Lessons / link to forum with open date available to students
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Vivek Vellaiyappan February 2, 2018 at 10:16 AM
Just an update. Can be replicated in server ver 12. Sakai 12.0 Regression/Release testing server - RC01
Charles Hedrick December 22, 2016 at 12:37 PM
I don't currently try to determine whether items are released. The APIs don't make this easy, and it can differ on a per-user basis. I'm not ready to do this at the moment.
A proper error message should be issued if it isn't available yet. In my tests it was.
Charles Hedrick October 6, 2016 at 12:04 PM
When I try this, forums shows
The Forum Topic you attempted to view is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions.
There's a bug in forums having to do with date handling. I submitted a PR but I'm not sure it is in 11. How far in the future was the open date? I'd make sure it's at least a day in the future. I get the right error message from Forums.
I'll look at disabling the link if the item isn't released, but I'll use the same code as the tool, so if forums allows use, I'll show the link.
Forum topics are available to students when the forum has an open date that is in the future.
To replicate:
Create a forum with a date in the future
Create a topic that does not have a date set
Within Lessons, link to the Forum
As student:
Access Lessons and select the forum
The student can open the topic and successfully start a conversation.