2.5 Release Planning-1 (20070829)


  • John Leasia
  • David Haines
  • Stephen Marquard
  • Megan May
  • David Horwitz
  • Seth Theriault


  1. Finish up talk of promotion of Password Reset from contrib to provisional
    • Stephen reports that the checklist has been filled out.  There is one outstanding item and that is participating in event logging. This should be done before the code freeze. 
    • Discusses where the project should be placed.  Stephen initially suggested placing the project under user since it depends on that project and there is precedent with other projects (cal Sum).   However, Peter noted that there was criticism of this and David Haines mentioned that people should be able to pick and choose projects to implement.  For the time being, it will have it's own project and this can be revisited in the future.
    • SVN admins should work with David Horwitz in the migration of this from contrib. Megan will facilitate.
  2. LDAP provider from Unicon
    • LDAP is not enabled by default in trunk and thus, we are never testing. Further, the current implementation in trunk is older. When people ask re:LDAP, they are pointed to the one from Unicon. Doesn't seem to make sense to have this old crufty one; especially when it sounds like Unicon is prepared to maintain it. Peter
    • Peter has been talking with Dan McCullum.  There was a mini vote to include this and Unicon has indicated they are ready to support it.  There will be a more formal vote in the next.
  3. Determine release schedule (http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/QA/2.5+Release)
    • Megan pointed out that there are two different code freezes for varying projects.  This makes it very difficult to plan a schedule let alone when to cut tags when the start date is staggered. 
    • Talked about how many of the proposed dates fall on a Sat/Sun and getting anything other than development activity over the weekend isn't very likely.
    • Going to come up with one schedule and normalize dates so activities center around weekdays
  4. QA for 2.5
    • Getting more and more volunteers.   However, getting test scripts updated is proving to be very challenging. Not many people are available right now.  With the code becoming more and more complex and out test scripts not keeping up, our level of quality in regards to functional testing is going down.  How do we best encourage the community to do this?  It was suggested that we ask project teams for test specifications.  Megan will do this, but isn't sure of the response as getting updates from the project teams RE: work included hasn't received the best response.
    • Seth wanted to know how much involvement we're looking at for the month of September as people are normally very busy with the start of the semester.   Volunteers are looking promising - there have been a number of schools that have indicated they can provide graduate students.
    • Frustration was expressed over the lack of goverance, "free for all" attitude.  We're going to attempt to find out what project reams thinks is an acceptable minimum level of QA for their projects in order to start getting a baseline agreement going within the community.  It was suggested that teams that do not meet this face the consquences.  Suggestions for thie were to drop projects from the release or to roll back to the previous versions. 

Action Items

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