2.2 Release Planning 5-23-06

May 23, 2006 2.2 Release planning meeting


  • Lance Speelmon
  • Peter Knoop
  • John Leasia
  • Chris Coppola
  • Chris Maurer
  • Clay Fenlason
  • Seth Theriault
  • Megan May

Please feel free to edit these notes

Discussion Points

  • OSP-start up problems - John Ellis resolved this last night. Stephan has confirmed they are able to build.
  • Differences in group awareness between tools.
    • GB will not be able to resolve this easily. It seems that the best course of action is to alter assignments.
    • there are other permission issues with assignments and schedule that should have been checked in
    • Please see SAK-5016 and SAK-5030 for more details.
    • Proposal for assignments/GB issues is:
      Because the GBook does not calculate grades properly for group particular Assignments, we need to add some configurations to sakai.properties that will allow institutions to decide how to deploy group awareness in Assignments and the interaction with GBook. An institution may want to prevent just group particular assignments from going to gradebook, or prevent group assignments in general (but let assignments to everyone go to gradebook).
  1. use to allow group awareness option in assignments. By default this is true and # the Display to Site/Display to selected groups' radio buttons appear. If false, # the two radio buttons do not appear (and all assignments are therefore to # everyone) allow.group.assignments=true
  1. use to hide or show the Assignments 'Add to Gradebook' option for group # particular assignments. IF an assignment is directed to a # particular group or group(s), the default is that the assignment can't then # also be added to Gradebook. If 'Display to site' is selected rather than 'Display # to selected groups', then the 'Add to Gradebook' option does appear allow.group.assignments.in.gbook=false

So, for example, To allow group assignments into gbook

To allow non-group assignments only in gbook (default)
allow.group.assignments=true allow.group.assignments.in.gbook=false

To disable group assignments entirely
Comment from Glenn:I'm working on group awareness, and will be working with Zhen / Joanne / Jim to get this done right.

  • SAK-4598: OSP / Problems when saving forms using the helper. OSP is dead in the water without this functionality
    • Sooner there is a resolution to this the better as adaquete testing needs to occur.
    • OSP dev team believes this is a problem that Jim needs to address. Lance will call Jim after this meeting to see if we can get movement on this issue
    • Provisional tools will come 2nd to those that are not
  • Samigo - currently it isn't functional. Megan had spoken w/Daisy the previous day and believes they are working on a fix.
    • Lance will follow up with Lydia
  • Resources - concerned that group awareness isn't developed yet, there are a lot of bugs. This is a tool
    • John reports that he believes Jim has a plan for implementing group awareness in resources.
  • Roster - doesn't work; produces an error upon access
    • IU needs to look into this
    • this tool is still provisional
  • QA Timeline - any chance that the date could slip?
    • There is a big difference between June 15th release and July 1st release. Would like to see something really stable. Local implementation typically needs to occur by Aug 1.
    • Again, people are concerned about the number of cycles that we'll get in as the current cycle is a touch less than 5 weeks and there are a number of large problems
    • Lance believes that a summer release should be done by the beginning of the summer (ie month ago). Code in May, rather in june. Everyone seemed in agreement about this
    • Seth speculates that we shouldn't have a maintenance release during summer as too many people will be focused on local issues. Last summer the maintenance release got minimal QA,. Perhaps a maint release over the summer may not be a formal activity?
    • It's too early to make a decision to slip the timeline. We should organize a BOF session in vancouver to review this. Should it be open to all? It was decided to make it open to all for attendence but that we'll need ensure that the conversation stays on track. We need key players there - Glenn, Chuck, Lance, Jim, Samigo reps, OSP reps, GB reps. Will see about coordinating this with the group awareness BOF as many of the attendees are similar (however, we do not want to combine these as they are two very different discussions)
  • EID
    • Lance was suprised to see this would be optional. For consistancy's sake, it shouldn't be optional as fragmenting the low level data model will give implementations differences that aren't nessecary.
    • No one saw a reason that an institution wouldn't want to do this given there is a converation script
    • Given the concensus of the stakeholders represented here, Lance will carry this forward to Chuck and Glenn.
      Comment from Glenn: No, it is not intended to be optional. It was just being phased in over the testing period. It's in now.
  • Converstion scripts
    • What's the status on these? 2.1.2 --> 2.2 as well as the EID one
      Comment from Glenn: I seem to be doing this. I have notes. Hope to get them into some sort of runable shape this week, but that's not looking good.
  • Next Tag
    • Given the conference and holiday next week, when should the next tag be cut?
    • It was suggested that is be done Friday or Thursday night.
    • What about fixes occuring over the weekend- perhaps we should wait. Some institutions might have trouble getting a build up early next week. We should go with what's there and if we need to cut a new tag early next week, we do it.
    • Needs to be done before 11 am so S. Africa & UK will be able to bring the build up.
    • the time will be determined by the responses Lance receives from Glenn, Jim, and Lydia
  • Misc
    • Will people have assurance that they can use 2.2 or will they need to force them to go to the maint? Only time will tell
    • What is the high level strategy for moving Samigo into provisional status? (ie publicity) Not sure on this one - Seth and Lance with both check with Chuck on this.

Action item

  • Megan: Contact Stephan to update qa1-UZ instance to trunk.
  • Lance: Contact Jim Eng re: group awareness and SAK-4598
  • Lance: Contact Lydia Li re: Samigo
  • Lance: Contact Glen re: converstion scripts, EID issue,
  • Peter: Will set up BOF to discuss release next week
  • John: Will created JIRA for proposed solution to assignments/group awareness