- Set default antisamy behavior to encode instead of removeSAK-39425
- MBeanExporter JMX beans not being initializedSAK-39354Resolved issue: SAK-39354Matthew Jones
- SiteService.getSites() removes fully cached sites.SAK-39349Resolved issue: SAK-39349Matthew Buckett
- Centralize JS/CSS HTML head creationSAK-39290Earle Nietzel
- findUsersByEmail includes duplicate records when user has internal and provided recordSAK-39276Resolved issue: SAK-39276Sam Ottenhoff
- addResource needs to handle file name too longSAK-39167KERNEL TEAM
- cache invalidation not performed when user changes their user idSAK-39029KERNEL TEAM
- User Membership search not working for joinable sitesSAK-38999Resolved issue: SAK-38999Earle Nietzel
- Allow and embeds in AntiSamy policySAK-38984Resolved issue: SAK-38984KERNEL TEAM
- Can't save a Site in AuthzGroupService, even though it is an instance of AuthzGroupSAK-38956KERNEL TEAM
- portal.include.extrahead should be incorporated in HtmlPageFilterSAK-38887Resolved issue: SAK-38887Sam Ottenhoff
- Bypass isDropboxOwnerInCurrentUserGroups if user is maintainerSAK-38883Resolved issue: SAK-38883Earle Nietzel
- Register client ip instead of proxy ip when you use a proxySAK-38847Resolved issue: SAK-38847KERNEL TEAM
- Allow WrappedContentResource to be wrapped instead of being delivered via cloud-content linkSAK-38808Resolved issue: SAK-38808Sam Ottenhoff
- Avoid querying size of CONTENT_COLLECTION for /group/ or /attachment/SAK-38779Resolved issue: SAK-38779Sam Ottenhoff
- ETS is not honoring maxRecipients property sending emails.SAK-38770Resolved issue: SAK-38770KERNEL TEAM
- Concurrent modification exception in BaseSiteSAK-38628Resolved issue: SAK-38628KERNEL TEAM
- Upgrade tika to 1.14SAK-38473Resolved issue: SAK-38473KERNEL TEAM
- SAKAI_CONFIG_ITEM hibernate creation fails with utf8mb4 dbSAK-38462Resolved issue: SAK-38462KERNEL TEAM
- extracting ZIP files has issues with the API designSAK-38449KERNEL TEAM
- List grader in Grade ReportSAK-38437Resolved issue: SAK-38437Earle Nietzel
- Lessons "Add Question": Can't enter zero grade for "non-participating" studentsSAK-38200Resolved issue: SAK-38200Charles Hedrick
- Re-sync LessonBuilderAccessService with kernel codeSAK-38186Resolved issue: SAK-38186Sam Ottenhoff
- File rewrite code makes filename.pdf-1 instead of filename-1.pdfSAK-38183Resolved issue: SAK-38183Charles Hedrick
- Block quote is not closed by by end quoteSAK-38139Resolved issue: SAK-38139Jennifer Sadler
- Lessons Student Content/Pages: Can't enter zero grade for "non-participating" studentsSAK-38136Resolved issue: SAK-38136Charles Hedrick
- Lessons loses text added to pageSAK-38086Resolved issue: SAK-38086Charles Hedrick
- Lessonbuilder saves the placement every time the page changes.SAK-38030Resolved issue: SAK-38030Charles Hedrick
- Lessons / link to forum with open date available to studentsSAK-37963Charles Hedrick
- Print issue on a Lessons pageSAK-37857
- CSS setting for Lessons is not reflected on Lessons Settings pageSAK-37849Resolved issue: SAK-37849Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- deleteOrphanPages unable to delete from serviceSAK-37776Resolved issue: SAK-37776Matthew Jones
- Cannot create subpage under student pages.SAK-37559Resolved issue: SAK-37559Charles Hedrick
- Required URLs do not show Green Check once Completed by StudentSAK-37547Resolved issue: SAK-37547Anirudh Nagulapalli
- add property to allow "back" and "next" buttons at the top of Lessons page to be surpressedSAK-37460Resolved issue: SAK-37460Nick Wilson
- LB-CSS folder should be hidden by defaultSAK-37437Resolved issue: SAK-37437Charles Hedrick
- Excel Icon is not shown for Content LinksSAK-37400Resolved issue: SAK-37400Charles Hedrick
- Improve Honor Pledge Styling w/ long textsSAK-37222Resolved issue: SAK-37222SAMIGO TEAM
- startEditPoolAgain retrieves all questions/answers/metadata twiceSAK-37172Resolved issue: SAK-37172Sam Ottenhoff
- NPE in isExportable from SAM-2705SAK-37097Resolved issue: SAK-37097Matthew Jones
- Fix display of due and submitted dates in Samigo email notificationsSAK-37092Resolved issue: SAK-37092SAMIGO TEAM
- "Display Point Value" option missing in Hot Spot QuestionSAK-37070Resolved issue: SAK-37070Alejandro González Jiménez
- Exception when timer submit's an assessmentSAK-37051Resolved issue: SAK-37051
- NPE in issue: SAK-37027SAMIGO TEAM
- Edit Question pages are different when accessed from Question Pool tabSAK-37023Resolved issue: SAK-37023SAMIGO TEAM
- Regression: Multiple Choice answers missing when revising assessmentSAK-37005Resolved issue: SAK-37005Ramon S
- import fails if assessment contains image linked through directory in my workspaceSAK-37003Resolved issue: SAK-37003SAMIGO TEAM
- Auto submit should use late submit if available, otherwise due dateSAK-36971Resolved issue: SAK-36971Curtis Van Osch
- Reset Selection Wipes ImageMap / HotSpot AnswersSAK-36898Resolved issue: SAK-36898Christina Schwiebert
- Create Question: "Show all Rich Text Editor" label misplacedSAK-36881Resolved issue: SAK-36881Alejandro González Jiménez
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