2.4 Release Planning-5 (20070411)


  1. SAK-9343: Globally use 'edit' rather than 'revise' for consistency
  2. 'Privacy Status' in Preferences: SAK-9423 This will be set off by default in source.
  3. Tickets of particular concern
  4. /wiki/spaces/QA/pages/6806601731 (Ticket by ticket discussion)
    • Others not on list SAK-7083
    • Commitments to test these
      • Megan May : Message Center/ Forums/ Messages, Podcasts, Roster, Syllabus
      • Gaurav Bhatnagar & Steve Small: OSID (SAK-7408)
      • John Leasia (time permitting): assignments, site info, worksite setup
      • Harriet: Wiki, Search and Resources (not Forms or Citations)
      • Unaccounted for: Samigo, Poll, Portal, Schedule, GB, OSP, POH, News
    • Concern over volume
  1. Jira tickets of concern/ Updates from dev and QA

Notes from Meeting

Steve: I lost track of the SAK on some of the lists when we were running through them quickly.


Much camaraderie was had on the lines before the start of official business.

Intro and Major issues of discussion

SAK-9343 Globally Edit rather than revise
Megan: Discussed months ago, with a variety of fixes. Should have be done before code freeze.
Megan: Too late in the game to be doing this type of change with blockers and other things
No opposition to Megan. Stephen really wants to do it, but it seems risky this late in the release. Trivial change for developers but lots of testing.

SAK-9423 Privacy Status
Megan: Set to false by default so the privacy widget is not visible in source code.
On or off for demo version?

Next week we should start reviewing the documentation, including the demo properties. Pointer in release notes to the properties and how to change them.

Blocker Time

Everyone is having a hard time getting to Jira and Confluence
Phew, Peter has the page cached, and Andrew has PDF version he has emailed to the list.

SAK-9427- Megan has been testing it. We will need to adress it. Left an entry dangling in the gradebook after deleting an assignment.
John is discussing the xml and code details involved.
SAK-9399- Custom grade configuration docs. Assigned to Clay.
SAK-9380- Error invoking Post-Em Michelle is working on it.
SAK-9358- Moving resources lost. Jim is working on it
SAK-9326- Cannot use certain forms with RTF. No resolution for a week. Gonzalo out of town. Not really sure if this is Gonzalo's issue between Jira is down. UPDATE: John Ellis will look at monday morning.
SAK-9222- Raminfications of choosing message forms types. Andrew is on it.
SAK-9123- Not sure of status. Will only manifest if Tool Auto Reset on. All QA servers have this turned off.
SAK-9106- We have a small syntax on. Will be checked before cutting tag tonight.
SAK-9029- Resolved. Can test on next tag
SAK-9011- Megan says Admin have bumped them up. But they may have bigger problems. If it's solved we might want to turn into a documentation issue for Clay. We need to change the settings for this in the demo as wel
SAK-8710- Megan is in the process of doc'ing this. The compressed version should probably be used. Or maybe not. It might make lives harder for developers. This is a small issue compared to bigger things. Especially since the JSP pages aways putting out so much stuff anys.
SAK-8704- Lance has mostly finished the ticket. Need to check the one version of Assignments. Need to start implementing that change some time soon in the release. Peter will check if we can get rid of that other version Assignments.

Megan will create a stealth list for the branch.

SAK-8678- Being tested. There will be a property to control this update script or something.
SAK-8619- Partly fixed. Being looked at again.
SAK-7408- About 6 projects need to do this still. Folks are working on it. Is this required for the release? Yes, because it will break the JVM independence. Lots of discussion about who's running what and what folks are going to want to run. Peter is going to ping the remaining module owners to remove the dep.
SAK-5879- Andrew is working on this, will give an update next week.

Call for tickets not on Blocker list that should be on it.

There are a number of worksite setup changes. A few issues with the "Find a section" parts. Working with Duffy on some of these issues. There are isssues that are both open and resolved.

2 more tags. After today, only things that are absolutely necessary should go in. Last week we put in like 86 fixes and only half of them have been verified. It's time to buckle down.

40 minutes of the call left. Looking at the merged fixes next:

Merges for this tag

SAK-9117 - working fine. no problems integrating
SAK-9257 - Trivial, doesn't have to be merged in. What do people think? Should everything just go in enmasse?
2 weeks left. Putting in hundreds of changes is suicidal. We should be very scrutinizing if we are going to make the release.
Discussion about individuals testing their own SAK's that get merged.
These things could be tested on Nightly to give them more street cred. However, there might be things in nightly that are not in the release, they always need to be verified on the 2.4 tag.

Steve: I'm loosing track of what issue we're looking at.

Interesting issue with some changes from Sean that are included, but aren't invoked by a default Sakai install at all. They can be used by Goal Management only (then tangentially by OSP).

SAK-9327 - Andrew's got it
SAK-8947 - Going in. It's provisional, so a little more slack is cut.
SAK-9361- Megan will simulate the difficult users
SAK-9295 - Michigan is commiting to verify this one, hopefully.

Samigo folks on line. Need someone at Stanford to verify the Samigo fixes that are going in.

Talking about various things from the merge list that are going in, whose going to test them.
Hattie is going to test all the Wiki ones and maybe some resources.
One of the search ones isn't going in because it's impossible to test on the QA server

SAK-9393 Added a getter/setter. Provisional. Probably get added.
SAK-9140 Took out the asteriks around names. People who are named like "Student10" are obvisouly demo users and we are supposed to be exhibiting Sakai behavior, which could be confused.

SAK-9288 - Added spinning icon so you know the roster tool is slow, and not just broken.
46 thru 48 POH-2 Page Order things going in
SAK-8488 - going in
50-53 on weekly list from Daisy. Included now. Someone will test them from Stanford.

In the future if someone is unsure about how critical it is, just mark it as Blocker so it shows up and we can review it.

Resources/Citations fixes. Critical, folks at UM and IU are testing these.

Most things are going in and various folks have committed to testing them.

General End Notes

Concerned about the volume of bugs/merges this release.
Concern about assignments. Release readyness: A couple weeks still.