2.5 Release Planning-14 (20080104)


  • Renu and Clay from Georgia Tech
  • John Hall from U of Del
  • Linda Place (UMich)
  • Stephen Marquard (Capetown)
  • John Norman (CARET)
  • Michael Korcuska
  • Anthony Whyte
  • Megan May
  • Peter Knoop
  • Steve Githens

Meeting Agenda

  • Status of Release
    • JIRA Bug verification goal:  On Dec 19th we had 491 resolved JIRA bugs that are awaiting verification  ~52%  (538/1059). Yesterday (1/3) , we have 440 resolved JIRA bugs that are awaiting verification ~68% (737/1079) 
    • 2.5 Dashboard Review
      • 5 Blockers (2 Search, 1 Resources, 1 WYSIWYG)
      • 14 Critical 
    • Update from UCT (report usually by Megan)
      • SAK-12603 POH with IE7
      • Search Blockers - working with Ian to resolve
  • JSR-170 in 2.5
  • Documentation Update
  • Updates from Developers and Testers (all)

Overview (Standing item)

Timeline Review
  • Nov 7 tag
  • Nov 22 2.5.0.beta cut
  • Nov 26 2.5.0.beta deployed to QA network
  • Dec 13 2.5.0.RC1 (Release Candidate 1)
  • Jan 21 2.5.0.RC2 (Release Candidate 2)
  • Feb 12 2.5.0 Release
  • Elimination of all outstanding Blocker and Critical bugs for 2.5
  • Acceptable Performance testing on mysql and oracle databases for Assignments, Resources, Forums, GB & T&Q. What is acceptable? At this point in time, no degradation from performance experienced in 2.4
  • High degree of verification (85%) of resolved JIRA bugs
  • Confirmed functional testing on all tools.
  • Positive feedback from sites running a tagged version of off branch.

Where we stand

Issues Reported against just 2.5























2.5.0.beta Blockers - one documentation, two recently opened

2.5.0 Beta Critical -  There are 3 that we do not have anyone working on (SAK-10487, SAK-11798, SAK-12056).  One of those is related to performance in Forums as well as another that was unassigned. 6 reported in the  last 2 weeks.

All Outstanding tickets (just bugs, no tasks)



















Changes in 2.5.0.Beta
34 tickets - as with the .13 tag, most with Assignments


Q: How do we move from Beta? RC?
A: To make the progression from beta to release candidate, the aim is the resolution of outstanding blocker and critical bugs reported.

Q: Are we going to make the move from Beta to RC?
There are a number of critical issues reported against a 2.5 build we're not likely to get movement on due to resources being unavailable. What do we do with these problems?

Meeting Notes

Pretty concise and mostly 3rd person notes today. -Steve G

Release Status:

Waiting for a fix to get merged in for the drop box. It's the only thing keeping us from rolling the release candidate.

Will then hopefully deploy that tag to collab.sakaiproject.org and UM will performance test it. They can start as soon as they get working code.

How are things going Stephen M?
Not too bad. We don't have a very high load, so there are most likely a number of things that haven't been stressed yet. Still waiting on some of the Search stuff from Ian. Students come back at the end of February, but the medical school starts in the next week or so, which is a good amount of folks. We see up to 1500 sessions at the busiest times. In the following weeks we'll see maybe 500. We have 4 boxes.

JSR-170 in 2.5

Proposal is to put the JSR-170 code in 2.5, but turned off. Ian says it should have minimal impact, but available for those to turn on if they want to play with it. That would be in the next tag, coming up next week. There are long term quality gains to be had by including this turned off in the release. Clay and GTech will be able to do some extra work to make sure it causes no problems.

We need some way of testing that this won't have any affect(effect?) on the system when disabled. Steve G will write a unit test for it and some notes.

Documentation Update
Anthony has a good deal of the release documentation done. Can finish it off by next week.

Updates from Developers and Testers:

Linda: Performance testing on assignments proved a tremendous increase in performance. Changes moved response down from 1-9 seconds to about half a second.

Last call for call topics.
Will send out an update later today on status and items we're waiting