Lessons Student Content/Pages: Can't enter zero grade for "non-participating" students
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Neal Caidin June 2, 2017 at 12:30 PM
setting 11 status to Verified based on Becky's comments. Sounds like a couple of new Jiras will be opened but that this one is fixed.
Thanks Becky!
Rebekah Roehrs June 2, 2017 at 12:06 PMEdited
Tested on https://qa11-mysql.nightly.sakaiproject.org using Windows 10/ Chrome 58/Firefox 45.9 ESR
(Didn't test on Mobile devices, Windows 7 or on Macs)*
First tested Lessons Student Pages with Groups without Graded items-also tested with comments and with rubrics
Then tested Lessons Student Pages with Groups with Graded items, with graded and ungraded comments and rubrics:
Able to add zeroes to non-participating students' grades, and was able to return afterwards to grade students who had submitted something, but had not been graded yet
For individuals who submitted Lessons student pages (with or without graded comments) and rubrics:
Also rechecked Individuals could have zeroes added to their score for non-participating, and instructors could still return to ungraded students (students who had participated) and add their grades
When originally testing, I don't believe Add Question or Add Comments were available to groups..so tested both and found a problem.
This probably needs to be added to a separate jira-since it doesn't affect adding zeroes for non-participating students, but here's the basic info:
1) Add Question for groups-after you add the gradebook title and points for a group item, you can save the question-but you get an error message that the gradebook item couldn't be added to the gradebook. Edit the question, and you'll see the gradebook title is wiped clear-add the gradebook title again, save again, and it works fine..I really don't see why questions would be added for groups...but that's what I'm seeing on nightly right now.
2) Both Add question for groups, and Add comments for groups state the following, which partly, is not true: Select groups for which this item should be shown, [if none selected, *show to all]. You MUST check beside each group, or the question or comment is only available to individuals, not groups.
I gotta go, so will create or update a jira with the question and comments group issues next week!
Sincerely, Becky
Neal Caidin June 2, 2017 at 8:14 AM
That's great. Thanks!
Rebekah Roehrs June 2, 2017 at 7:50 AM
Neal-I'm testing Groups for student pages today..Becky
Neal Caidin June 2, 2017 at 7:24 AM
Thanks . Did you get a chance to test for groups for student pages?
A number of our instructors assign student projects, using Lessons Student Pages/Student Content.
If instructors Edit Student Content Section, and select "Create Gradebook items for these", as long as all of the students in the site access their Student Page, grading works fine.
But if a student never clicks on their Student Page in Lessons, the instructor can't access the non-participating student pages; therefore, there is no way to enter a zero grade for these students. (You can't edit the Gradebook item in the Gradebook, the grade must be added in Lessons).
This gives the appearance of a much higher grade to the student.
Instead, we have to tell instructors to hide/make unavailable the Lessons Student Page Gradebook item in the Gradebook, add a new Gradebook item, and enter all Student Pages grades, including zero grades, in the new Gradebook item.
This is frustrating to our instructors
Note: Instructors can use the Gradebook feature "Set Ungraded Items to Zero" at the end of the semester, but then students have a false view of their final grade until the end of the semester, which causes issues.
As a consequence, we've recommended that instructors not use the Lessons Student Pages grading features. The same problem exists for grading Student Pages comments, but not many of our instructors grade the Student Pages comments.