import fails if assessment contains image linked through directory in my workspace
is duplicated by
Derek Ramsey August 9, 2017 at 8:21 AM
Tested on 11x nightly server and can no longer reproduce.
Benjamin Rappleyea August 7, 2017 at 9:26 AM
is this still an issue that needs to be reviewed or should this be closed?
Andrea Schmidt May 28, 2013 at 2:38 PM
I'm unable to reproduce this on trunk: /trunk on Oracle - Built: 05/28/13 12:00 - Sakai Revision: 125033 (Kernel 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT)- Server or on QA29.longsight: 2.9.x (rc04) 05/23/2013 -r124909 - Sakai 2.9.2-rc04 (Kernel 1.3.2-rc04)- Server localhost
Created a public folder which contained 1 image, then a folder inside that one which also contained an image. Used both images for a quiz, exported then imported into the same site and into another site. Import worked every time.
Cannot Reproduce
Created April 29, 2013 at 4:01 PM
Updated April 17, 2018 at 8:39 AM
Resolved August 9, 2017 at 8:21 AM
If an instructor has linked in the editor to an image in their personal My Workspace resources, after they export that assessment they receive the error: There was an error importing this assessment. Ensure that the file is correctly formatted IMS QTI. when attempting to import into another site.
To reproduce:
In My Workspace, create Folder 1, then create a subfolder in Folder 1. Place an image in the subfolder.
Set the properties for folder 1 so it an its contents are publicly viewable.
Create an assessment and use the image button in the editor to browse/link to the image placed in My Workspace.
Export the assessment.
Try importing back to the same site.
You should be presented with the error: There was an error importing this assessment. Ensure that the file is correctly formatted IMS QTI.
Stack trace reports: