- ORACLE: COMMENT is a reserved wordSAK-50829Resolved issue: SAK-50829Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Plus-LTI: when removing comments in Plus site, they are not removed from the main siteSAK-50668Charles R Severance
- LTI (External Tool) and Plus are not starting upSAK-50423Resolved issue: SAK-50423Matthew Jones
- LTI Group Grading screen should look like the grading screen does for individual submissionsSAK-50360Charles R Severance
- SakaiPlus - Remove "Single Tool Support"SAK-50165Resolved issue: SAK-50165Charles R Severance
- SakaiPlus - plus.provider.enabled -,, and kernel BLTI values differSAK-49954Resolved issue: SAK-49954Charles R Severance
- PLUS_SUBJECT composite key is too bigSAK-49854Resolved issue: SAK-49854Charles R Severance
- Plus: It is no longer possible to edit the site titleSAK-49653Resolved issue: SAK-49653Charles R Severance
- Set "Custom Page Order" on the !plussite templateSAK-49652Resolved issue: SAK-49652Charles R Severance
- Sakai Plus Sites Do Not Have the Role Swap Option Available.SAK-49633Resolved issue: SAK-49633Charles R Severance
- Plus: Gradebook improve logging messages for Plus EventsSAK-49612Resolved issue: SAK-49612Charles R Severance
- Plus: o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions Duplicate entry for key 'GB_GRADEBOOK_T.UK_ru3o66mhmaf4no3xt2tv4n8e5'SAK-49568Resolved issue: SAK-49568Charles R Severance
- Plus site: css for Dashboard needs to be fixed - layout is not correctSAK-49537Resolved issue: SAK-49537Charles R Severance
- LTI: Debug info displaying when instructor launches any lti toolSAK-49531Resolved issue: SAK-49531Charles R Severance
- Plus: membership not updated for removed students on plus siteSAK-49530Resolved issue: SAK-49530Charles R Severance
- Plus-samigo-iframe: focus is at the bottom of the iframe instead of the top after adding questionsSAK-49503Resolved issue: SAK-49503Charles R Severance
- Plus site membership: If a student is set to inactive in the main site, their status does not get updated in the plus siteSAK-49502Resolved issue: SAK-49502Charles R Severance
- Plus-samigo in iframe console errors: Uncaught DOMException: Permission denied to access property "document" on cross-origin objectSAK-49501Resolved issue: SAK-49501Charles R Severance
- Plus: First launch of plus site error - o.s.p.ProviderServlet.doError OIDC KeySet did not contain key id (kid)SAK-49495Resolved issue: SAK-49495Charles R Severance
- Plus Site-Assignments: Graded assignment not released displays 0/100 in main site GBSAK-49492Charles R Severance
- Plus Site-GB: Not released GB item shows up in main site GBSAK-49491Charles R Severance
- Plus: Improve Launch Logic and use Executor Pattern For NRPS RetrievalSAK-49486Resolved issue: SAK-49486Charles R Severance
- Plus: (duplicate, the same JIRA was saved twice) Improve Launch and Use Executor Pattern For NRPS RetrievalSAK-49485Resolved issue: SAK-49485Charles R Severance
- Plus: When using 2 different servers, on first launch the instructor is sent to "Home" on the Plus serverSAK-49476Resolved issue: SAK-49476Charles R Severance
- Plus-Single tool: iframe and new window not resizing as pages change in samigoSAK-49468Resolved issue: SAK-49468Charles R Severance
- Plus-Single tool launch displays the incorrect page the first time aroundSAK-49467Resolved issue: SAK-49467Charles R Severance
- Plus-samigo, 2 servers, student ends up in plus site after quiz submission with no way to get back to the main siteSAK-49455Resolved issue: SAK-49455Charles R Severance
- Plus: Single tool, 2 servers, date picker not available: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read a named property 'sakai' from 'Window': Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.SAK-49454Resolved issue: SAK-49454Charles R Severance
- Plus: Launching Tests & Quizzes as a single tool - tutorial issueSAK-49444Resolved issue: SAK-49444Charles R Severance
- Plus: Single tool launch, portal issuesSAK-49443Resolved issue: SAK-49443Charles R Severance
- SakaiPlus: When adding/editing a tenant, console error: invalid character in class in regular expressionSAK-49234Resolved issue: SAK-49234Charles R Severance
- Missing Conversions in Sakai-23 Oracle Conversion Script for Several JIRAsSAK-49077Resolved issue: SAK-49077Matthew Jones
- Plus site users removed from original site are still displaying Plus siteSAK-48924Resolved issue: SAK-48924Charles R Severance
- LTI Implement the Course Groups ServiceSAK-48745Resolved issue: SAK-48745Charles R Severance
- SakaiPlus: trim the trailing slash from the issuer field if there is oneSAK-48655Resolved issue: SAK-48655Charles R Severance
- SakaiPlus: Screen reader should prompt the user to enter a value on initial tab to field instead of announcing invalid entrySAK-48654Resolved issue: SAK-48654Zhuo Yang
- Add Paging Support to NRPS for Sakai LTI and Sakai PlusSAK-48450Resolved issue: SAK-48450Charles R Severance
- Add feature to remove Plus site users that have been dropped from the upstream rosterSAK-48443Resolved issue: SAK-48443Charles R Severance
- Support Time Zone Shifting for Due DatesSAK-48287Resolved issue: SAK-48287Charles R Severance
- Incoming SakaiPlus role mapping should ignore institution level roles in a contextSAK-48270Resolved issue: SAK-48270Charles R Severance
- Plus Admin: Success banner should have a green background to be consistent with other Sakai toolsSAK-48199Resolved issue: SAK-48199Charles R Severance
- Allow creation of two SakaiPlus Tenants with the same Issuer and no Client IDSAK-48189Resolved issue: SAK-48189Charles R Severance
- SakaiPlus: Cannot add tenant - stacktrace: SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions Field 'TENNANT_GUID' doesn't have a default valueSAK-48177Resolved issue: SAK-48177Charles R Severance
- Rename 'Overview' to 'Dashboard' in !plussiteSAK-48166Resolved issue: SAK-48166Charles R Severance
- Fix Typos in SakaiPlus - Including a Typo in a DB Column NameSAK-48165Resolved issue: SAK-48165Charles R Severance
- Dark mode: toggle button when off has a black circle on a black backgroundSAK-48164Resolved issue: SAK-48164kunaljaykam
- Plus: Add a short description of plus toolSAK-48117Resolved issue: SAK-48117Charles R Severance
- Plus: TA comes across with access perms and is listed as a student in the GBSAK-48101Resolved issue: SAK-48101Charles R Severance
- Make standard way to indicate that a form field is requiredSAK-48088Resolved issue: SAK-48088Charles R Severance
- Add the ability to choose site template and LTI role mapping for each tenant on incoming launchesSAK-48087Resolved issue: SAK-48087Charles R Severance
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