Fix display of due and submitted dates in Samigo email notifications


Contributed Patch is Attached -- Sakai 10.2
UVa applied the email notification feature to our Sakai 10.2 version (SAM-1947), working with Brian Jones and Leonardo Canessa. Our QA revealed a few issues with due and submitted date display in the emails.

  1. The email notification sent to both students and instructors contains a line of text, Assessment Due Date, that never has a value entered, REGARDLESS of the assessment's date settings (due date or late accept date entered). We would like to display the value from the due date field here, NOT the value from the late accept date field, regardless of whether a late accept date is entered.

  2. Ensure the Due Date format is displayed with same formatting as the Submitted Date in the emails.

  3. The submission date is not consistent in its date format between the different ways the email is generated (for example, auto submitted vs manually submitted).

We are contributing a patch for the missing due date, also ensuring its display format matches that of the submit date, and submission date display formatting for consistency. This patch applies to 10.2.

  • File: 590_SAK-4919_emailNotifyFixDateDisplays.patch

Additional Note

  • Due Date display is not internationalized. UVa has not addressed this I18N issue in this patch contribution.





Sam Ottenhoff November 3, 2017 at 3:55 PM

Is anyone running this exact set of commits in 11.x? If yes, can you mark it as Verified?

Cynthia Gast August 22, 2016 at 1:42 PM

From: Gast, Cynthia M. (cmw6s) []
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 2:26 PM
To: Leonardo Canessa (JIRA);
Subject: RE: [Sakai Jira] () Fix display of due and submitted dates in Samigo email notifications

Hello Leonardo:

Here at UVa we are running 10.2, so I worked to merge in Brian's 10.3 backport of the feature. Some of the work to address the date formats was also done here by Matthew Hall.

Thank you,

Brian J. August 22, 2016 at 9:29 AM

The SVN branch manager(s) will handle merging back to 10.x once it has been verified and merged into 11.x

Leonardo Canessa August 22, 2016 at 9:16 AM

, I am willing to make a PR to get this in master and eventually 11.x (for 11.2)*. I just need to know who the original developer was.

*I have no desire to mess with subversion, so someone else can worry about that.

Cynthia Gast August 17, 2016 at 10:54 AM

UVa intends to address the missing I18N Due Date formatting, and plans to contribute a patch once that is complete.




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Created August 17, 2016 at 10:50 AM
Updated December 15, 2018 at 11:47 AM
Resolved December 9, 2016 at 1:20 PM