate we will need at least 2 more tags before release.
Karen: The big picture is very hard to anticipate in this scenario.
Megan: It sounds like we should release with this blocker. Others?
Lance: Unless there is a fix between now and the time we can do something with it, then yes, we have to release with this blocker. There will be a fix in the maintenance branch, but those will be dictated by when we have resources.

Time of tag
Megan: Can you tag this afternoon.
Andrew: Yes.

SAK Updates from those in call

Josh Baron from OSP at Marith?: Over the last couple months, organizing grad students to get involved in the QA process. Primarily in OSP and Message Center. Good for them (real world experience) for us good, getting a lot of knowledge about OSP. Now that's its coming down to the last week, will be coordinating more with other institutions so we can get through the OSP tag work for the next few tags, and do bug verification. We'll be working on a plan and putting that out the OSP list to fill in holes where our students aren't working.
We'll be doing a presentation at Amsterdam about having Grad Students involved in the QA process and preparing them for development work.

Megan: Others?? Everyone is shy. Hannah?

Hannah: We haven't made too much progress on setting up the OSP data. Need to work with the developers on it.

Megan Update: Testing assignments. Past 5 days, group at IU and UMICH analyzing problems with Assignments and gradebook integration. Questions/Concerns?
Hannah: Response to Stephen about text in UI. <<fine grain discussion about tooltips and stuff>>
Megan: Assignments to gradebook is not working at all right now, Glenn is fixing. Moving forward with other things to test.

John Update: That letter (about assignments/gradebooks) sums it up.

Status Time

1 Blocker 9767
Otherwise most of them are Assign/Gradebook or are Documentation. Other than Assignments nothing major is holding up the release.
A few critical Resources bugs.
Lance: The citation cluster safe thing that got reopened?
Jim: Need to do some more work on it.
Lance: Will not make this tag?
Jim: It's really hard to test, need to clear a few things before working on it.
Lance: Shooting for next tag?
Megan: Yes. So Blockers in Assign and Resources
Gaurav: 9846 fix for this tag. Even though the cluster safe not done.
Lance: Won't see citations helper for this tag? Confirm?
Gaurav: Correct
Lance: Great.
Megan: Further questions on open blockers?

Fixes for 15 tag:
Conversion scripts in.
Citations included, Search fix
Assignments, file picker, ??? resolution, lots of documentation stuff

Megan: If we are releasing on 21st cannot include any of the new items mailed to the list today.
<<A silent solidarity from call participants signals their agreement with Megan.>>

Focus for next week

Assignments. Focus on it like a Ninja.
Megan: Conversion scripts will hopefully be good.
Lance: Conversion scripts for Assignments different for this tag?
Megan: no

Documentation Update

About the same, on confluence in Doc project. Clay will have it ready for 14th.

Will start having daily countdown meetings on the 14th (Monday). 11AM Eastern each day for these intense release discussions.

Tag this afternoon.

John: A QA server needs to include the property for not seeing courses taught by an instructor.
Megan: Should default to false.
Seth: We can turn on scary properties if need be.

Post Meeting Tomfoolery

Megan: Anything else? Stories?
Lance: A lot of Sakai people will be on Northwest Flight on June 7th. Nothing better happen to that flight (smile)
Seth: We should pull a Chuck Severance, fix everything in a day!
Jim: I used to work at a small newspaper in Indiana when Sanwar al Adat?? (important person) was assassinated. <<Joke from editor of newspaper about saving money if the reporters and important delegates were booked on the same flight or something >>

Various Hilarity ensues.
Megan and others decide to go to lunch.

End of Call